
iPad Air Wi-Fi +セルラーモデル、モデル番号はA1475でスペースグレイかシルバーのカラーが選べ、容量は16/32/64/128 GBがあります。

20回答 すべてを表示

replaced glass, home button sunkin in?

hi, I just replaced my iPad Air's broken glass with a replacement from ifixit, the replacement was quality and basically if not certainly a factory item. My problem after a rather successful install is that now my home button is sunkin in on the left side? I am confused. I have the old glass, and I keep clicking the home button and its perfect. But then when I click the home button of the replaced glass, it's like I am sticking my finger in a hole before I hit the button...

Maybe someone from ifixit can responde and let me know if this is something that was supposed to happen. And if not inform me of how to remedy the problem.

Thank you.

この質問に回答する 同じ問題があります


スコア 12

iPad Pro 12.9” 1st generation, screen replacement (due to crack) and home button begins to sink into the screen. Engineer kindly re-opened the pad and attempted a stronger fix. Sadly the home button is sinking into the screen again despite the engineer’s dedicated attempt to rectify. All suggestions for a fix welcomed, possibly not super glue tho.





As stated above- transfer the old home button flex cable from your original screen. Remove it carefully with an iSesamo or similar tool. Make sure you transfer the plastic ring that is adhered to the screen between the home gasket and the glass, as this will create sufficient spacing for it to function properly. Remove any old adhesive from the metal surfaces of the home button bracket; I like to attach the assembly to the new screen with Loctite superglue (it's the best I have found, and dries the quickest), and use a strip of thin double sided tape to run the flex cable across the bottom of the digitizer.


スコア 5

There are two interesting things that I have noticed about transferring the home button on the Air. There seems to be an early version that has a thin metal ring acting as a spacer of sorts inside of the home button assembly. Make sure that if you had one it got transferred to the new lens. Also, insufficient adhesive can be a problem. The long metal piece behind where the button actually clicks should stick securely against the lens. If it doesn't you may get that "sinking" feeling.


スコア 1

The iPad home button is only affixed to the screen by double-sided adhesive tape on each side of the home button bracket. It is very probable that just wear and tear has degraded the adhesive tape, and it is beginning to let go on the top edge of the bracket mounting pads.

When i replace a screen, I will remove the adhesive tape on the home button bracket, clean the surface the bracket mounts to with isopropyl alcohol, and then reinstall the button using B7000, as this will be far more secure than double-sided PSA tape.

Unfortunately, there is no way to rectify this without opening the iPad. Opening and properly re-sealing an iPad, is not a job for the faint of heart, so if you don’t know what you’re doing, take it to a reputable repair shop.


スコア 1

I have found that some replacements only carry fake buttons, you may need to remove the button and assembly from your old pad and fit it to the new screen. I'm not 100% on this as it's just my experience in the past.


スコア 0

Merely a comment about my home button. We have never repaired nor replaced a thing on my iPad Air (A1475) and recently I started experiencing the same symptoms. Is it likely a poor quality build or engineering design defect (or do I need to get away from home more often)?


スコア 0


I have the same problem and I hope that solves it. Thanks in advance



Did you purchase the ipad air screen with the home button and cable or without them both?

The ipad air home bracket which is the black piece where the cable rests on , that bracket will either need the adhesive replaced or a more stronger added. Or you can try using superglue to glue it down. This will prevent the home button from sinking in.

Hopefully this solves your problem.



スコア 0

do you have a picture of the home button inside the machine and how it fits in there


スコア 0

Did you find an adhesive suitable for the home button bracket , or is super glue the answer ? , i'm having the same issue on an ipad mini 4


スコア 0


NEVER use Super/Crazy glue!! It is not forgiving, if you do not align the bracket perfectly, and you will damage the screen if you ever do have to replace the button/bracket again. Use something like B7000.



I have an iPad Air, the iPad has never been disassembled in the life of the iPad. My home button was fine yesterday, my iPad had 99% so I left it in my bag, then this morning it was all stiff, I took my iPad out of its protective case to find that whenever I click the button the top sinks in. The only places where the button works is at the bottom. Any ideas what may be causing this? Thanks!


スコア 0


home button and the bracket holding the button in place are not aligned. Moreover use strong adhesive like B7000 or E6000 so the Bracket firmly sits on the screen.



i am having this same problem, and omg im so screwed i cant take it apart cause like my dad would murder me cause he just paid to get it fixed for me so like haha im dead


スコア 0


I've you've just had it replaced, take it back to the shop because they probably fitted it badly. Ipad buttons aren't really strong structurally, unlike the iPhones which are held by a bunch of screws (instead of just glued)



There is a product I use recently called Bondic. Easiest and fastest to work with and sets in 10 seconds “only when you want it to” using a little UV light that comes with it. Removes easily if you need to do a second or third repair later.


スコア 0


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