
モデル番号A1707。 2017年6月に発売されたこのMacBook Proは、最大3.8 GHzのTurbo Boost搭載の最大2.8 GHzクアッドコアIntel Core i7プロセッサーまでのKaby Lakeプロセッサーを搭載しています。

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Can I repair a chip in the screen?

So ive just got myself the all-new MacBook Pro after spending more than 5 years with my 13 inch retina, but I've only had it a month yet theres already a chip on the screen. I'm Stupidly careful with my laptops, I've had at least 10 people say "you spend more time cleaning it than using it", my last laptop had one chip after four years of owning it. Anyone know If I can use any scratch remover for the glass or do I have to wait for a glass panel for it to come out? or could I maybe get it covered under warranty?


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Exact same situation. I've had mine for less than a month and there's already a small chip right in the middle of the screen. I'm also extremely careful with my laptop so I have no idea how this could have happened.

Did you bring it to the Apple store?


Yes, I did in the end. They couldn’t see the chip but I had a hinge problem and they replaced the whole screen. However, While replacing my screen they blew the speakers! After the screen was repaired I put a screen protector on it, and it seems to look really good. I got mine in matte which personally brings the pro quality of the mac back,


The service center blew the speakers while replacing the display assembly??? Wonder how that happened... They did fix it on their dime right?





Hi Zac,

The screens have a coating on them so I would suggest against using a scratch remover as it will mess up the coating. I think your best bet would to bring it into the Apple store and see what your options are.


スコア 7


Thanks Blake! if it's the coating that's scratched, can I get some sort of liquid coating that will brush over the top of it? (like the retina coating fix)



Bring it to athe pple store and they will replace it for free. I’m working with a lot of MacBooks and every time I see a chipping one, I'm bringing it to the apple store and they're replacing it for free.


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