
Released 2016, January, identified by model number K430T. The type of display is IPS LCD capacitive touchscreen, 16M colors and a 13-megapixel camera.

20回答 すべてを表示

Install apps directly on my sd card.

Hello guys,

First thing first. Notice that I do not have the LG K10. I have the LG K8 K350n. I could not found it when I had to choose so I pick up the K10.

My phone doesn't have enough space so I wanted to install apps from the Android store to my sd card but I can't because I don't see any options for accomplishing that.

Is anyone can help me ?

Thank you.

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5 件のコメント

Hi @kevin07 ,

If you have a lot of music files or pictures or ringtones etc on your phone you can create space in your internal storage by moving the files to the SD card.


Thank you for your answer jayeff but I don't. Even if i had, it won't be enough so i can install apps on my internal memory but thank anyway.


Anyone else have an answer that could help me ?


Anyone else have an answer that could help me ?


dude after all these years i my self haven't find a way to do so....

unless to buy a brand new phone...





Hi @kevin07 ,

This link may be of interest, if you have Android 6.0 or above installed.

Backup first just in case if you decide to try it.


スコア 2

I have a $70 Blu phone and I've run out of space a lot. Our friends at Google like to push updates on me, and there's a bunch of crapware that I never use but can't delete.

I presume you've gone to the Settings--> Device--> Storage -->set the default storage to the SD card.

You can also try going to settings--> Device-->Apps and go through each app. Some have a button to move to the SD card. Disable ones you don't use, uninstall them if you can, clear the cache (some say "manage space"). The next step is to uninstall updates. Sometimes you will get a lot of space back. They seem to keep all the old updates just in case you want to use them ....?

Anyway, the next thing to do is reset your phone completely. You can probably get back half your internal storage, because that's what it came with. Google will immediately start filling it up again, but at least you're starting fresh. Kind of drastic, because you'll have to fiddle with it to get back to the way you like it.


スコア 1


I don't have any options for changing the default storage to my sd card. All the options you provide here are usefull but the is limit in time. If I can find a way to put on this option it will solve all my problems.



Hi, I experienced that only a few apps can be transported to an SD card. It is only facebook ,messenger and twitch, but there can be more like games. I hope it helped you.


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