Perhaps it is a vacuum leak? Vacuum leaks will cause the car to sound like it is going to stall or bog down a bit when idling. Vacuum leaks may also cause the car to idle higher due to the car having to work harder to force air through the motor. Does your car start better in certain weather? I would inspect any plastic pipes going into the motor as those are going to have to do with induction. PCV valves are a common culprit for issues like these. Good luck
続きを読むI believe that the 3gs had a 2 part display. This means that the digitizer and lcd panel are separate pieces and one can be replaced without the other. Digitizers are cheap and can be easily replaced if you have the right screwdrivers, they often come in a set with the digitizer. It is a very easy fix and because you phone is so old, it won't cost you much! The part you are looking for is called a digitizer. Ifixit has a guide on how to replace one!
続きを読むI hate to break it to you but for a TV in that price range, you are probably going to be best off replacing the TV. Unless you can find one with a blown board and swap the parts, the cost to buy a replacement panel and then repair it/have it repaired will cost you as much as a tv :(. Also, I searched and could not find a replacement panel.
続きを読むTry the steps that people tried in this thread. It is an old thread, but it seems to have been solved. https://discussions.apple.com/thread/134...
続きを読むSounds to me like the new battery isn't calibrated to the device. What I mean is that the battery may think it is 100% full, but because the phone hasn't gathered data such as the fully charged and fully drained point it doesn't know where it is. It could read 100% but may actually be fully discharged. Turn it off and charge it overnight. Unplug it and plug it back in every once in a while during the process to make sure that the charger pumps a little bit more juice in each time. See if you can do a factory reset too, only after you try to charge it overnight though.
続きを読むI just had a similiar issue. It could be anything. It could be a failing motherboard, failing power supply, bad ram, anything really. A good place to start is to remove the side case of the computer and then remove and reseat the ram. Do this one at a time. Take both ram out try to boot, put one in, try to boot, put the other one in by itself, try to boot. If you don't get it going, unplug your video card if you have one that isn't built in. Try to boot. If that doesn't work, unplug everything and try to boot. When I say everything I mean the graphics card, hard drives, everything. You should at least get a failure message if it wants to boot. If that doesn't work. Unplug and replug in every cable on the motherboard, making sure that you blow out any dust with air duster or a hand air pump or something like that. If that doesn't work, you can disconnect the power supply and test the voltages using a multimeter. There are tons of guides online how to do it. If that doesn't work, you probably have an issue...
続きを読むI just got done working on my SGS4. While I was in there I noticed that the proximity sensor (the one that detects when your face is close to it) is attached by a flex cable. If you possess the tools, I would take it apart and make sure that the flex cable is firmly attached. Also, I have had screen protectors trick the sensor into thinking that my face is against it. If you have a screen protector that covers the sensor, remove it and try again. This link will show you how to access the secret menu in the SGS3 that allows you to use diagnostic tools. http://www.androidcentral.com/how-uncover-and-use-hidden-service-menu-galaxy-s3 Also, the flex cable I am talking about, at least in my s4 is attached to the motherboard. Good luck!