After replacing the screen on the LG G2 you need to do a soft reset. Hold the power button and the down volume button simultaneously to do this. The screen should work now. If not, it's likely an issue with the connections inside, or maybe you pinched/ripped one of the cables on the new screen.
続きを読むDownload a battery app from the Google Play store. I recommend "Battery HD" by smallte.ch. This app will tell you when the battery is done charging and then you should unplug it to avoid overcharging. There's also "Battery Doctor" by Cheetah Mobile, but that app asks for and has access to too much personal information and they advertise a lot of their other apps through it that you don't need. I'm not sure I trust Cheetah Mobile. A battery app doesn't need to view your photos/files or info about your calls. The Google play store is not regulated as tightly like Apple App store, so some apps may be malicious or privacy violating without you really knowing. It's good to download an anti-virus app as well, like AVG or Malwarebytes.
続きを読むTry the hard reset, but that probably wont work. You probably need a new screen. You may have a short in the cable for your screen, or some of the backlight bulbs could have burned out. Also, If it's damaged from water, a new screen likely wont help. I don't know which Kindle you have for sure, so double check for compatibility, but here's a replacement screen on eBay for about $50: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Replacement-LCD-DIsplay-Screen-E-ink-For-Amazon-Ebook-Kindle-4-ED060SCF-LF-C1-/281157987327?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash... You can find a repair guide video by clicking on the Kindle picture. I'm sure they have more screen replacement guides on the internet as well.
続きを読むI'd say it's the inverter... but LED screens don't use an inverter. Have you double, triple checked the connections to the screen internally? Hopefully oldturkey has solved your problem... I don't have the schematics myself, so I'm not sure what feeds the backlight on your computer. It's possible a new screen would solve the problem $71 on eBay, and you can return it if it doesn't work lol. Heres a new screen: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Acer-Aspire-7741G-3449-7741Z-4433-7745G-SERIES-7750-6423-17-3-Screen-LCD-LED-/131388150454?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash... And here's a new LCD cable: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Acer-Aspire-7750-6423-P7YE0-LCD-Cable-/321691668968?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash... Wish I could be of more help.
続きを読むMake sure everything is connected internally... in that picture it looks like there is a ribbon cable hookup that's unplugged. Also make sure your RAM is seated well (if one chip is slightly out of wack a PC will not boot). Does it even try to boot up when you press the power button? Have you tried connecting it to an external monitor to ensure that it's not a display issue? You say the fan doesn't come on... it doesn't come on unless it needs to, and it only needs to if the computer is being taxed resource wise. The fact that plugging it in makes the hard drive turn without pressing any buttons makes me think you could have an issue with the power (on/off) switch/button or it's assembly. You can also try removing the hard drive and try booting the computer up from a USB stick (google USB bootable operating system if you don't know how). If your hard drive failed that may be why it doesn't boot. Does it beep any error codes? Can you include some more pictures of the insides? I wish I could help more, but I...
続きを読むSounds to me like there's a problem with the timer or perhaps thermometer, or whatever device it uses to tell when the ice is done. Could also be an issue with the water valve. I've read it uses a heat release (ie it heats up the bottom of the ice to make it fall out... perhaps it is overheating it, or the heater is staying on too long). Sorry, I'm good with electronics, but Ice makers aren't my thing. Best advice I can offer you is a fairly cheap replacement ($55). This model on eBay is new and is designed to fit as a replacement to your current icemaker. Here's the link: http://www.ebay.com/itm/New-Genuine-OEM-Frigidaire-Sears-see-details-Ice-Maker-FD1101S-OLD-SA8868-M1-/121498094877?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash... Here's one at Walmart for $43: http://www.walmart.com/ip/40105162?wmlsp... You may want to double check the compatibility.
続きを読むPictures? I don't understand what's wrong with it. All sim cards (yes even the huge ones) are interchangeable, so long as you line it up perfectly in the sim card slot. They even sell sim card tray converters for different sim card sizes for iPhones and stuff. Is the issues that you bent the pins? Solution to that would be to open it up and bend them back into place (I've done this before, it works).
続きを読むUsing a different power supply would not hurt anything, but possibly the power supply. If the power supply's output current is rated too low, then it could overheat and kill the power supply. It can't have two high of a current rating, because a battery only draws what current it needs. If the voltage was incorrect, the plug wouldn't fit. Your problem is likely not a fuse, or due to your power supply. If you open it and supply some pictures and explain exactly what the problem is, I can guide you through repairing it. I know this question is old, and you've probably moved on though.
続きを読むI can confirm that this will work for you... I've done it before when I was in a pinch and didn't have the right charging cable. I just split open a USB cable and hooked the red to positive and black to negative on the battery... it will charge just fine. Only issue is it may not stop charging on it's own (it could pop and spray ion acid if it overheats from overcharging. Lithium ion batteries are extremely flammable, and also very toxic if it burns. So just be careful. Major props to you though for getting it to work, I love your setup with the breadboard and the LEDs. Another suggestion (if you have another iPhone... I have a lot cause I work on them), but you could get two batteries and switch them out to a working phone when it needs to be charged. You could also use two batteries and hook one to your charging system, so you can use your phone while the other battery charges. Just keep the screws off your iPhone and switch batteries. (The batteries are like $5 on eBay).
続きを読むI think you are referring to a 4th generation iPod Touch? As the 4th gen white iPod in the picture doesn't require a password. Simplest method is to hook it to iTunes and restore it. It will delete everything (but since you bought it, you probably don't want somebody else's stuff anyways). I feel like you may have bought it from somebody who stole it, if they can't remember the password. You can look up the IMEI or serial number on Apple's website to see if it's been reported stolen. But like I said, just hook it to iTunes and restore it.