- There is a “Step 21” if you intend to remove the home button & finger-print scanner. The home button also uses thin black rubber adhesive to attach it to the display. The finger-print scanner ribbon only sticks to display (no rubber adhesive). Again, be extra careful/slow pulling these off the display (with the plastic pick) while keeping the rubber adhesive attached to just the button.
- I used a hair dryer every now & then to loosen up the adhesive as well as to make it tacky during reattachment/replacement of the display.
While Step 18 (soft button adhesives) wasn’t an issue with my phone, please note the following:
- The display adhesive is actually thin black rubber running along the entire perimeter of the phone. It is important to separate the adhesive from the display and not the phone.. or you’ll have a terrible time reattaching/replacing the display.
- The display also sticks to the phone in the middle (no rubber adhesive, just sticky). No step accounts for this, so be extra careful/slow pulling off the display. With enough clearance, you may need to insert a plastic prod between the display & middle of phone and gently help unstick the two.
- Up where the speaker, camera, & light-sensor are, the adhesive gets even thinner as it runs in-between said components. Be extremely careful/slow pulling it off the display. It may even separate from the phone too, but you can gently place it back along the perimeter as long as you ensured the rest of the adhesive remained stuck to the phone.
You see the copper bushing slot at the top of the picture (next to the guy’s index finger) from step 9? Directly underneath it where the slot sits, there’s a tiny notch in the gray frame. Once you pull off the bushing slot from the frame (if you haven’t already), slide the small copper clip (from your 3rd blue wire) onto that notch. Then you push the bushing slot back onto the frame where it was. Essentially, the copper clip is “grounded” to that bushing slot.