Have you checked that the connectors are connected correctly? There might be a typo in the manual. Google the pinout and make sure the D+ and D- connections are right. Maybe the internal cable was mislabelled. Try leaving the V+ and GND where they are, and swapping the D+ and D- connections (If it's the kind of cable with separate connectors). Failing that, just try replacing the internal cable that goes from the USB port to the motherboard.. It might even be the cable you're using from the computer to the device. Some are wired as charging cables only and don't even have the data wires. I have a few that I had to label because they can charge but can't actually connect any devices.
続きを読むI had the same issue and it was the flex connector that connects the lens assembly to the rest of the camera. Because the assembly can move, and the edge of the chassis is quite sharp, the connector eventually breaks at the point where it passes through the lens assembly chassis. It starts off as an intermittent problem, but eventually becomes permanent
続きを読むI think it could be the flex cable that connects the lens assembly to the main camera. It goes into the lens assembly over quite a sharp angle in its aluminium chassis, and often tears or breaks right at that spot. It could just be beginning to break, which is why the issue is intermittent. The flex cable you might need to replace is part number LF-2117. If you spot that it's begun to split at the point where it goes into the floating lens assembly, then that's likely your issue. If it is, it's probably a good idea to do some work on the slot in the chassis that it goes through, while you have the broken one removed. The edge on mine was very sharp and rough. The connector is not expensive. Here's one in the UK: https://spares4hisense.co.uk/sony-flexi-print-connector-lf-2117-flexible-pwb And here's the disassembly manual: https://spares4hisense.co.uk/sony-flexi-print-connector-lf-2117-flexible-pwb It's best to print out two copies of the disassembly part of the manual. One to work from and one to tape the...
続きを読むYeah, not a good idea to use an air duster on delicate parts. You’re going to have to open the mouse and see what’s up. You should probably buy new mouse skates before you open the mouse, as there’s a high likelihood that you’ll damage them taking them off to get at the screws. Either way, the mouse has gotta be opened. If you don’t see anything obvious that you can fix yourself, you’ll at least be able to take a photo so people can see what’s going on itn there. It sounds like an easy fix. Like the kind of thing you just look at and see what’s wrong. But you gotta open the mouse. Here’s a video for a different issue with that mouse, but it shows how to open it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KR9fLd_V...
続きを読むEnter the BIOS and find “Boot device priority” or “boot order”. Make sure the disk you have your operating system installed on, is on that list, and is selected as the first device to boot from. If that looks fine, then you can try to force a refresh. Turn it off and on, and, when you see the rotating loading symbol, hold the power button down until either the computer shuts off, or you see a screen that says something like "Preparing Automatic Repair" . If it just shuts off, try again. You may need to try a few times. When you get to the automatic repair screen, select “Advanced options” and then “Troubleshoot” Then select “Refresh your PC” and follow the instructions from there
続きを読むThere are guides on Youtube showing you how to take the button apart and re-tension the spring. It’s extremely trcky, and kinda pointless, because the OMRON D2FC-F-7N microswitches that most mice use, are cheap. Look on EBAY. You probably won’t be able to buy just one. You’ll probably have to buy a pack of 5, but it costs less than a pint of beer. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NKhHd5JK... Whatever you do, you’re going to have to take the mouse apart. The screws are usually hidden under the mouse skates, so you’ll need some spare skates too.
続きを読むThe what starts to spin? You left the word out. Have you opened it and checked that the fan on the processor heatsink is spinning?