Usbc ports not working, hardware issue
The usbc ports have one by one stopped working, with the last only functioning at half capacity. Damage appears to be physical- what options are available for repair/replacement? If
Well, i’m sorry to be the one to tell you this. But unfortunately there’s not an easy way to fix the ports on this device that doesn’t require micro-soldering skills. Thankfully, there are some reputable micro-solderers that troll the forums every once in a while and you can find some of them here.
Excuse my ignorance, but the soldering is needed to repair them or to swap for a replacement board? It would be enough for me to have them working again on at least one side, but the current issue seems to be finding any place or person that can do the job. I’ll have a look at that link thank you
@Jennifer Leo the soldering if for the repair of the ports. The board itself should be fine, it's just the ports.
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3 件のコメント
Is their any visible damage to the ports, or the actual charger itself?
Jacob Mehnert さんによる
To the charger no, but when I had a tech friend look at it they recognize the physical damage, which could only be from general use
Jennifer Leo さんによる
And no dirt or debris of any kind?
Jacob Mehnert さんによる