手順 1 に進むOverview of the Nokia N95 hardware with circuit diagrams and labeled chips. See www.phoneWreck.com for more detailed information on the Nokia N95 and other devices.
Nokia produced this disassembly guide, which you can also use to help disassemble your phone.
The N95 was a tough one to crack open since there were more mechanical parts than a traditional smartphone, with dual-sliding modes. This one was totally worth it though, as we were treated to a bevy of ICs, resistors, and the whole lot of circuitry.
The back of the main PCB is shown below. The primary IC diagram can be found here.
The interesting thing about the N95 is that since the screen is on a separate mount, both sides of the PCB can be used. This, however, does cause the device to be a little bulkier than its candybar-form-factored friends.
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Here is a link to the official Nokia N95 service manual. You can display it, then save it as a PDF file.