
2015年3月に発表され、同年4月に発売されたGalaxy S6はGalaxyラインの中で最高のデバイスです。端にカーブが施されたスクリーンはGalaxy S6 Edgeです。

20回答 すべてを表示

Slowly Charging issue s6

My s6 is charging very very slowly.

It Takes About 6 hours to fully charge.

I have swapped the USB board against a new one, done a wipe a thousand times, tried a dozen chargers and cables but nothing will help.

It charges only at 433mA.

Has anyone an idea what else could the problem?

この質問に回答する 同じ問題があります


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1 件の回答

Of those dozens of chargers and cables, were any of them rated at higher than .5A? Remember that a cheap cable will limit how much current can be drawn even from a good charger. I'd say find a brand name (Samsung for instance) charger rated at 2amps and use that charger with the cable that came with it. Or find a brand name Quick Charge 3.0 charger that comes with its own cable and use that.

Other possibilities could be logic board issues (liquid damage, or even a manufacturing defect that finally showed up), or the battery itself.


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I got a new Samsung Quick Charge Cable and Charger too, but this will also not work.

The Phone has no Liquid damage. This is the second Samsung phone i have bought with the same error. I will never buy a samsung Smartphone again.




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