
The ASUS Eee PC 1008Ha is a small netbook released in 2009 with a 10.1 inch display.

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The problem when saving Corel file.

I am having an annoying and a frequent problem when I save files in Corel Draw 8.

The problem is that many a times I save a file, a cannot reopen either the original as well the backup file. I get a message - error reading .cdr file.

I use winXP as OS.

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This sounds like a Hard Drive problem. Perhaps the file is being written on bad sectors of your disk. Run the ScanDisk utility that comes with Win98 a few times and see if that clears up the problem. This also may have something to do with not having enough space on your Hard Disk. Back some things up and remove them from the disk or buy another Hard Disk if you have less than 200 megs left on it.

You can't "save" *.cdr files as jpeg or tif or gif or any other raster format. Cdr files can be exported to those formats but that renders them uneditable in CorelDraw.

It could be a physical problem with the HD, yes. In addition to running ScanDisk I would also try repair file and save the problem file(s) directly to a removable disk (Zip, Jazz or even a simple floppy if the file is small enough.) To restore a file you can via CorelDraw Recovery Toolbox http://www.oemailrecovery.com/coreldraw_...

Then try to reopen the file FROM the removable.


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3 件のコメント:

Another option to look at would be a corrupted module somewhere in Corel itself. This would mean you'd have to reinstall CorelDraw.

Hmmm..... When trying to reopen the backup file that Draw creates, Do you do it from the Open menu? I might try looking up the file in Windows Explorer and changing the extension from .bak to .cdr and double-clicking it. Perhaps you will be useful this online service. I read a lot of good reviews in Google about it. https://onlinefilerepair.com/en/coreldra...


Also, I think that this information will be useful to you.



Thanks for the advice. Your link was very useful for me! Thank you!



Your computer is probably not set to open .cdr files with the correct program. So double clicking the file will confuse the computer. Try using the open command of the Corel Draw 8 program instead. If that doesn't work then you have an issue especially if the file was created by that program.


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