
現在のバージョン作成者: Rany


iPad 3 restarts every 3 minutes


Client brings in iPad 3 Wi-Fi with GSM that he tried to reset because it was constantly re-booting. So it came in stuck on activation screen. It fails to activate, displaying that activation server is temporarily unreachable.

I timed it, and exactly every 200 seconds it restarts, starting with what looks like a "grey curtain" being drawn over the screen then boot-looping. When on the activation screen, it charges and holds the charge normally.

I am not sure if I should try a restore, I'm afraid to brick it.

Anyone solved an issue like this before? Or can suggest something to start with?



iPad 3 4G





編集者: Rany


-How to fix iPad 3 that restarts every 3 minutes?
+iPad 3 restarts every 3 minutes


Client brings in iPad 3 Wi-Fi with GSM that he tried to reset because it was constantly re-booting. So it came in stuck on activation screen. It fails to activate, displaying that activation server is temporarily unreachable.
I timed it, and exactly every 200 seconds it restarts, starting with what looks like a "grey curtain" being drawn over the screen then boot-looping. When on the activation screen, it charges and holds the charge normally.
I am not sure if I should try a restore, I'm afraid to brick it.
Anyone solved an issue like this before? Or can suggest something to start with?


iPad 3 4G



編集者: Rany


-How to fix iPad 3 that restarts / boot-loops every 3 minutes?
+How to fix iPad 3 that restarts every 3 minutes?


Client brings in iPad 3 Wi-Fi with GSM that he tried to reset because it was constantly re-booting. So it came in stuck on activation screen. It fails to activate, displaying that activation server is temporarily unreachable.
I timed it, and exactly every 200 seconds it restarts, starting with what looks like a "grey curtain" being drawn over the screen then boot-looping. When on the activation screen, it charges and holds the charge normally.
I am not sure if I should try a restore, I'm afraid to brick it.
-Anyone solved an issue like this before?
+Anyone solved an issue like this before? Or can suggest something to start with?


iPad 3 4G



編集者: Rany


-How to fix iPad 3 that charges, but boot-loops every 200 seconds?
+How to fix iPad 3 that restarts / boot-loops every 3 minutes?


Client brings in iPad 3 Wi-Fi with GSM that he tried to reset because it was constantly re-booting. So it came in stuck on activation screen. It fails to activate, displaying that activation server is temporarily unreachable.

I timed it, and exactly every 200 seconds it restarts, starting with what looks like a "grey curtain" being drawn over the screen then boot-looping. When on the activation screen, it charges and holds the charge normally.

I am not sure if I should try a restore, I'm afraid to brick it.

Anyone solved an issue like this before?


iPad 3 4G



オリジナル投稿者: Rany


How to fix iPad 3 that charges, but boot-loops every 200 seconds?


Client brings in iPad 3 Wi-Fi with GSM that he tried to reset because it was constantly re-booting. So it came in stuck on activation screen. It fails to activate, displaying that activation server is temporarily unreachable.

I timed it, and exactly every 200 seconds it restarts, starting with what looks like a "grey curtain" being drawn over the screen then boot-looping. When on the activation screen, it charges and holds the charge normally.

I am not sure if I should try a restore, I'm afraid to brick it.

Anyone solved an issue like this before?


iPad 3 4G

