
The Sentra finally crossed over into the "compact" class when the redesigned model launched in late 1999 as a 2000 model.

7回答 すべてを表示

Car in limp mode

I was driving home and I noticed my brake light and battery light on and then noticed I didnt have any power when I accelerated. I pulled in my house and turn off car. Tried restarting it and it seems as if my battery was dead but then started spinning over and started. Still same problem. Not it starts up with no problem but the battery/ brake lights are on and no power. What could be wrong? Oh and I forgot to mention I checked the oil and it was extremely low so I put some but still have the same problem. Could being low of oil triggered limp mode.

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Oh and I forgot to mention I checked the oil and it was extremely low so I put some but still have the same problem. Could being low of oil triggered limp mode.


Did you ever figure it out? Mine is doing the same thing.



1 件の回答


Hi @kimcullen101

Check the alternator's voltage output level.

With the engine running connect a DMM (Digital Multimeter - DC Voltmeter function) across the battery terminals.

<<<<<<<<<<<Be safety aware - the engine is running>>>>>>>>>>>>

The voltage reading should be between 13.8VDC - 14.2VDC.

Anything less than 13.8V means that the battery is being discharged, not being charged, when the engine is running because the alternator cannot supply the electrical power so the extra power is coming from the battery.

You can also measure the battery voltage without the engine running. A good battery should read between 12VDC - 12.5VDC, even 11.5VDC is passable but definitely not less. It may be reading low due to not being charged by the alternator and will be OK when being properly charged


スコア 3

2 件のコメント:

But that doesn't answer the question.


Hi @orchidblackwind,

The answer may be poorly worded but it relates to the OP stating that the "battery light" was on.

If there is a problem with the output from the alternator (or regulator) and if the car's electric supply load was heavy at the time (not stated), e,g, air con on, fans on etc then if the voltage was too low or not even there intermittently and reliance was on the battery only, voltage unknown, it may affect the other electronics as well e.g. engine management system.

You have to start somewhere and it is a simple first check

You could also use a scantool and check the ODBII port for codes which may show what the problem is




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