I have a MagSafe 1 with the straight connector. It is an 85W unit, and it heats up to where I fear it could set paper or fabric (esp. polyester or polar fleece) on fire if left in contact. The pins on the MagSafe move freely. They are _not_ stuck in either the up or down position. The receptacle the adaptor connects to is clear, with nothing on the surface in the way of dirt, debris, or corrosion. This happened with the original MagSafe adaptor with the "L" connector, also (that one died and was discarded). I don't know if the pins were stuck on that connector, but it is a moot point since my current adaptor heats up in spite of the pins working as they should. This my third MacBook Pro (Mid-2012 model). My first MacBook Pro purchased in June of 2008 died and was replaced with this one. Both are/were 15". All of the power adaptors started running hot after the first couple of years.