which device? which iOS version? WhatsApp requires iOS 8 and higher iOS. However, the iOS version of old device is limited, and the iPhone 4 cannot be upgraded to iOS version after iOS 7.1.2. And you can check it in AppStore, search and find WhatsApp in AppStore, scroll download and tap compatibility under Information, it shows "Requires iOS 8.0 or later. Compatible with iPhone."
続きを読むIt may be that you need to ask the school to remove if from their list.. https://support.google.com/chrome/a/answ... See this https://superuser.com/questions/811404/r...-enterprise-enrollment-from-chrome-os for other options.
続きを読むOne expert is the shop from Louis Rossmann - they have good reputation for recovery. They even have participated with ifixit in RightforRepair events and also good channel in YouTube. Use google to find the contact details (i.e) you need to ship it to newyork.
続きを読むin iMac all is soldered. You need to get a new motherboard -totally.
続きを読むIf you look at the disassembly here… then you will know it is harmless. Motorola Moto G4 Plus バッテリーの交換
続きを読むtoo long means what? 1 min or 2 min? BTW do you have too many apps installed. Go to Finder->Applications Remove unwanted. YES. Move to trash. A lot of programs these days use background services to Monitor and WASTE computer resources. All this will need to somehow written to RAM or DISK depending on sleep mode. Or do a fresh install. Go to Activity Monitor and see what is using much RAM/CPU. Launch Pad -> Activity Monitor Insatll this and clean (open source program) https://www.bleachbit.org/
続きを読むMay be try to closely look with a ‘lens’ or microscope for any short/damage to the DC in board. Or replace it. Careful: may be you can cause more damage by opening and analysing. At least it works now!!! MacBook Pro 13インチ Retina Display Early 2015 MagSafe DC-Inボードの交換
続きを読むThis is not truly easy thing to solve: First get yourself a better battery. May cause more issues than just sparks. next get a logic board: MacBook Pro 15インチ Retina Display Mid 2014のロジックボードの交換 or the hard way: possible to replace capacitors but you need lots of tools you can look for youtube videos of rossmann + macbook repair if you are in the US try sending to them: http://www.rossmanngroup.com/boards I am not paid by them or so.
続きを読むYou only have two options: (1) MacBook Pro 13" Unibody (Mid 2012) 2.5 GHz Logic Board (2) MacBook Pro 13" Unibody (Mid 2012) 2.9 GHz Logic Board
続きを読むpaste the photo in the website: https://www.reddit.com/r/AskElectronics/ you will get answer.