yikes, sounds like a giant pita it may (only guessing) be that one of the solder connections popped on that slot2 (albeit seemingly grouped/connected with slot 1): disassemble (pita), put mobo (minus anything you can remove from it) in oven, at 200 celcius or 400 ferenheit (there-about), for like two minutes; re-assemble web search “reflow” for instructions from someone better than me
続きを読むbesides cliche reboot, you’re probably looking at front assembly repair (buy a new one, and pita swap out) iPhone 11 Screen
続きを読むtotally possible (tiny unfortunate tear, not easily seen) more likely and easy (enough) solution: re-seat the connectors pita remove front assembly, remove cables, re-snap them back on (I like a good click, then a sort of tiny swirl push, not as much as getting fingerprinted!) then, before you re-double sided tape that back, turn on and test (front assembly does jot have to be glued back to work); if all well, then stick it back together! hopefully makes sense, and good luck (and if you fail, it may be possible for the genius bar (apple store), to backup without working digitizer)
続きを読むpaper clip that tiny hole (tray face) to eject, then see if a drive belt (rubber band) is broken inside; if yes, then yes, it can be repaired (find a similar, or at least round (not flat) shaped small rubber band, like fits around two fingers, and can be tight—then struggle to reconnect the two wheels, one small like smaller than pencil diameter, one more like a nickle ($.05), that both have edge (or rim) grooves in them (for said drive belt; aka rubber band), and one moves when you manually open and close the optical drive tray I find bending said paper clip (you used to punch open the tray via that tiny face hole), at the tip, to resemble a tiny u or v, to help seat those wheels with the new [rubber band], and even use closing the tray with the moving one partially attached, to sort of suck said band, into place (having the other non-moving wheel fully pre-seated) hopefully that makes sense! good luck (optical drives are dodos; if you fail, temp borrow a friends computer with optical, to grab your data)