Alternator not charging battery
Which fuse is for the alternator?
Hi Ray, put a voltmeter onto the battery while the car is running to make sure that the alternator is putting out enough current.
i have done that and still no change
@raysmazda if you aren't getting a reading on the voltmeter while the car is running then there is a good chance that the alternator is bad.
@raysmazda like @blakeklein elude to, you do want to check that when the car is running, that there is any change in the battery voltage. If not and all the wiring is good,it is most likely that there is an issue with the PCM. The PCM functions as a voltage regulator. To answer your direct question, there is no fuse for the alternator.
It's most likely going to be a dead alternator, does your dashboard like up like a Christmas tree?
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3 件のコメント
Canbie bateria y. Cambie el altrnador y cuando lo camino un largo rato con luces se apaga yle paso corriente y prende lo tengo que mantener aselerado nose apaga pierde luces y poder al caminarlo si lo tengo prendido nada mas nose apaga
Jaime Gomez さんによる
Jaime Gomez, will this video will help you?
Duane Donaldson さんによる
Canbie battery and. Change the altrrador and when I walk a long time with lights it goes out and I pass it by and turn it on I have to keep it safe and it doesn't turn off it loses lights and I can walk when I walk it if I have it on just after it goes out
@Jaime Gomez there is a lot that gets lost in translation. Any chance you can explain the problem a bit better.?
Jaime Gómez hay mucho que se pierde en la traducción. ¿Hay alguna posibilidad de que pueda explicar el problema un poco mejor?
oldturkey03 さんによる