
MacBook Pro 15" Touch Bar 2019 下部ケースの交換


  1. MacBook Pro 15" Touch Bar 2019 下部ケースの交換, Auto Bootを無効化する: 手順 1、 3の画像 1 MacBook Pro 15" Touch Bar 2019 下部ケースの交換, Auto Bootを無効化する: 手順 1、 3の画像 2 MacBook Pro 15" Touch Bar 2019 下部ケースの交換, Auto Bootを無効化する: 手順 1、 3の画像 3
    • この手順を開始する前に、Macの自動起動機能を無効にする必要があります。蓋を開くと、Macの自動起動によって分解中に誤って起動される場合があります。 この手順に従うか、以下の簡略化された指示に従って自動起動を無効にします。このコマンドは全てのMacに応答するわけではありません。

    • Macを起動し、ターミナルを開きます。

    • 以下のコマンドをターミナルにコピー(または正確にタイプ)します。

    • sudo nvram AutoBoot=%00

    • [return]キーを押します。パスワードを求められたら、管理者パスワードを入力し、 [return]キーを再度押します。補足: [return]キーは ⏎ や "enter"として印字されている場合もあります。

    • これで、誤って電源が入ることなく、安全にMacの電源を切り、底面カバーを開くことができます。

    • 修理が完了し、完全に組み上げられた際には、以下のコマンドで再度自動起動を有効化してください。

    • sudo nvram AutoBoot=%03

    Is this step necessary? I can’t perform this step as I am attempting to repair water damage and need to remove logic board & most likely replace the battery.

    Macrepair SF - 返信

    @mac_medic You definitely don’t want the power coming on while the board is wet. In your case, I think powering on the machine to disable Auto Boot would do more damage than it prevents. I agree, skip this step and be prepared to disconnect the battery quickly if the laptop automatically powers on. Good luck!

    Jeff Suovanen -

    Thats right! You don't want power running while working on your logic board.

    Dan -

    This did not work when running High Sierra.

    Kyle B - 返信

    Tried this on a 2018 MBP 13” Touchbar (there’s no iFixit guide for this model yet). Need to replace a broken screen.

    Luckily I managed to connect to an external screen (Cmd-Down Brightness to switch displays) and enter above command. Seems to work, but there’s another problem with this model - it powers up as soon as any key is pressed……. ffs <gnashes teeth>

    Cool_Breeze - 返信

    I unscrew the battery first and wrap electrical tape over the logic board battery connector before attempting any repairs to the board. Haven’t had any problems yet and I’ve worked on about 10 of these models already. Also when you open the bottom case use a suction cup at the bottom and pull up then run a plastic spudger along the edges to disconnect the clips. Also only use a plastic spudger on the board. Saw a youtube video from a repair shop and he did not disconnect the power and used all metal tools during the entire process of removing the board. His last step was to disconnect the battery terminal.

    Brian - 返信

    Is this step necessary if my mac can turn on? Battery fully dead(

    Nursat b - 返信

    BEFORE YOU START: The included torx head stripped off before I was done (and you might need an additional T4) so stop now and go buy a good one. Also they fail to warn you above to get some blue threadlocker ahead of time.

    Jason Sherron - 返信

    This command did not work for me and I read that sometime in later 2020 Apple stopped this command from working…any ideas on a work around?

    Patrick Machacek - 返信

    Not able to do that with damaged screen

    richardjgreen - 返信

    If you have a damaged screen you can still use a converter from thunderbolt (USB 3) to HDMI and plug your Macbook Pro to your TV as monitor display. Just make sure to chose the right Source (HDMI IN) in your TV. I did it and to make it work I unplug and plug again in my Macbook and so I could disable the Auto boot

    Roberto Sanchez Bustos -

    Hi. This does not work on 2018 13” MacBook Pro with Touch Bar. I did exactly this to disable auto boot. But when I check by using nvram -p it says: auto-boot true. Am I doing something incorrectly? I did everything step by step. Copied and pasted the sudo command, pressed enter and then entered my password. I have Big Sur 11.1 installed. Is there any other way since I need to replace the screen. Thank you. Adrian

    Adrian Vizik - 返信

    Hi everyone. This is also a little pointless if you can’t see anything on the screen, and you don’t have a display adapter to USB C to display it. I agree with Brian about removing the back and disconnecting the battery cable before you even think about opening the lid of the MacBook. Applying the insulation tape is also a handy little tip that just makes sure there is no way to discharge from either the board or battery.

    Roberto Enrieu - 返信

    running `nvram -p | grep 'AutoBoot'` in terminal verifies that it was accepted

    result: `AutoBoot %00`

    Marek Polák - 返信

    Running Big Sur 11.6.7 on a 2019 16" MBP, it's "auto-boot". So it's: nvram -p | grep 'auto-boot' to display the current state, the default is true - and then to change it, sudo nvram auto-boot=false which turns it off.

    Ed Mechem -

    This step is completely unnecessary if you follow the guide to disconnect the battery properly. Just put some tape between the battery and logic board connection to prevent it from accidentally touching and therefore powering on the laptop.

    Grant Ormsby - 返信

    It took me a few tries to make this command work, as I was able to copy and paste the command into Terminal, but could not type in my laptop’s password. I finally typed my password into a text document, copied it (command C), and then pasted it into Terminal and it worked.

    tommy404 - 返信

    I didn’t do this. Mine never auto-booted before I replaced the battery. Now it does.

    hatuxka - 返信


    I-fixit sent me a bad battery, which I didn’t realize until it was already install. They sent me a new one, but I wasted hours uninstalling and reinstalled.

    Get a volt meter and measure the voltage on the output of the battery pack. If it reads 0 V, SEND IT BACK. It should read over 2 V.

    bcardanha - 返信

    I've just received my replacement battery and it reads 0,042V between the two main connectors. Do you think it's dead?

    peter sussex -

    When I did this from Terminal.app within Recovery Mode, the “sudo” was not recognized but I could invoke it without the sudo part. It seems to have been accepted when looking at “nvram -p”

    johann beda - 返信

    When in Recovery Mode, you already have superuser powers. So you don't need to prefix commands with the sudo command to invoke them with root privileges; you already have them. Do a pwd (print working directory) after opening Terminal in Recovery Mode, and you'll see that you're in the root user's directory.

    Ed Mechem -

    I received the battery kit for my 2018 MacBook Pro and as per the above comment from bcardanha - Oct 12, 2021, I checked the voltage on the pads marked + and - . It was zero volts so I panicked a bit.

    I sent a message on the iFixiT Facebook page and I got no reply. I finally found the customer service email for Ifixit Europe and sent them an email voicing my concern as I was not keen to work for couple of hours just to discover that the battery is faulty. I had an almost instant reply on the email (kudos to them) and they adviced me to go ahead and install the new battery as the voltage measured when battery is not connected is not relevant.

    I took a leap of faith and after two hours… the new battery showed 50% charge and everything seems to be working just fine. I am happy it worked.

    Mircea Comanici - 返信

    After removing the old battery and installing the new battery I powered up the MBP before screwing the bottom on. I discovered the my keyboard would not function. It took a few hours of investigation and frustration that I discovered the track pad power ribbon had become partially dislodged from the trackpad. I was able to see that this through the little machined slot where the battery sat. I had to remove the trackpad to reinsert the power ribbon back into the connector in the trackpad. after reassembling and reinstalling the battery etc the keyboard worked. Just food for thought if your run into the keyboard issue.

    Ed Mease - 返信

    This should be the default. IMO I tell you to power on - not the lid.

    G Sena - 返信

    Est ce que cela fonctionne sur un macbook pro 2017 sans touchbar ?

    maël muzelet - 返信

    Bonjour Maël, oui, ce tutoriel concerne "les MacBook Pro 2016 (et plus récents) et les MacBook Retina 12" 2017 (et plus récents)"

    Claire Miesch -

    Excellent instructions. I was able to follow and install the new screen. I recommend that you get a good set of tools before you begin. I started with an inexpensive repair kit bought online. The Penta and torx bits failed. I bought an IFIXIT kit with quality bits and I was able to do everything I needed.

    Tom Markham - 返信

    If you're not running an admin account the sudo command won't work (which honestly, you should not be running admin). Rather than logging in to your admin amount via the OS, in the terminal type "login [admin username]," then the password and you'll be able to do the sudo command as described above. Once you're complete, type "logout [admin username]" and you'll be good to go. Obviously replace [admin username] with whatever the account name for your admin user is.

    arichard2401 - 返信

    For those unable to complete this step because the screen is too damaged I recommend leaving your macbook on until the battery dies.

    Nicholas R Licato - 返信

    Just replaced my 2018 15" MBP battery. Running Sonoma.
    I found no way to disable AutoBoot (The status can be checked in the Power section of system report).

    Anyway, i left my battery completely drain before opening the MBP, and had no issues during the process.

    Cédric Bontems - 返信

    After sending this command in terminal when I checked what happens if I now open the lid, instead the screen lit slightly up (still black) then a battery symbol showing the charging state showed up.

    Now, after replacement of the battery, this is all I get to see.

    No reset of NVRAM nor PRAM helped.

    Currently the new battery charges (58% atm) and it feels like it‘s mocking me.

    webrockers - 返信

    I suspected the keyboard or TouchID sensor wouldn’t work, so I went on and checked every connector.

    I missed connecting the left TouchID sensor from step 31.

    webrockers -

    Read the comments section at the bottom of the article before proceeding with the repair. It is unnecessary to remove the logic board. I actually removed the 45mm plastic bar to enable the cables to slip out then in. It is only there to frustrate repairers!

    Jack - 返信

  2. MacBook Pro 15" Touch Bar 2019 下部ケースの交換, 下部ケース: 手順 2、 2の画像 1 MacBook Pro 15" Touch Bar 2019 下部ケースの交換, 下部ケース: 手順 2、 2の画像 2
    Magnetic Project Mat
    • MacBook Proの電源を完全に切って、接続を外します。ディスプレイを閉じて、ラップトップを裏返します。

    • P5ペンタローブドライバーを使って、次の長さのネジを、下部ケースから外します。

    • 4.7 mmネジー4本

    • 6.6 mmネジー2本

    • これらのネジを外す際に、ネジの方向を書き留めておきましょう。ある決められた角度でインストールしなければならないネジがあります。

    • この作業では、各ネジの装着位置を書き留めておきましょう。デバイスのダメージを防ぐため、組み立ての際は、本来の位置に取り付けてください。

    I miss a printable template to leave the screws and removed parts on it for future identification when reassembly, linked maybe with the location in the Macbook, or with the number of the step.

    Juan Ignacio Fernández García - 返信

  3. MacBook Pro 15" Touch Bar 2019 下部ケースの交換: 手順 3、 2の画像 1 MacBook Pro 15" Touch Bar 2019 下部ケースの交換: 手順 3、 2の画像 2
    • 吸盤ハンドルを両ネジ穴の間の下部ケースのフロント側端付近に装着します。

    • 吸盤ハンドルを引き上げて、下部ケースの下に小さな隙間を作ります。

    Throw away this suction cup and get another. It just doesn't work! Luckily I had one that does work in my tool kit.

    Greek Taylor - 返信

  4. MacBook Pro 15" Touch Bar 2019 下部ケースの交換: 手順 4、 3の画像 1 MacBook Pro 15" Touch Bar 2019 下部ケースの交換: 手順 4、 3の画像 2 MacBook Pro 15" Touch Bar 2019 下部ケースの交換: 手順 4、 3の画像 3
    • 下部ケースの下に出来た開口ピックの先端を隙間に差し込みます。

    • 開口ピックを一番近い角の周辺までスライドしてから、MacBook Pro側面の半分上まで移動します。

    • 下部ケースを固定している隠れたクリップの一番目を外します。クリップがカチッと音がして外れる感覚があります。

  5. MacBook Pro 15" Touch Bar 2019 下部ケースの交換: 手順 5、 3の画像 1 MacBook Pro 15" Touch Bar 2019 下部ケースの交換: 手順 5、 3の画像 2 MacBook Pro 15" Touch Bar 2019 下部ケースの交換: 手順 5、 3の画像 3
    • 反対側も同じ作業を繰り返します。開口ピックで2番目のクリップを外します。

  6. MacBook Pro 15" Touch Bar 2019 下部ケースの交換: 手順 6、 1の画像 1
    • 下部ケースの正面側端を持ち上げて(ディスプレイヒンジと反対側)、指先が入るぐらいまでスライドしてあげて、先端を掴みます。

    • 2つの隠れたクリップが、カバーの中央部分に付いています。まだ外れていない場合は、この時点でカチッと音がしてクリップが外れるはずです。

    • 持ち上げすぎないでください。そして、まだ下部ケースを外さないでください。

  7. MacBook Pro 15" Touch Bar 2019 下部ケースの交換: 手順 7、 3の画像 1 MacBook Pro 15" Touch Bar 2019 下部ケースの交換: 手順 7、 3の画像 2 MacBook Pro 15" Touch Bar 2019 下部ケースの交換: 手順 7、 3の画像 3
    • 下部ケースをしっかりとMacBookのフロント側に向けて引っ張り(ヒンジエリアから離します)、下部ケースを固定している最後のクリップを外します。

    • 一方のコーナーから引っ張り、その後で次のコーナーを引っ張ります。

    • 水平に引いてください。上に向けて引かないでください。

    • この作業にはかなりの力が必要です。

    With the amount of force needed to carefully pull the back panel out, this caused the back panel to scratch the battery. I don't see or hear any expansion, but this still has me concerned.

    gladgura - 返信

    this step must require a lot of force. I tried to pull it with the plastic hookie thing from the ifixit set by hooking it in one of the screw holes — the tip of the hookie thing broke.

    Oleksii Toldaiev - 返信

    The amount of force required for removing the bottom cover is absolutely ridiculous. Almost feels like i'm about to push my MacBook towards the wall the second it comes off.

    Be careful, I ended up breaking 2 grounding pins on the motherboard last time I tried opening my computer up.

    techtalkf - 返信


    Instead just gently push with plastic pick from the other side (where vents outputs are) towards the center... Cover will very easily open that way.

    I hope iFixit will correct this step.

    Kamil Roman - 返信

    Came here to share exactly this.

    Robert -

    That's definitely how this step should be done. Thanks!

    VovS -

    If someone has a photo to share regarding this comment, it might be very useful. Thanks.

    Mark Cohen -

    I used a screwdriver at 45 degrees angle and pushed the cover from the hinges, it worked really smooth. I had it close to the corners.

    Martin Lundgren - 返信

    Yeah, definitely don't pull; if you do, wear protective gloves. Mine was stuck so strongly that I just cut my palm quite deep.

    Kirill Chernov (PowerDoge) - 返信

    You would think ifixit would investigate why the last step required them to pull with great force to remove the bottom case lid as the solution.

    It's counter-intuitive to use an excessive method to remove a part.

    There's always an easier way. It's frustrating because you can't see inside.

    Cary B - 返信

    Using the iFixit opening Tool in the hinge opening required close to no force to open.

    Anders Markstrom - 返信

    Ah... after attempting to 'pull' this rear cover off, to no avail, I tried to coax the cover off with a nylon pry tool. MUCH better! iFixIt will do well to amend it's recommendation to 'pull' this cover in any way. All I wanted to do was a little house cleaning and exorcize the dust bunnies that took up residence in my MBP's fans. Today is much quieter. Thank you all for pointing out the obvious.

    P.C. - 返信

  8. MacBook Pro 15" Touch Bar 2019 下部ケースの交換: 手順 8、 3の画像 1 MacBook Pro 15" Touch Bar 2019 下部ケースの交換: 手順 8、 3の画像 2 MacBook Pro 15" Touch Bar 2019 下部ケースの交換: 手順 8、 3の画像 3
    • 下部ケースを外します。

    • 下部ケースを再インストールする方法:

    • 所定の位置に合わせて、スライドヒンジをディスプレイヒンジ付近のクリップをスライドしてクリップを装着位置に揃えます。カバーを押し下げて、ヒンジ側にスライドさせます。 クリップが揃ったらこれ以上スライドしません。

    • クリップが完全に装着して、下部ケースが正しく配置されているようであれば、下部ケースをしっかりと押し下げて、隠れた4つのクリップを留めます。 所定の位置にカチッと音がしたら、装着されています。

    If I had it all to do over, again, I would blow out the dust with compressed air at this point. During the disassembly, I kept encountering little dust bunnies, and I was very worried that one would get caught in one of the connectors when I plugged everything back up (which wouldn’t get discovered until I put it all back together and tried out all of the components).

    Joe Emenaker - 返信




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Jeff Suovanen

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4 件のコメント

What about a guide for replacing the SSD for more memory? Is this possible?

Sara Morsi - 返信

@eowyn327 Not possible on any of Apple’s current laptops. They want you to buy a new machine or pay them a monthly fee for iCloud storage, rather than have the ability to expand the internal storage. Only other option is to tote around an external SSD and a dongle. Sorry!

Jeff Suovanen -

When I opened the bottom case and shook it a little, it rattles a little as if something was loose. Is this normal? I didn’t actually open the case, just popped the clips and closed it back up.

Sarah - 返信

I need to re-tap the threads on two of the lower case screw holes. Can anyone tell me what the diameter and pitch is?

Dave Mednick - 返信



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