


この分解は修理ガイドでは ありません。 お持ちのMacBook Pro 15" Touch Bar 2019を修理する際は、iFixitの修理ガイドをご利用ください。

  1. MacBook Pro 15インチ Touch Bar 2019の分解, MacBook Pro 15インチ Touch Bar 2019の分解: 手順 1、 2の画像 1 MacBook Pro 15インチ Touch Bar 2019の分解, MacBook Pro 15インチ Touch Bar 2019の分解: 手順 1、 2の画像 2
    • 紙面では、この新MacBook Pro2019はスペックのみ向上したと書かれていますが、一体どれほど向上したのでしょうか?まとめを確認してみましょう。

    • IPSテクノロジー搭載15.4インチ(対角)LEDバックライトRetinaディスプレイ, True Tone, 2,880 x 1,800ピクセル標準解像度、220ppi、数百万色以上対応

    • 2.6GHz 6コアIntel Core i7(Turbo Boost使用時最大4.5GHz)とRadeon Pro 555X(4GB GDDR5メモリとグラフィックス自動切替機能を搭載)

    • 16GB 2,400MHz DDR4オンボードメモリ

    • 256 GB PCIeベース SSD

    • 802.11ac Wi-Fi と Bluetooth 5.0

    • 4つのThunderbolt 3 (USB-C) ports

    • 今回の分解の犠牲者にはおなじみのモデルナンバー A1990がつけられていますが、新しいEMCナンバーは3359です。

    I have found apple products very robust for my business. I work on heavy web design and ``Graphic Design`` work with no problems. In some cases I had to upgrade to more RAM or to SSD disk form buying products from ifixit.com and that extended the life of my MACs even more. I have an Imac and a mac book pro for more than 10 years now.

    JCSL - 返信

  2. MacBook Pro 15インチ Touch Bar 2019の分解: 手順 2、 3の画像 1 MacBook Pro 15インチ Touch Bar 2019の分解: 手順 2、 3の画像 2 MacBook Pro 15インチ Touch Bar 2019の分解: 手順 2、 3の画像 3
    • 前回、私たちはTouch Barキーボード、2種類の分解をしなければなりませんでした。今回は、デバイスを開口するまでの詳細を省略します。

    • まるで料理番組のように、手順を飛ばして開口した状態までスキップしますーvoilà! 内側が開きました。

    • どうやって内部に侵入するかご興味がある方は、MacBook Proの2018年モデルと全く同じ手順です。すでに修理ガイドも揃っていますよ!

    • 先に述べた通り、このモデルはほぼスペックバンプのようです。ハードウェアの見た目は前回のものと区別できません。ボードを取り上げて、詳しくみてみましょう。

  3. MacBook Pro 15インチ Touch Bar 2019の分解: 手順 3、 2の画像 1 MacBook Pro 15インチ Touch Bar 2019の分解: 手順 3、 2の画像 2
    • ここにはモジュールのコンポーネントはありません。すなわち、このハードウェアはアップグレードが出来ません。ここで異議ありと声を上げるか、もしくは黙ってこのチップを未来永劫持つかのどちらかです。

    • 第9世代Intel Corei7-9750H 6コアプロセッサ

    • 16x SK HynixH5AN8G8NAFR 8 Gb DDR4 SDRAM (計16 GB)

    • AMD Radeon Pro 555X GPU

    • 4x Micron MT51J256M32HF-70:B8 Gb GDDR5 RAM (計4GB)

    • 1 GB Micron D9VLN LPDDR4メモリが積層されたApple T2 APL1027 339S00533コプロセッサ

    • 東芝TSB3226AW8815TWNA1とTSB3226XZ2939TWNA1フラッシュストーレッジ(計256GB)

    • Intel JHL7540Thunderbolt 3コントローラー

    You folks have probably explained this elsewhere, but can you confirm that the SSDs Apple is using are open-market consumer-grade drives? The rationale behind their high upgraded-drive pricing is that there’s some sort of added Apple-specific value. Is there any?

    Moeskido - 返信

    @moeskido1 They don’t use an SSD in the ordinary use of the term—their flash storage chips are BGA-soldered directly to the logic board (as shown in the image above) and SSD controller functions are handled by Apple’s custom T2 chip. The upside is very fast read/write speeds and low power consumption, with the obvious downside being the complete lack of repair, upgrade, and data recovery options. And it’s hard to ignore how it benefits Apple at the expense of their customers, since you have to pay through the nose to future-proof the storage capacity.

    Jeff Suovanen -

    @jeffsu Is there any any other benefit to be had? Is this storage sourced from, say, enterprise-grade stock or otherwise modified in any way that would matter to the consumer?

    Moeskido - 返信

    “16 GB of 2400 MHz DDR4 SDRAM”


    “4x Micron MT51J256M32HF-70:B 8 Gb GDDR5 RAM (4 GB total)”

    Shouldn’t the RAM description in the layout breakdown be more like 4 4Gb chips for a total of 16 GB?

    shomizu9 - 返信

    Hi shomizu9,

    The 4GB Micron RAM is the video RAM, while the 16 GB SK Hynix RAM is the on-board system RAM.

    Arthur Shi -

  4. MacBook Pro 15インチ Touch Bar 2019の分解: 手順 4、 2の画像 1 MacBook Pro 15インチ Touch Bar 2019の分解: 手順 4、 2の画像 2
    • さらにチップがあります。

    • Intel SR40Fプラットフォームコントローラハブ

    • Texas Instruments CD3215C00Z (パワーコントローラーのよう)

    • 338S00267-A0 (Apple PMICのよう)

    • TPS51980A パワーコントローラー

    • 339S00458 (Apple Wi-Fi/Bluetoothモジュールのよう)

    • Intersil 6277Aパルス幅変調機

    • Cirrus Logic CS42L83Aオーディオコーデック

    339S00458 is much likely WiFi/BT module.

    JJ Wu - 返信

  5. MacBook Pro 15インチ Touch Bar 2019の分解: 手順 5、 3の画像 1 MacBook Pro 15インチ Touch Bar 2019の分解: 手順 5、 3の画像 2 MacBook Pro 15インチ Touch Bar 2019の分解: 手順 5、 3の画像 3
    • キーボードに手を進めます!この蝶(バタフライ)の変態をおさらいしましょう。

    • 2015年Retina MacBookモデルが発売された後、2016年にバタフライキーボードがMacBook Proラインにも登場しました。(画像左)

    • 超薄型デザインの一方で、オフセンターのキー入力が可能なキーボードは、タイプ(入力)が極端に浅いデザインのため、議論が起こりました。しかし、すぐにこのキーボードには不具合があることがわかりました。

    • 2018年夏、Appleはキーに埃が詰まってしまうためと原因をあえて指摘して、修理プログラムを開始しました。そして、キースイッチを保護する役割のシリコーン膜で包んだキーを改良して、新モデル(画像中央)を発売しました。しかし、この問題は終息しませんでした。

    • ついに発売された2019年のバタフライスイッチも、シリコン膜に包まれていますが、バネのようなメタルドームの中身と、このメタルドームを覆うプラスチックのような素材が変更されました。

  6. MacBook Pro 15インチ Touch Bar 2019の分解: 手順 6、 3の画像 1 MacBook Pro 15インチ Touch Bar 2019の分解: 手順 6、 3の画像 2 MacBook Pro 15インチ Touch Bar 2019の分解: 手順 6、 3の画像 3
    • まず、2019年モデルのバタフライスイッチをレイヤーごとに取り出してみましょう。

    • 一番上のレイヤーはキーキャップです。キーが壊れて外した時、どのキーか教えてくれる、便利なラベルがついています。

    • ヒンジがついた白いブラケットはキーの動きをコントロールする”バタフライ”機構です。キーが傾いたり、動いたりすることなく、上下に移動できるよう安定させています。

    • このブラケットの内側にあるのが、透明なカバーで、キーが叩かれる毎に伸縮します。一方で、スイッチ下の隙間から異物が侵入するのを防ぐ目的もあります。この中央部分にある黒いドットは、スイッチ上に押し込むキーの力を集約させています。

    • このアセンブリの主役はバネのようなメタルドームスイッチです。キーが叩かれると変形し、ボード上の6つのポイントに橋渡しをし、キーから指が離れた時に、バウンスして押し戻します。

    • ドームスイッチの下には6つのメタルパッドがあります。キーストロークの操作があると、センターパッドの上部が、いずれかの5つのパッドにショートします。

    • まとめとして、シリコーン膜がバタフライ機構を覆い、異物侵入や異物による詰まりを防ぎます。

    Possibly, the change of material to a near-transparent material will allow more light to pass through? So the backlighting system can be brighter? Just guessing

    KillerLab 233 - 返信

    question: does anything on the machine/keyboard (aside from the key at at the end) clip into or attach to the transparent cover with he dome switch? trying to replace this entire piece and not sure how to get the entire thing from falling off!

    Amanda - 返信

  7. MacBook Pro 15インチ Touch Bar 2019の分解: 手順 7、 3の画像 1 MacBook Pro 15インチ Touch Bar 2019の分解: 手順 7、 3の画像 2 MacBook Pro 15インチ Touch Bar 2019の分解: 手順 7、 3の画像 3
    • さて、今年はどう変わったのでしょう?まず、この透明なスイッチカバーの素材です。

    • 2018年モデルのカバーは半透明で、若干粘着性がある、シリコーンのようでした。この新モデルは透明度が増し、触ると滑らかです。

    • フーリエ変換赤外分光光度計(FTIR)で分析をした結果、この2つのモデルは全く違う素材であると確認できました。機材と専門知識を共有してくれたCal Poly(カリフォルニア州立大学ポリテクニック校)の材料工学部とEric Beaton教授に感謝します。

    • FTIRの分析で、素材に赤外線を照射し、透過と反射した光量を測定します。まるで指紋のように、このデータで素材が特定できます。

    • FTIRが測定した2種類のサンプルのデータの尾根は、これらが違う素材であることを示しています。それでは、一体何の素材でしょうか?

    • FTIRで測定した2つのデータと既知のポリマーのデータと比較すると、2018年モデルに最も近いものは、芳香族ウレタンのグループに属するポリ(アセチレン)、もしくはTPUの1種類(こちらがより可能性が高い)のどちらかです。 2019年モデルはポリアミド(一般的にナイロン)と一致します。

    • この結果で分からないことは、Appleのエンジニアたちはこの新素材を使って、一体何の問題を解決しようとしたのでしょうか。いいアイディアがある方は教えてください!

    The 2018 tackiness likely makes dust stick better. Thanks for using science here. FTIR looks like a much better instrument than the monochromator based instruments I used back in the day.

    John Lam - 返信

    Great research guys!

    Only on iFixit would you get this level of detail!

    Dan - 返信

    Didn’t a recent reddit post and experiment confirms it has nothing to do with dust ( And Heat ) ? And the problem hasn't been fixed after three years suggest no one really knows what the causes were.

    K Sec - 返信

    Following the theory that heat accelerated key failure a switch to a different material would make sense if its melting point was higher. Some quick googling indicates nylon has high temperature resistance.

    Joeri Sebrechts - 返信

    According to this site, nylon endures repeated flexing better than polyurethane.

    jimmy.cerra - 返信

    Poly(acetylene) doesn't make a lot of sense for a component like this. I suspect that the 2018 material is probably a more conventional thermoplastic polyurethane. TPU has that tacky, silicone-like quality and doesn't withstand heat as well as nylon.

    jwang158 - 返信

    Makes sense! The match with the second-highest HQI was Cytor 7040 (as you can see in the screen capture)—which as you correctly pointed out is a type of TPU. We updated the teardown accordingly. Thanks for your comment!

    Jeff Suovanen -

    A single key of my 2017 13” MBP failed, and the culprit turned out to be the black paint that helps the backlight diffuse more evenly throughout the keytop. It was the paint that had flaked off and jammed the key rather than any external dust. So look to the formulation of the black paint and its adherence to the type of plastic as an element in this problem. It appears that the plastic flexes when you press the key, and if the paint adherence is poor or the paint is too rigid, there is a non-zero chance it will break off and float around, causing trouble.

    Graeme Gill - 返信

    Interesting that they went with Polyamide, which is comonly known as Nylon 6. One problem with Nylon 6, which is used widely in under-the-hood applications in automotive sector, is that it retains moisture really well. Not sure if apple is using different materials based on different geographics (countries) because moisture retention can lead to swelling and with such small component, any kind of swelling can impact the mechanism.

    Deepak Sharma - 返信

    Le matériau de 2018 et collant donc retiens les micros poussières celui de 2019 lisse les laisse glisser et en plus il est plus résistant et rebondi mieux en reprenant ça forme initiale.

    craquouille.nounouille - 返信

    If they used a special PA such as EMS Grilamid TR on the cover, moisture absorption should be no issue.

    Sam Panton - 返信

    Forget tearing down lame consumer gear, let’s teardown that FTIR analyzer.

    jak p - 返信

    PhD in polymer engineering here. I think the black dot that concentrates the force of your key press onto the switch shifts a bit due to fatigue or thermal expansion (or may even wear off), and the key either don’t register or registers twice. See this video which demonstrates the role of the black dot: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zIwooQAg...

    Changing the material to nylon will make the cover more rigid and less prone to deformation thermally or under load, which means that the black dot will remain in the center and the dome is pressed evenly.

    This video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nob5MLYG...) shows that when the machine is hot, the keys make load noises as seen in the previous video mentioned, which indicates that temperature really does shift the black dot from the center.

    Mehdi Ataei - 返信

  8. MacBook Pro 15インチ Touch Bar 2019の分解: 手順 8、 3の画像 1 MacBook Pro 15インチ Touch Bar 2019の分解: 手順 8、 3の画像 2 MacBook Pro 15インチ Touch Bar 2019の分解: 手順 8、 3の画像 3
    • 他にはどんなことが変わったのでしょう?私たちは金属のドームスイッチが変わったと思います。詳しく見ていきましょう。

    • ドームは小さなジャムの蓋、もしくはジュースブランドSnappleのキャップのようです。蓋の表面が押し込んだり、跳ね上がります。

    • ドームに何か変化 (例えば、ひび割れや変形)が生じれば、キーは不規則な操作をするでしょう。またドームに付いた4つの接点が壊れたり曲がれば、キーは使えなくなります。

    • このスイッチがひび割れたり、消耗する可能性は無数にもあります。製造上のミス、単純に長期使用による疲労、長時間にわたってさらされる熱や湿気、他のコンポーネントからのガスの放出、侵食などがよくある原因です。

    • これらの要因のうち幾つかが合わさって、スイッチの不具合に繋がることは十分にありえることです。だからAppleは、この問題を解決するのにこれほどまでに苦労しているのです。4度目の正直になるのでしょうか?

    • これらのスイッチも、工場製造時に磁化されています。マグネットの材料で想定できるのは、底側に薄いポリマーでコートされたフェライト系ステンレススチールです。2018年モデル(左)と2019年モデル(右)の表面加工の違いから気づくのは、Appleは改良した熱処理方法、または新しいスチールを採用したか、もしくはこの両方を採用しているかもしれません。

    When the snap dome switches my company was using started to fail well before our 3 million cycle test goal, it turned out to be a couple of problems. We weren’t using a hard gold (alloy) plating on our PCB and the snap domes, instead of being the usual round shape, had legs much wider than the Apple snap domes.

    The sharp corners of the legs on our snap domes wore through the gold plating, and the stainless/copper interface corroded so that we lost electrical contact.

    Maybe the Apple snap dome legs scrape along the gold surfaces and either kick up contaminants that prevent electrical contact in the middle, or eventually wear through the gold and cause corrosion at the leg contact points. The corrosion only has to occur at the very end of the button travel (legs splayed as much as possible) to prevent electrical contact.

    If we assume they’re pretty competent people at Apple, it would be easy enough for them to diagnose that and fix those corrosion and wear issues. So maybe it’s not that.

    Mark H - 返信

    Oops, I stand corrected. There isn’t necessarily any electrical contact through the legs of their snap domes. It’s the center four bumps that are the electrical contacts, the upper two that have minimal sliding force.

    Mark H - 返信

    The center of the dome still has 2 contacts so we will still get double key presses. Wonder why this dome has a 1 center contact: https://i.imgur.com/LAM75Lz.jpg

    malhal - 返信

    I had a great uncle that worked on computers that ran typesetting systems back in the 1960s and 70s. They had problems with key-bounce back then. I forget what the solution was, but I think software probably smoothes out a lot of these kind of problems these days. I worked on a keyboard that dated from the late 1960s for a video titler system from a company called Telemation. The keyboard was a matrix of very large switches with magnetic reed switches and plungers with magnets on the ends. After 17 or so years, the reed switches became magnetized and you would just get a full screen of a single letter pressed.

    Scott Thomas - 返信

  9. MacBook Pro 15インチ Touch Bar 2019の分解: 手順 9、 1の画像 1
    • これで終わりですーThat's all she wrote!

    • もしくは "TThat's all sh wott" (とタイプしてしまうでしょうか?キーボードが壊れてしまえば)。

    • 今の所、少なくともここで、分解情報は終わりです。材料工学専門の方がおられたら、ご意見をお聞かせください。何かしら不具合のあるキーがあれば調査しますので、ご提供ください。

    • 一方で、このラップトップに潜む大きな問題はまだ残ったままです。些細な問題でも生じてしまえば、デバイスの半分を交換することになるでしょう。この新モデルで、キーボードは上手く機能したとしても、その他の機能についてはまだ賭けをしているのです。私たちからのアドバイスですか?お金は使わないで貯金しましょう。

    • これで、このラップトップのリペアビリティのスコアを推測できるでしょう…

  10. まとめ
    • トラックパッドは、割と簡単に取り外しまたは交換が可能です。
    • プロセッサ、RAM、およびフラッシュメモリは、ロジックボードにはんだ付けされています。修理やアップグレードはあまり現実的ではないでしょう。
    • キーボード、バッテリー、スピーカー、そしてTouch Barなどのトップケースの部品は一緒に接着されています。これらの部品を個別に交換するのも現実的ではありません。
    • Touch IDセンサーはパワーボタンも兼ねており、ロジックボードのT2チップとペアになっています。電源ボタンが壊れたら、Appleに相談するか、新しいロジックボードへの交換が必要になるかもしれません。


en jp


これらの翻訳者の方々は世界を修理する私たちのサポートをしてくれています。 あなたも貢献してみませんか?
翻訳を始める ›

28 件のコメント

“When comparing these FTIR spectra to that of known polymers, the closest match for the 2018 model is polyacetylene with aromatic urethane side groups, while the 2019 model uses polyamide (commonly known as nylon).

What this doesn't tell us is, just what problem Apple's engineers tried to solve using this updated material. Send us your ideas!”

Spitballing, any debris would have an easier time sliding through the nylon, while the 2018 model has a more sticky material.

tipoo - 返信

Hopefully making cleaning with canned air more effective.

Mark -

The plastic dome covers the contacts so you can’t really blow air into the gap. The covers are glued down to the base 360 degrees.

Dan -

Was eagerly anticipating this teardown as soon as the tech press announced the new MacBook Pros with yet another keyboard iteration.

Question: How are the butterfly mechanism and plastic cover attached to the top case? Are they merely held in place by the silicone membrane?

I could not tell if the membrane had to be cut in order to extract the butterfly mechanism and plastic dome.

Those two keys you disassembled, can they be re-assembled and have them function normally without the key falling off?

Carlos Perez - 返信

The thing that really holds it all together is the clear plastic cover piece with the black dot in the middle. That component both holds the dome in place on the PCB and provides the pivot points for the hinged white bracket that controls the keycap travel. Unfortunately, it’s essentially riveted in place from the back with plastic pegs, and prying it out is usually pretty destructive. (In other words, don’t try this at home!) The silicone dust membrane doesn’t have to be cut however, as it’s mainly around the perimeter and not over the top of the mechanism.

Jeff Suovanen -

@jeffsu - Can you post pics of the other side of the dome contact plate or tell us if the new ones are gold plated. Thanks!

Dan -

Top side of the dome is pictured in Step 8. ;)

Jeff Suovanen -

I guess we’ll need to wait another year before we get the old reliable keyboards back! So sad …

Dan - 返信

You’re quite the optimist there.

Don Whiteside -

What about the VRM overheating issue? Where is the VRM located on your teardowns? Is there any cooling being applied to the module?

David - 返信

If this proves to be reliable, then it will be just another proof that it is a better idea to stay away from 1st (or even 2nd) Generations of any Apple product. I could make an arm’s long list, but to make a just a few examples: 1st Gen 15” Retina MacBook Pro Mid-2012 / Early-2013 - GPU Problems, 1st Gen MacBook Air - messy internal arrangement, low performance and overheating, 1st Gen iPad, 1st Gen iPhone, 1st Gen Apple Watch. In all these products and many more, it is better to wait 1.5 or 2 years for an update that is “reliable”, more powerful and what not.

Marhowl - 返信

With one of the best engineering teams in the world, that they still make big errors like this and pretty much refuse to take responsibility or at least make it so others can do repairs is sad.

I like my old Macs but want to upgrade someday, at this point I hesitate.

Thank you iFixit for all your hard work detailing the differences and advocating 3rd party repair!

Russell Courtenay -

I amazed at how apple engages in these obvious anti-consumer, anti-repair engineering “solutions” and still maintains their customer base.

zackchimento - 返信

I'll tell you what keeps me in the customer base: macOS.

I spent the 80s with Apple computers and from 1990 until 2014 on Windows PCs. I've been back in the Apple universe for 5 years, and it's like heaven compared to the ongoing, exhausting (it bears repeating — exhausting) war I had with Windows. The prospect of being able to build my own computers and customize them to my heart's content was irresistable in my youth. But creating an OS that could run on any of the infinite configurations of PC parts, in the end, made Windows too easy to break. Torvalds got it; Gates and company did not, at least for my money. The thought of going back to Windows makes me shudder.

Ron Miller -

Ein Laptop wo man den Speicher nicht nachrüsten kann kommt mir gar nicht ins haus, Wieso bleibt apple nicht bei der Pci express Lösung. Da konnte der Nutzer die “festplatte” wenigstens noch selbst wechseln.

furious - 返信

Love the teardowns, and the repair guides to which I’ve referred numerous times.

That said, it really makes me sad to see Apple make iFixit become iPokeAroundInsideIt.

Haile Unlikely - 返信

I agree with Ron Miller’s comment above. The macOS (as well as integration with iOS, is what keeps me with Apple. I used MS Dos and Windows operating systems from the 1980s to 2013 and finally had enough, so I switched to Apple. I do get frustrated with Apple, and this butterfly keyboard debacle increases the level of frustration. I guess I’ll continue with my 2012 15” retina MBP for at least another year. It’s still going strong, though a little slow at times.

Many thanks for the teardown, iFixit.

Bill Moore - 返信

I also Agee with Ron Miller. I went through numerous iterations of Windows machines, from my first 386, to bigger and much more competent desktops, work stations, and some powerful laptops. Many hesitate to go with Apple, saying they’re too expensive, and they are, upfront. But there’s more to cost than upfront cost. With Windows machines I spent innumerable hours upon hours, maintaining, updating, protecting, and repairing them. Even if we don’t consider material costs, the hours lost count as costs that far exceed any difference in upfront costs for Apple products. Since time spent is how we get money to buy things, it doesn’t much matter whether we spend employment time, maintaining time, updating time, or protecting time. All time spent equals cost we’ve spent for any product. So are Apple products really more expensive? I don’t think so.

Ronald Sauve - 返信

As a long term apple customer…. i agree with you but there is a limit. These new keyboards have been failure prone for 4 years at this point. And i personally know people who have had multiple returns, the worst case being 3 returns inside 1 month of ownership for a friend who bought an original 2015 macbook and loved the machine if it wasn’t for the un-usable failure rate. He returned it and got a Macbook Pro 13” 2015 like mine. But now the alternative macbook keyboards do not exist.

jethro.rose -

Will most definitely NOT be buying until at least 12 months have passed and the failures have come out

In the meantime, my 2015 13” Pro soldiers on.

jethro.rose - 返信

If you do not need the portability the current line of iMacs are a pretty good value. I needed a faster machine then my aging 2015 Macbook Pro because I’m doing more and more video editing so I got the 8 core iMac and never looked back.

Ryan Villanueva - 返信

Has anyone disassembled a malfunctioning switch \ switches?

Have metal fatigue, cracks, bends, etc. been observed?

Have torn plastic domes been found?

Chris Waterman - 返信

I’m probably in the minority but I love the butterfly keyboard in my 2017 15” MBP, particularly the low-travel and clicky feedback. Did this keyboard modification alter the tactile typing experience?

Ken Suzuki - 返信

我想看2019款13英寸MacBook Pro 4雷雳口的拆解

季羿臣 - 返信

I am wondering how 8TB of storage and 64GB of RAM can fit in one of these. There doesn’t seem to be much left over space. I would love to see pictures of a maxed out one.

Chris Bennett - 返信

I think it deserves a 2/10.

guardian10 - 返信

I wonder how many people suffered from the 2019 MacBook Pro butterfly keyboard failures compared to the older iterations. It would interesting to hear some users' experience in this regard. After Apple released the 2019 16 inch MBP, we all know that model is less prone to have these kinds of problems, but I'm still curious about the last butterfly keyboard iteration of 2019.

Mirko Frollano - 返信

Can keyboard (Key Cap) from 2017 be used on 2018 (A1990) EMC 3215, 15" with touchbar.

(Yes I know 2018 has plastic underneath..https://www.macrumors.com/2018/07/19/app... )


MacBook Pro 15" Touch Bar 2017 Keyboard Key Cap Replacement. ??

And is it possible that after changing the keyboard and changing the battery, (at APPLE REPAIRER!), THE BATTERY CURRENT CYCLE DROPPED FROM 100% TO 87% AFTER CHARGE STATUS OF 114.

Full charge capacity (mAh): 6338

Charging status (%): 87% (from 100% approx. 1 year ago)

Information about condition:

Number of cycles: 114

Condition: Normal

jarleiceman4 - 返信



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