
オリジナル投稿者: superturbodiesel2


ACTUALLY, this PROBLEM has NOT been SOLVED. That said, I honestly don't believe it ever will be either. This random automatic "rebooting" issue plagues many, many cell phones. The reason your phone turns on and off is because it is "rebooting" itself after searching for and supposedly downloading an "automatic update" for it's software. Your phone will do this after it does an automatic update download from god only knows where. I often wonder if there is some sort of server somewhere that is actually downloading our "private" information from our cell phones. It wouldn't surprise me one bit if "big brother" government is spying on us in this fashion. There is NO privacy at all these days. Never will be if you use electronic devices. They keep records of everything we do. If you disagree, that's fine, but you are only kidding yourself. Anyhow, the underlying problem that I see is that most "updates" for cell phones that aren't relatively new are defunct, and do not actually even exist.  For example, my phone hasn't actually downloaded and recorded an update since 2013, according to the information within my phone. Well guess what... it's 2018 now, 5 years since the last update "took" to my phone. Yet, for some reason, the cell phone still continues to "try" to update itself, landing in a continuous loop of unnecessary automatic rebooting. At any rate, if it is not the government spying on us, then the entire situation reeks of a defective software "glitch" or "bug", if you will. There are really no other feasible explanations for what is going on with EVERYONE'S phones. The cell phone companies and manufacturers have proven (by their lack of repair/remedy to said situations) that they just DO NOT CARE, and will NOT offer any solutions to said problems. It is what it is. You're screwed into buying a new phone if you can't get your phone to quit trying to "auto-update" itself. My Samsung Gusto3 acts this way every once in a while. Usually first thing in the morning, around 5 or 6 am. It just continuously acts like it's communicating with something, then reboots itself, over and over and over again until it will eventually drain the battery dead over the course of several hours! When I notice it doing this $@$*, I shut it off (if I can first, sometimes I can't), and take out the battery for a good 15 minutes or longer, if need be. Put it back it, turn phone on, and problem seems to go away for a good long while. (Sometimes weeks, sometimes only days.) Bottom line is that your phone is F*CKED, and there's NOTHING that we, the general public, can do about it. If it becomes too big of a problem for you, all I can suggest is that you get a new phone. Sadly, who knows how long your new phone will last before having the same issues. There's just no way to know. One thing's for certain, I wouldn't get the same make and model of phone. My best guess is that's exactly what the phone manufacturers and cell phone companies want you to do anyhow - buy a new phone. Remember, nothing lasts forever, and everything is designed to have a "useful life", AKA: Designed to FAIL. It's a sad world we live in... we have become slaves to our little electronic ball-and-chain devices that rob us blind, not just financially, but in many other ways.

