
現在のバージョン作成者: Oliver Jobson


Panel replacement - outdated battery isolation method warning?


-The guide for front panel replacement and have so far managed to free the screen from the glue.
+I am following the guide for front panel replacement and have so far managed to free the screen from the glue.
My problem is the guide has a warning (below) about the battery isolation pick procedure, which it says is outdated - can anyone advise of the new / preferred method or point me to a resource that can help?
-[quote]''“The battery isolation pick or battery blocker is an outdated way of isolating the battery, as you risk damaging the battery pins underneath the logic board. If you use this method, take extreme care to insert it gently and straight in the direction of the logic board. Do not twist or swing the pick side to side”''[/quote]
+''“The battery isolation pick or battery blocker is an outdated way of isolating the battery, as you risk damaging the battery pins underneath the logic board. If you use this method, take extreme care to insert it gently and straight in the direction of the logic board. Do not twist or swing the pick side to side”''
This is the guide I am following:


iPad Air LTE



オリジナル投稿者: Oliver Jobson


Panel replacement - outdated battery isolation method warning?


The guide for front panel replacement and have so far managed to free the screen from the glue.

My problem is the guide has a warning (below) about the battery isolation pick procedure, which it says is outdated - can anyone advise of the new / preferred method or point me to a resource that can help?

[quote]''“The battery isolation pick or battery blocker is an outdated way of isolating the battery, as you risk damaging the battery pins underneath the logic board. If you use this method, take extreme care to insert it gently and straight in the direction of the logic board. Do not twist or swing the pick side to side”''[/quote]

This is the guide I am following:



iPad Air LTE

