Ok Guys So Here’s the FIX with BIG SUR I did few modifications with whatever was available on internet to solve this problem Step 6 & 7 are few modifications which I did. Here it goes Reboot in recovery mode (CMD+R) (1) Utilities -> Terminal (2) csrutil disable (3) csrutil authenticated-root disable (4) mount - uw /Volumes/Macos (Enter WHATEVER YOUR MACOS DRIVE NAME IS, my macOS drive name is Macos) (5) cd /Volumes/Macos (Enter WHATEVER YOUR MACOS DRIVE NAME IS, my macOS drive name is Macos)/System/Library/Extensions (6) rm -rf AppleThunderboltNHI.kext (7) rm -rf /System/Library/Caches/* (8) Kmutil install -u --force --volume-root /Volumes/Macos (Enter WHATEVER YOUR MACOS DRIVE NAME IS, my macOS drive name is Macos)/System/Library/Extensions (9) bless -folder /Volumes/Macos(Enter WHATEVER YOUR MACOS DRIVE NAME IS, my macOS drive name is Macos)/System/Library/CoreServices —bootefi --create-snapshot FORGET THE PROBLEM :-D You’ll need to perform these steps every time you update Big sur with their security...