
現在のバージョン作成者: Dennis Winter


How to find out, which parts has to be replaced.


Hi everyone,
My mother in law dropped her phone into the water.
I asked her a few times not to turn on the device, but she could not listen. The display flashed a few times, showing green colors.
When she brought it, i disassembled the phone and checked for any rusty parts. I could just find a single screw oxidizing. All the rest was looking fine.
I don't want to buy parts out of guts. Is there any way to check if a part is broken?
I can boot the device, display ist black, it was ringing the alarm, which was configured before the drop. I can see the device connect to our WiFi network on out router. So by deduction I would guess it is a display issue, but this is my first phone to fix, so I would love to get better advices than my educational guesses.
-Kind regards!
+Thanks to the detailed Answer from @jayeff.
+Yesterday i could have a look at the board again and found 2 markers which could fit to the description of the LDI.
+1 is a bit like rubber when i touch it and definetly red
+2 is closer to the sim tray, though i have doubts that this is the LDI
+One more thing i noticed, was the back of the display connector looks a bit rusty.
+Just out of curiosity, because i am not well trained in soldering:
+In the process diagram, there is a stage "soldering the U5002". Is this supposed to be done by hand?
+TBH: I barely could open the case without breaking it :)


Samsung Galaxy A21s



オリジナル投稿者: Dennis Winter


How to find out, which parts has to be replaced.


Hi everyone,

My mother in law dropped her phone into the water.

I asked her a few times not to turn on the device, but she could not listen. The display flashed a few times, showing green colors.

When she brought it, i disassembled the phone and checked for any rusty parts. I could just find a single screw oxidizing. All the rest was looking fine.

I don't want to buy parts out of guts. Is there any way to check if a part is broken?

I can boot the device, display ist black, it was ringing the alarm, which was configured before the drop. I can see the device connect to our WiFi network on out router. So by deduction I would guess it is a display issue, but this is my first phone to fix, so I would love to get better advices than my educational guesses.

Kind regards!


Samsung Galaxy A21s

