
Microsoft Corporationが設計したXbox One Sは、2016年8月に発売されました。Xbox One Sは、Xbox Oneを再設計した製品です。

20回答 すべてを表示

Will my HDMI port and power port brake?

If I unplug my HDMI and power to my x-box directly, will it were down my port on my x-box? (Every week.)

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yes it can wear the hdmi port down i replace hdmi ports all the time in my shop ive never seen a power port get worn so i would say the power port will be ok but id look out for the hdmi constantly plugging and unplug can leed to the port being damaged


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It's almost always the %#*@ HDMI IC. Ports usually outlast the HDMI IC when people hotplug these thinking it's okay.



This isn’t a car. :P

It depends on how you treat the port. Most HDMI ports wear due to abuse, at least in my experience. You need to be more worried about HDMI hot plugging IMO, since unlike a laptop the IC isn’t designed with that in mind and the HDMI IC is susceptible to failure, which usually comes off in the form of resolution problems.

Keep the Xbox safe and you’ll probably be fine if you don’t go wild and do it every weekend. If you HAVE TO, keep the cable attached to the Xbox and DO NOT disconnect it from the console - do it from the TV so you only wear the cable.


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