
JBL Charge 3は2016年に発売されました。独特のデザインのスピーカーカバーとゴムのアクセントで認識できます。 完全防水設計、最大20時間の再生時間、Bluetooth接続対応です。

20回答 すべてを表示

Is it the Charging-Port or the Battery?

German Version below.


a friend of mine gave me a JBL Charge 3 which didnt turn on even with Loading per different USB-Cables. How can I check if its the Batterie which is broke or the Charging-Port? I just had the Idea to replace the Batterie for 40 Bucks - but when it still wont turn on the it would be useless spended Money.

Another Idea - can i use the “big” USB-Port for charging or is it simply possible to charge with die Micro-USB-Port? There are 2 USB at the Panel beneath the AUX.

thanks folks !


wie kriege ich raus, ob das Problem meiner Box an der Ladebuchse oder am Akku liegt? Kann ich ggf. versuchen den Akku mit dem Standard-USB-Port zu laden oder ist es vom Schaltkreis her so gebaut, dass ein Ladevorgang nur über den Micro-USB-Port möglich ist? Kann ich irgendwas kaputtmachen wenn ich den grossen USB ausprobiere?

Würde ungerne 40€ für nen neuen Akku blechen und am Ende war es es nicht…

この質問に回答する 同じ問題があります


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Hi! I had this issue a while back, speaker batteries are rarely the problem, and with Charge 3’s its almost definitely the charging port.

Here’s a link on how to fix the charging port: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g3si3m2K...

Hope it works out!

-Jup :)


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Hi, thanks for the Answer.

I dissambled the Parts like in the Video but everything on the Platine is fixed, so the Chargingport doesnt move a millimeter even when i tried to move it. Furthermore, all the soldering-connections looks good - so I still dont know where the Problem is. Even the Charging-Cable fits good into the Port.

May another Idea would be to check the Port with an Voltage-Tester while plugged in - but I dont know where to set the Voltage-Tester - Anybody can help me out in this Case ?



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