Mac mini Mid 2010 RAMの交換
手順 1 に進むmid 2010 Mac miniのRAMの取り外しは、ツールが不要で簡単です。
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Do the RAM chips have to be paired, or could I replace a one gig bar with a 4 gig bar?
Thanks for any hints!
They don't need to be paired, although that is the optimum. Just remember, it is best to make sure they are the same speed, or the Mac will just operate both RAMs at the speed of the slowest stick. For example, if you have 2x 1GB PC8500 sticks in there, and you replace one of them with a 4GB PC10600 stick (fastest speed this Mac Mini will run) you will get a benefit form the extra memory, but not the full speed upgrade as both RAMs will operate at the speed of the 8500 stick. Does that make sense? So replacing both with 2x 2GB PC10600 will give you better performance.
This Mac Mini will run PC10600 RAM sticks, although I believe only 4GB per slot.
This Mac can run 16GB of RAM, mine does. Just FYI.
Interesting. I want to try that.