
2016年9月16日に発売。モデル番号は1660, 1778で GSM かCDMA があり。/ 32、128、 256 GB / 色はローズゴールド、ゴールド、シルバー、ブラック、ジェットブラック

20回答 すべてを表示

What is this “hi.” Number

I texted my mother on my iPhone but instead of just sending it to her solo. It sent it to a chat room with her and a number only labeled “hi.”, when I click on the number it doesn’t show a number, just the traditional “Block this caller” and stuff. Any idea what this is? (Also when I hit the call button in info it just say an unexpected error has occurred with a “dismiss” button at the bottom. What is this? Or is it just a glitch?

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Sounds like a glitch to me. I wouldn’t worry about it too much. Are you running iOS 12 on your iPhone? If so it is even more likely that what you saw is a glitch.


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