Hi, I know this site doesn't have the model: '''elitebook 850 g1''' but I still wanted to ask.
I placed a bios password a while back then forgot the password and i needed this pc. i get the bios out to read data and write when placing the bios back i misssed placed the bios in the wrong place because this pc has 2 bios chips so me trying to switch it '''broke the path on one of them'''. is the pc dead? yea i guess im not messing with it but if you guys want to help please do. :)
i was thinking of jumping the bios but could not find the schematic for this model, and i dont have warranty.
Hi, I know this site doesn't have the model: '''elitebook 850 g1''' but I still wanted to ask.
I placed a bios password a while back then forgot the password and i needed this pc. i get the bios out to read data and write when placing the bios back i misssed placed the bios in the wrong place because this pc has 2 bios chips so me trying to switch it '''broke the path on one of them'''. is the pc dead? yea i guess im not messing with it but if you guys want to help please do. :)
i was thinking of jumping the bios but could not find the schematic for this model, and i dont have warranty.
Hi, I know this site doesn't have the model: '''elitebook 850 g1''' but I still wanted to ask.
I placed a bios password a while back then forgot the password and i needed this pc. i get the bios out to read data and write when placing the bios back i misssed placed the bios in the wrong place because this pc has 2 bios chips so me trying to switch it '''broke the path on one of them'''. is the pc dead? yea i guess im not messing with it but if you guys want to help please do. :)
i was thinking of jumping the bios but could not find the schematic for this model, and i dont have warranty.