
このPCは、AMDプロセッサを搭載したDell Inspiron 3000シリーズのノートPCで、ノンタッチディスプレイを採用しています。モデル番号は3541です。

20回答 すべてを表示

Why won't my laptop turn on?

Laptop doesn't turn on when I push the power button. It is connected to the battery and the battery is plugged into the outlet. There is no light on the charger. Any idea what's wrong with my laptop?

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Does your laptop have a removable battery? If it does have a removable battery then try removing the battery, plugging the laptop into the power supply and try turning it on.

I have seen computers with bad batteries in the past not turn on with the battery connected to the laptop.


スコア 3


What if it doesn’t have a removable battery. Any suggestions?

The light on the charger isn’t on but the laptop won’t turn on.



Try what David suggested, but you should also simply try using a different electrical outlet. Or you could try using a new power adapter since there is no light on the power adapter you were already using.


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I have this problem sometimes, and believe it or not it's likely that it's on and the Intel management interface isn't accepting the ACPI powerdown command.

I'm also going to guess your running Windows 10, you will hit the same issue with Linux. In Linux you will actually see the problem if you enable the verbose shutdown (usually hitting escape as it shuts down). It will go through the shutdown as normal and will say "Power down" and hang. For some reason, Windows 8 had a work-around but Windows 10/Linux don't.

So, the OS has shut down properly, it just didn't power off. Windows hides this pretty well, it looks powered off.

The fix is to remove the AC adapter and battery, then reinstall the battery and reconnect the power. It should power right up.


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i have tried all of the above but nothing is working so i dont know what else to do my laptop is dell 15 3000 series


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