My son handed me a Xbox1 controller that he broke the headset plug.. Its been since PS3 that I've played any games so I assume all Xbox controllers are more or less the same.
With a pin move the broken pin around in the jack and you'll see a itty bitty brass or whatever metal but its there. Magnification makes the entire process easier. The itty bitty piece is whats holding the pin in place. Once you found it you can push it back with something pointy. Its that little metal piece sits in the first oring notch thats holding the broken AUX in place. After you push the itty bitty metal piece back you can begin to fish the broken piece out cause its released and free. It tool me a couple times of having it squirt back into the jack but no damage to the controller, the pin removed and saved a pile of bucks. Thought I'd share this tidbit of success.