
An all-in-one printer and scanner with duplex print and WiFi connection.

20回答 すべてを表示

Where is the ink blotter

Where are the larger absorbent pads?

I have a Canon Pixma Mg3120 ( picked the closest printer I could ). I am getting an error code E08 on my printer. Pressing Black copy lets me print. I would like to remove the ink blotter. I’m confused where the pad is located.

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I located the hard pads on the ink cartridge resting place. I have pulled them out and cleaned them. I have not put these pads back. I notice what look like drain holes below these pads. I suspect that there are larger blotters in the printer. Where are they? How do I get to them?

Here are some instructions that I found.

Canon printer uses small, spongy pads to absorb ink, while printing the print heads. when these pads are

sopped the printer send a message that"Ink absorber Full". Follow these steps to clean the Ink absober

4. Look balck rubber frame under the ink cartridge

5. pull the rubber frame out of the printer and remove ink absorber pads

How do I clean the ink absorber pads


I did not find any “spongy pads”. Where are they


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Pull the side panel off of the printer where the service station is to gain access the major pad. However, you will need to do a complete disassembly and check all of the pads to prevent it from overflowing. There’s a pad on the platen, and in the base as well.

Unless you’re willing to remove the print mech to get both components out for service (and clean the one that runs across the paper path), scrap it and get another one. These cheap printers are flat out built to be disposable — the MG series is the worst of the bunch for this. Buy something that’s actually economical to run this time around if you get rid of it.

A good rule for deciding if major work like this is worth it is based on the price — did you get it for almost nothing or was the printer free? Those two signs usually indicate the printer is beyond repair and was built to be used and discarded. The ink is also a red flag — the cheaper the printer, the worse the ink cost is. The MG series fails in both areas as they are low cost and use expensive tri-color ink. While the “free” printer is rare, a lot of cheap printers did come from deals like this over the years, but now they usually sell for ~$30-50 brand new.
When I say I see these things at Goodwill and other thrift stores all the time due to the cost of ink, I am not kidding - I used to buy them as SCANNERS because of how cheap they are since nobody wants them. Canon models aren’t as common since they’re pretty forgiving about non-OEM ink (outside of Creative Park which *doesn’t* like disabled monitoring since that’s how Canon knows), but 95% of the time if it’s there, the printer was cheap, and the ink was expensive, and the person who donated it buys new ones when they run out of ink. I have even seen NIB old models before! They got the rebate for the printer and DUMPED IT because they know.


スコア 2

In a Pixma MG3550 the main pads are in a trough just inside the right-side cover, as Nick says.

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The ink is pumped to the pads through the pipe, which has to be pulled off to remove the pads. Then two clips must be unclipped to remove the cover from the pads, which will bring some pads with it and leave some in the trough.


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I know this is the main pad, but I know my MG series I bought as a scanner had one on the paper mech where the ink was run for printing. It may have one in the back as well with how small it is. Mine was half full with ~500-800 pages IIRC. Yep, the capacity in these MG printers is a joke. These are so laughably bad; they don't even have a PAGE-BY-PAGE count on them; it's a freaking range. I hope the previous owner didn't buy into Canon's BS about clone ink with how high it was in comparison to most of them from places like Goodwill.

It's in a waste bin somewhere now. It was probably near giving me the "ink absorber almost full" error since that pad was 50% used, in addition to the bottom and print track pad. Maybe I'm too used to dismissing the 100k mark on business class lasers as a non-event and saying yes to sub quarter million-page LaserJets like the 1200 (I have one with 143k pages on the clock) and not caring about the number, but these low-end units are horrible. The reason I disregard high counts like that as long as the unit is solid is it isn't unheard of for machines like the 1200 to have sub 200k pages; 150k is the soft limit with 160k+ being cautionary. 200k+ is too high (to pay for) since fusers tend to need rebuilding or replacement at 250k. Even 11x17 tabloid printers can take the over 100k beating problem free; it's thoroughly expected for them to have that many once they're a few years old, anything with sub 100k is a unicorn.

Would I recommend a used tabloid laser? Not unless you have the space though.




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