MacBook Pro 15" Unibody Early 2011のAirPort/Bluetoothボードの交換
手順 1 に進むワイヤレス接続に支障がありますか?このガイドを使って、AirPort/Bluetoothボードを交換しましょう。
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22 件のコメント
does anybody knows if changing this boards changes too the MAC address of the wifi system??
Yes, MAC is associate dand it is unique with each Network interface: wireless or wired.
Hello to the community. I was wondering if i could change my MBP8.2's bluetooth dongle with a one of the newer models (MBP mid 2012 for instance) that support Bluetooth 4.0. Is it possible?
I have a 2011 MBP15. It won't link Bluetooth for Keynote with my new iphone 6+. I understand the reason is I need this upgrade on the MBP.
I'm wondering if doing the upgrade will prevent BT linking between my iPad 2 and my MBP. They can connect now.
Dan Miller - 返信
Hi everybody! I've change my Airport/Bluetooth board on my MacBook Pro early 2011 cause I think my old board was broken. With the old board Bluetooth works correctly but about wifi board when you look on the icon at the up on right of your monitor it says " no wifi board installed" and inside the wifi icon it appear an 'X'
I buy a new board and after installation the problem was not solved.
Yes, Bluetooth work perfectly and now is 4.0 but I still had the problem of wifi. I can't connect in everyplace my MacBookPro. This is a serious problem for me. Anyone can help me?