
MacBook Pro 13インチ Unibody Mid 2012のトラックパッドの交換


  1. MacBook Pro 13インチ Unibody Mid 2012のトラックパッドの交換, 下部ケース: 手順 1、 1の画像 1
    • 次のネジを10本外します。

    • 14.4 mm #00プラスネジー3本

    • 3.5 mm #00プラスネジー3本

    • 3.5 mm #00 肩付きプラスネジー4本

    • 小さなネジを交換する際は、ケースのわずかに湾曲した部分に対し、垂直にネジを揃えてください。

    How much weight can I save by removing the optical drive?

    gunes314 - 返信

    You can save a lot of weight if lets say your installing a solid state drive or putting in a second hard drive but if you know that you use the CD/DVD disc drive a lot then you might just want to leave the drive alone.

    Marshall WahlstromHelgren -

    Tip: Use one of those weekday pill holders to have a cheep way to store screws you remove and each day of the week can be for different sizes or parts. It has been handy to have (much less expensive than the magnetic mat.

    Robert Wacker - 返信

    Hello, where can I buy the screws I need in case I lose one of them?

    taylornya - 返信

    I have one stripped screw... How opening without drill it?! Any suggestions please?

    rodrigosady - 返信

    I also stripped a couple screws. I wasn’t able to open it up without drilling. After drilling the heads and removing the cover it was easy to hacksaw the tip and unscrew with a standard driver.

    Michael Wilkens -

    My top tip - make sure you buy good quality Phillips screwdrivers and a magnetic holder. Cheap screwdrivers won’t get the screws undone safely. Without a magnetic holder you have no chance of getting the tiny crews in and out safely.

    jeremyyoung - 返信

    A good Phillips 00 is your friend here. Also, when reinserting the screws, gently start anticlockwise and you wil feel a click at the start of the thread. This tells you you’re in the right place and less likely to cross-thread through force in the wrong place.

    Iain Boyd - 返信

    I feel like these are 000 screws. Amazon sales describe them as such and my 000 screwdriver fits better

    cam2000deluxe -

    Before ordering a new Trackpad remove the existing battery and try clicking the Trackpad. If it clicks OK with the battery out the source of problem is likely a swollen battery, which should to be replaced even if it still works to some degree. From the side of the battery you will likely see the soft part of the battery bulging beyond the hard case.

    Patrick Langvardt - 返信

    That’s absolutely correct as I can testify. With the battery removed I also adjusted the T6 set screw that adjusts the sensitivity of the trackpad click, evidently someone had cranked mine down tighter than the factory setting.

    Gary Register -

    Le quatrième paragraphe dans les instructions en français n’est pas correct : ce ne sont pas les 2 petites vis, mais les 7 petites vis qui sont inclinées. Et les 3 grandes sont bien verticales.

    Degeorges - 返信

    Bonjour ! Merci de votre observation. J’ai corrigé la traduction. iFixit étant un wiki, n’hésitez pas à modifiez si vous remarquez une erreur :) Encore merci de votre attention et à bientôt !

    Claire Miesch -

    Tip: if you have a magnetic screw mat or similar, lay the macbook over the mat to make sure it catches any screws that may decide to fall of and hide under your table

    Moritz - 返信

    Funny, it's not her hands that are doing the close ups. :)

    Cinemated Man - 返信

    What's the difference between the shouldered and non shouldered screws? They look exactly the same to me.

    MLNLRD - 返信

    the shouldered screws have a space where the threading stops and the head of the screw begins. i don't think the newer screw kits include them. i've lost most of my shouldered screws but the non shouldered screws will work, too. you just need to adjust everything carefully because a shouldered screw will stick out of the case instead of fitting flush if it's in a non-shouldered hole.

    postjosh -

    There are bateries labeled as "A1322" but marked as "High Performance" and rated 76.56WH/11.6V. Also sold as replacement for the MacBook Pro 13" mid 2012 Model A1278. Does the different rating, in particular the voltage, is compatible? Does it really provides some extra "performance" in any actual way?


    locutus - 返信

    does anyone know where to buy the shouldered 3.5mm screws? it looks like the current kit has substituted the non-shouldered version of the screw.

    postjosh - 返信

    My screws were in a slightly different configuration -- my macbook has never been opened before so I'm not sure why my screws were different from the diagram here. Anyways, the three long screws were in the same position, then, clockwise from the right-middle screw, with s = shouldered and r = regular, I had: s, s, r, s, r, r, s.

    Spencer Pennington - 返信

  2. MacBook Pro 13インチ Unibody Mid 2012のトラックパッドの交換: 手順 2、 2の画像 1 MacBook Pro 13インチ Unibody Mid 2012のトラックパッドの交換: 手順 2、 2の画像 2
    • 排気口(液晶ヒンジ部)付近より、底ケースを指で開けます。

    • 底ケースを取り外します。

  3. MacBook Pro 13インチ Unibody Mid 2012のトラックパッドの交換, バッテリーの接続: 手順 3、 2の画像 1 MacBook Pro 13インチ Unibody Mid 2012のトラックパッドの交換, バッテリーの接続: 手順 3、 2の画像 2
    • スパッジャーの先端を使って、バッテリーコネクターをロジックボードのソケットから上向きに引き上げます。

    • ソケットからバッテリーコネクターを外す際に、両側の短いサイドから上向きに引き上げると作業がしやすいです。コネクターの角に気をつけてください。簡単に壊れてしまいます。

    Is this step of removing the battery connector required?

    manodh - 返信

    yes - as with disassembly of any electronic component you have to remove any power source. You don't want to accidentally turn the Mac on

    khull -

    Prying the battery connector off does not take much force. I did exactly what the guide suggested (walked it off back and forth) with the spudger without any problems. Just be very gentle, much like with anything inside laptops, they are very fragile and need to be worked with carefully. A+ instructions, battery replacement was a success.

    aekinaka - 返信

    Be patient on disconnecting this one. It worked for me step by step, little by little.

    Phil Wagner - 返信

    I used the nails of thumb and pointer finger simultaneously - worked pretty fine

    Reinhard Kaune - 返信

    I whittled down ends of two wooden strips to use, along with my fingernails to start with. I used halves of a wooden clothespin, but popsicle sticks should work too.

    Mike Baker - 返信

  4. MacBook Pro 13インチ Unibody Mid 2012のトラックパッドの交換: 手順 4、 1の画像 1
    • バッテリーケーブルをロジックボード上のソケットから外して、わずかに折り曲げておきます。そうすると、作業中にアクシデントで接続することがありません。

    I put some tape between the connector and socket while working on the drive.

    Stephen Smith - 返信

    That's a good tip

    Anrothan -

    Great tip, I did that too

    Ahmed Mahran -

    One other note: The screw heads fit flush with the curvature of the case -- which means that they aren't exactly horizontal. In other words, they aren't perpendicular to the table that the computer is resting on. Don't try to force them straight in vertically, because you'll risk cross-threading them. (nearly ruined one screw hole myself!)

    lelandjordon - 返信

    On my MacBook Pro, the connector seems to be an integral part of the battery.

    Jerry South - 返信

    I suspect it’s just like the special screwdriver required for seatbelts on cars – to discourage regular consumers from attempting repairs. Of course, this only encourages consumers to use the wrong tool to attempt to repairs

    colleenthompson - 返信

    Dissambling my MacBookPro Premium Mid 2012 (i5-3210M 2.5Ghz) was easily, Careful with the screws, use screwdriver fitting exactly with the screws, you damage them very fast. Work very exactly, relaxed with time, consentration, good Tools and with feelings in your hands. Disconnect the Akku was easy if you take care, remove it to be safe, Two screws more, more space to work & haven`t to think about damaging someting. Apple use diffrent screws, you should have many difffrent scewdrivers. It is also good to clean everything inside, With time everything gets very dusty & dirty, don`t forget the sides and little fittings at the case. Use a pinsel, alcohol, soft peace stuff, it will look like new. If you have knowledge & experience, you can paint it in any colour or airbrushing for individualizing. You can also just polish it with a soft Politure (Sonax car Polish No1, NOT with wax or take an other light Politure you familiar & can do the job, A Laptop should serviced once a year, keeping it good working over years

    Stefan Lindner - 返信

    First thing i do is open & cleanig everything inside,specially the cooling & fan, renew the thermal paste with an high quality product. Install the Nain System, clean up Bloatware and other unnecessary things, install standard software for daily use, additional change system components against better one (Edge to Firefox, Windows Media Player to VLC , an Office Suite and configuring everything for Data Protection, Privacy- & Indentety Protection, install Drivers from the component Manufactur (incedible effect, disable limitations, more functions, work better & faster, increasing performance, additional change the WiFi & Bluetooth Card to a better one a UMTS WWAN to an LTE Card, increase RAM with two Dual-Channel working SODIMMs, Use M2 or 2,5" SSD if no M2 Slot aviable) as System- and Software iDrive, a FAT32 formatted 32GB Partition to be safe of metaviruses comes with harmless downloads, and a big 2,5 HDD to store the user data. What does you guys think about this? Old Computer become a new life,

    Stefan Lindner - 返信

    I livein Austria, near Vienna, if someone needs help or anything else, i would be glad to help. I always searching old or broken devices to bring them to new live. I also searching for spare parts, specilly a Bottom & Side Case and a 256GB or higher NGFF Storage Card for a Sony Vaio Tab 11 SVT1144HE (2014), some 14,1" Displays for a HP Probook 440G5 (2016), Elitebook MT 43 Mobile Thin Client, (2011), Dell Vostro 3460 (2012) Lenovo Thinkpad T440s (2014), and a Logic Board for an Lenovo Ideapad 330-15ARR (2017, damaged by Water i think) and a Logic Bord for an Alienware 17R4 with i7-6870HX & Nvidia 1080 (2018, CPU dead, maybe there is a repair Guide or workaround to bring it back to Life). I need always 8GB or 16GB DDR3 and DDR4 RAM Storage (perfectly two ident one for Dual-Channel use for Laptops, M2 SATA 6GB/s and NVMe PCIe SSDs 500GB or more and 2,5"SSD or HDD with 1TB or more and 3,5" HDD with 4GB or above. If you have some of this or other useful parts and doesn`t need them, please make me an offer, maybe


    Stefan Lindner - 返信

    an change something you need. This is not a Business what i do, it`s more a Hobby with challenging new Excercices.. Thats the best Point. Plase forgive me as a Newbie this very long Post in the wrong Section, but if you are start writing you cannot stop.... But now i have to come to an end and would be happy if someone wants to get in contact. My E-Mail is: udontknowme@gmx.at (the adress name is just a notice against Big Data and for Privacy Protection!

    Stefan Lindner - 返信

  5. MacBook Pro 13インチ Unibody Mid 2012のトラックパッドの交換, バッテリー: 手順 5、 1の画像 1
    • 次のネジを2本外します。

    • 5.6 mm トライポイントネジ 1本

    • 13 mm トライポイントネジ 1本

    Something isn’t right here. On my MacBook Pro, the connector is an integral part of the battery.

    Jerry South - 返信

    Verify that this is the correct guide for your specific model—if not, we’ve got guides for all the other models, too.

    Jeff Suovanen -

    And which Apple “Genius” decided that a tri-wing screw would be just perfect for the job of holding the batter in place? Not smart for a genius.

    Jerry South - 返信

    These tri-point screws are Y0 size. You’re welcome :)

    Rossi Macri - 返信

    Thank you rossi

    James -

    The 13 mm Tri-point screw was very tricky to screw back into place. I had to make several attempts, unscrewing and realigning the battery to get it right. The rest of this fix was very easy, but this one screw was the hardest part.

    Raymond Rinaldi - 返信

    As per Rossi Macri’s comment, I also observed for step 5 that both screws are Tri-point Y0 for my MacBook Pro 13 inch mid-2012 model.

    Tim Telcik - 返信

    For the Tri point 3 wings or however you call them. the proper Screwdriver is really to rcommend; I manageds it with a normal flat but very small screw- driver but it slightly "damages" the screws;(a four winged screwdriver does not grip enough);

    So i recommend to buy the whole package with instruments; (i had all other instruments accept the Tripoint)

    the screws themselves seem to be fragile

    For putting them in again its better to start with longer one but dont fasten it tight keepit loose until the short one grips.. the tighten them but not too fast.

    Applefan - 返信

    Bought the replacement battery from iFixit but upon reassembly, the 13 mm tri-point screw (the right one) took like 15 minutes to get it properly alined. With the original battery, it was first try, as was the left 5,6 mm. Keep an eye out for that!

    Manuel - 返信

    re Rossi Macri's comment posted nearly four years ago: when, if ever, is iFixit going to act in response? Just sloppy on their part, and infernally annoying to customers.

    David Collins - 返信

    PS Otherwise their work is really

    helpful. So small a thing.

    David Collins - 返信

  6. MacBook Pro 13インチ Unibody Mid 2012のトラックパッドの交換: 手順 6、 1の画像 1
    • バッテリーの警告ラベルを、光学ドライブの間の上部ケースから丁寧に剥がします。

    • バッテリーから警告ラベルを完全に外さないでください。

    What is the reasoning behind not removing the label from the (old) battery?

    tom - 返信

    Probably to help you remove it? Not sure, but I used it along with the clear tab to pull the battery out. Worked pretty good.

    aitorrecalde -

    One of the main thing is that it can weaken an already old battery which is never a good thing, especially if people try to remove the label using a pointy device and piercing the battery (can explode !). Also it is not useful to remove it and it allow tracking of old parts (recycle, dispose, …).

    Cajuteq -

  7. MacBook Pro 13インチ Unibody Mid 2012のトラックパッドの交換: 手順 7、 1の画像 1
    • バッテリー上部についているプラスチックのプルタブを使って、上部ケースからバッテリーを外します。

    • この修理ガイドを完成したら、新しく装着したバッテリーのカリブレーションを行なってください。

    • 100%になるまで充電します。充電後も最低2時間はプラグを繋げたままにします。それからプラグを外して、通常通り使用しながら、自然に放電させます。バッテリー残量小のサインが表示されたら、これまでの作業を保存して、スリープ状態になるまで放置してください。スリープ状態に入ったら、少なくとも5時間置きます。それから一気に100%まで充電します。

    • 新しいバッテリーを装着後、通常通り作動しない場合は、MacBook ProのSMCをリセットしなければならない可能性があります。

    My replacement battery came with a clear protective film that should be removed before installation. Be sure not to overlook the film on the bottom of the battery as it covers only a portion of that side and might be easy to overlook.

    Do not over-tighten the bolts holding the battery in place. One of the tabs on the original battery was broken, presumably due to over-tightening.

    Patrick Langvardt - 返信

    The calibration suggestion given in this guide differs a bit from what iFIXIT sent with the battery. What came with the battery went like this…

    For optimal performance, calibrate your newly installed battery. Drain battery below 10%, then charge it uninterrupted to 100%.

    Daniel Lavelle - 返信

    I recommend disregarding those instructions and following the steps in this article:

    1. Charge it to 100%, and keep charging it for at least two more hours.

    2. Unplug your laptop and use it normally to drain the battery.

    3. Save your work when you see the low battery warning.

    4. Keep your laptop on until it goes to sleep due to low battery.

    5. Wait at least five hours, then charge your laptop uninterrupted to 100%.

    Sam Omiotek -

    would it be dangerous to use the macbook without a battery in the meantime?

    724 F - 返信

    It’s not dangerous (assuming you have put the back cover back on), though the computer will run slower. The charging assembly cannot supply as much amperage as the battery, so the processor will be throttled.

    Sam Omiotek -

    Oops, i missed step 5. Wait at least five hours, then charge your laptop uninterrupted to 100%. I charged it to 100% right after it went to sleep. It did seem slow to charge after that, so I reset the SMC. It now seems to be charging normally. I hope I did not damage by skipping that step.

    garyrclark - 返信

    When i charged the new battery the first time, my macbook pro mid 2012 switched itself on during charge every 2 Hours or maybe 3;

    i reset the smc then it was normal again

    Applefan - 返信

    @samomio I saw your reply about using the MacBook without a battery and how it will throttle the CPU since the charger will not supply the necessary power. What about a more powerful charger? Like there's an 85 watts charger that has the Magsafe 1 connector and all. Would that charger allow to use the device without it throttling?

    lion.lorena - 返信

  8. MacBook Pro 13インチ Unibody Mid 2012のトラックパッドの交換, トラックパッド: 手順 8、 1の画像 1
    • スパッジャーの平面側先端を使って、ロジックボード上のソケットからトラックパッドのコネクターを丁寧に引き上げます。

    In this photo, what are the two connectors immediately to the right of the track pad connector? I’ve scrolled this posting and can’t quite identify what’s what without totally disassembling, which I’m avoiding.

    Dylan VanDyke - 返信

  9. MacBook Pro 13インチ Unibody Mid 2012のトラックパッドの交換: 手順 9、 1の画像 1
    • MacBook Proを開口して画像のようにデバイスを配置します。

  10. MacBook Pro 13インチ Unibody Mid 2012のトラックパッドの交換: 手順 10、 1の画像 1
    • 片手でロジックボード付近のトラックパッドの端を持ちながら、赤くハイライトした1.2 mmプラスネジを4本外します。

    A word of caution if you are replacing your trackpad due to a bulging battery. This guide assumes that the original mounting tabs are not damaged and it does not look like the iFixit trackpad replacement kit comes with new tabs. My MBP had a bulging battery, which pushed up on the bottom of my trackpad, deforming one of these tabs. Now that I have removed the battery, the trackpad still works, but it is not flush with the case and the physical clicks are not as responsive as I would like. Does iFixit sell just the replacement tabs?

    Matt Marchese - 返信

    Same here luckily the trackpad still works but the taps have deformed. Anyone find a place to pick up just those tabs? Edit: found them MacBook Pro Unibody (Mid 2009-Mid 2012) Trackpad Mounting Screws

    iAndrewC -

    Be careful with this step. The very tiny screws are very hard to remove with a #00 screwdriver. I tried with mine and I mashed the srews heads, it was then very very hard to remove it. Better to use a #000 screwdriver. If the heads are mashed like me, I suggest you use a 0.1 flat screwdriver, it worked well in my case.

    Jonathan - 返信

    I couldn't even begin to use the #000 as the edges were not deep or narrow enough for the condition of the screws from factory install. The .1 flat screwdriver worked like a charm though and didn't mess up the screws further at all. I was getting nervous that I'd need to get another screwdriver beyond what's in the iFixit toolkit, but this worked as a better solution.

    Thom Merrick -

    I used a #0 screwdriver, and it worked fine.

    TIP: Remove and insert the screws over a large, clear work surface. The slightest pressure off center an the screws will suddenly fly off and vanish.


    Yes, I have found a very small flat head screw driver works brilliant.

    Cary B - 返信

  11. MacBook Pro 13インチ Unibody Mid 2012のトラックパッドの交換: 手順 11、 3の画像 1 MacBook Pro 13インチ Unibody Mid 2012のトラックパッドの交換: 手順 11、 3の画像 2 MacBook Pro 13インチ Unibody Mid 2012のトラックパッドの交換: 手順 11、 3の画像 3
    • 必要に応じて、上部ケースの角から丁寧にキーボード側のトラックパッドの端を外します。

    • ここに翻訳を挿入する

    • ここに翻訳を挿入する

  12. MacBook Pro 13インチ Unibody Mid 2012のトラックパッドの交換: 手順 12、 1の画像 1
    • 新しいトラックパッドを搭載する際は、上部ケースからケーブルを通して基板に取り付ける作業が困難です。片手でケーブルを上部ケースのスロットに押し込みながら通して、スパッジャーの先端を使ってコネクタを基板に取り付けてください。

    If your replacement trackpad comes with the cable separated and loose, the connection to the trackpad needs to have a tab pressed down which keeps the connection snug. It won't work without it. It's a tab on the trackpad part of the connection. Tab might be the wrong word; the connection has to be in all the way, then clamp it closed with the tab... oops! LOL

    Mark - 返信

    Tip: Getting the cable nicely through the slit to the top is much easier, if you take a tiny cable binder, form half a loop in that little space the cable has to come up and lift it gently with it.

    Plum Pudding - 返信

  13. MacBook Pro 13インチ Unibody Mid 2012のトラックパッドの交換: 手順 13、 2の画像 1 MacBook Pro 13インチ Unibody Mid 2012のトラックパッドの交換: 手順 13、 2の画像 2
    • 次にトラックパッドの内側端にそって1.2 mmプラスネジを取り付けます。

    • ネジをしっかりと締めてから、1/4ほど緩めてください。

    • 上部ケースのキーボード側のトラックパッドの位置が揃っているか確認してください。上部ケースのトラックパッドを正しい位置に付けたら、4本のネジを留めてください。

    trackpad still doesn't click. I've tried two separate parts.. but what makes it pop back up after depressing the pad? It just lays there. I've taken it apart four times to adjust the tork screw... nothing. HELP!

    Gail - 返信

    two options here :

    _adjust the screw which control the deepness of the click


    _the back panel put pressure on the battery which prevent the movement of the trackpad

    Sebastien CHAPUIS -

    My trackpad was driving me up the wall, bouncing all over the place. Ifixit Trackpad comes with extra screws, hinge and adjuster. You won't believe how tiny these screws are! If one falls in the carpet-it's GONE! Bless you Ifixit! To center when re-installing adjust by sliding a thin piece of paper (scotch tape?), under bottom of trackpad, let Trackpad rest on it's own weight and then tighten one top and bottom screw a little bit, and eyeball it, just the tiniest crack of daylight on each side. I strongly suggest the highest quality magnetic screwdriver you can find. The little torx screw disc is an adjuster. If too tight, trackpad won't 'click.' On a Mac, click is not really essential as long as tap and slide are working right. Needs a small amount of clearance. When properly installed you can 'feel' the click if it's right. Probably won't need to mess with it at all. Now my trackpad works like it should, I am a happy camper!

    ovenwally - 返信

    I replaced the trackpad with a new one: the arrow moves but was not possible to click. I putted back the old trackpad and it works with. The solution: the eleventh picture shown a gray Torx type screw to the left of the connector where there is the recess in the back of the mouse. This screw is used to increase or decrease the depth of clicks. in my case it was too screwed and it was as if I held continually pressed the truckpad: therefore, it was enough to loosen it. At this point I ask myself since in the old truckpad I had problems with the physical click, I probably would have been enough to adjust the screw.

    caronte88 - 返信

    Vielen Dank, dies hat mir sehr beholfen :-)

    Frederik Häger -

    ifitit is once again amazing. My trackpad just stopped working on my four year old machine. Bought a new trackpad from iFitit, followed the guide and now I have a functional laptop again. One thing to note. 1.2mm is small very, very small. The screws for the trackpad *will* get lost if they fall of the table. Make sure that doesn't happen.

    Jerry - 返信

    I was having trackpad issue on my 2010 machine, did the replacement from ifixit which arrived broken (bummer) but they replaced it no problems. It worked great for just under a year but now I'm having the same issues again of poor finger tacking, jumping, and lack of sensitivity. I've tried cleaning the whole unit, rebooting in safe mode, refreshing code, and anything else the web has provided. I'm starting to wonder if it's something else on my machine or if the trackpads just don't hold up well enough. Overall I'm super frustrated to have a newer pad crap out this early.

    eastern117 - 返信

    I don't have a magnetic head driver so I had a terrible time trying to get the screws in. I found getting the screw on the table Phillips side up, I pushed my finger tip into the head til it stuck and placed the screw into the thread that way. The screw stayed in long enough for me to tighten with the driver ! Oh, what a relief! I only lost one screw; thank god for replacement screws! Order your trackpad with screws! They fall and get lost easy! Now I'm happy! :)

    Mark - 返信

    Next time rub the tip of the screwdriver against a magnet about 10-20 times in the SAME direction (A fridge magnet works)

    Karan Kakkar -

    For some reason the black material under the tabs were enough to stop the track pad from being able to click. I removed that material and now have a track pad that clicks.

    blrmisc - 返信

    I installed the trackpad, but it was not behaving correctly. Took it apart again and reinstalled, using the 2 new foils that go under the trackpad keeper screws (my old ones were kind of mangled, probably from all the force I had to use on the old trackpad). I also made extra sure the trackpad was precisely lined up this time. Voila! A nice, sensitive new trackpad.

    Thanks, iFixit!

    Felix - 返信

    I found it difficult to adjust the trackpad’s position so that it had just the same amount of space on every side to move freely when being clicked.

    What worked for me was putting all four screws in - but a little loose as suggested - and then putting the button case back on (without screws) for protection. Turn the laptop in normal position, open it, adjust the trackpad, fix its position with one large strap of of easy to remove tape - approximately 15 x 4-5 cm e.g. masking tape.

    This will hold the trackpad in position while turning the MacBook Pro around and tightening the screws.

    Jörn von Spreckelsen - 返信

    Watch this Youtube, it shows an additional issue with the click mechanism pressure contact that may be causing the Track Pad to not register clicks. https://youtu.be/awihkz3aYkg

    Macrepair SF - 返信

    I installed my trackpad and am having trouble getting it to work properly. At first it wouldn’t click at all but I readjusted it and now I can use it mostly, but there seems to be small portions of the trackpad that don’t register my touch (mostly noticeable when I try to scroll with 2 fingers - it just wont). Can you give me some pointers?

    bea - 返信

    Still having this same problem with no reply. I sometimes can’t use the zoom function on my laptop because the trackpad doesn’t recognize that I am touching it at all. In certain parts of it my touch is not being recognized. I have tried to readjust several times without success. Would love some recommendations if anybody has any.

    bea -

    I have followed every step of this guide, word for word, and my for some reason the new replacement trackpad is unresponsive. Any tips?

    andrescruz - 返信



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Andrew Optimus Goldheart

メンバー登録日: 10/17/09

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iFixit iFixit人のメンバー


118 メンバー


12 件のコメント

I have a sensitivity problem with my new just installed Trackpad. Click works fine but the trackpad doesn't detect fingers the way it used to. For example if u use the tip of the finger (not the nail obviously) the arrow doesn't move at all but it works if u use the "fingerprint" part of the finger (flatter part). Any suggestions?

casse89 - 返信

You probably need to slightly loosen the screw in that little triangle shaped groove by the bottom center of the trackpad. That will lessen restriction on the pressure sensor's range of movement so that it can detect slight touches.

Ari Himber -

Easy to follow, excellent instructions and photos. Apple considers this repair too difficult for the end user. The only thing that is difficult about it is having the right tools. Other than that, just focus. It took me maybe 30 minutes with the trackpad centering being the most time-consuming problem.

Larry Hicok - 返信

Great directions and very useful site! No surprises for this installation. Thanks!

Far - 返信

The hex screw towards the bottom of the trackpad adjusts the sensitivity and “click” of the trackpad. This might need adjusting after installation.

Rob - 返信

Should you tighten or loosen the screw?

Jarred Shewey -

The track pad works fine. Although it does not have as positive of a click on the bottom left of the track pad.

Jarred Shewey - 返信

I changed the trackpad on my MacBook Pro 13” mid-2012. It detect perfectly my finger but I can’t do any click. The old trackpad had the same problem + it doesn’t detect any finger. Does anybody have a solution for my problem ? I really need this click function and I can’t always transport my laptop with a mouse. Thank you :)

Rafael Dos Santos - 返信

I had the problem that my Trackpad had "gone mad", doing everything but the right thing.

The Hex screw in the triangle did the trick for me.

Thanks a lot for the hint!

Franz Gelbfuß - 返信

After I put the trackpad and verified the click with the battery on (when the Mac is upside-down, when i put it whit the bottom down, it's like the trackpad is pushed by gravity and it doesn't go up. So I can do everything but not the hard clicking (like for "drag and drop"). What can I do?

Frait Stin - 返信

Me arrisquei em fazer a troca. Segui todos os passos do IFIXIT e foi super tranquilo. Resolvi o problema e o novo TrackPad está funcionando perfeitamente!

Fernando Martins - 返信

Merci pour ce tutoriel !

Sachez qu'il est assez simple de changer également la nappe branchée sur le trackpad, si la vôtre est endommagée. Il suffit de la décoller délicatement du trackpad et de déverrouiller le connecteur en basculant vers le haut la petite barrette noire située vers le centre du trackpad. La nappe sort et la nouvelle se glisse délicatement à la place. Rebaisser le connecteur noir pour bloquer la nappe en place. J'ai utilisé un petit morceau de ruban adhésif pour la maintenir contre le trackpad avant de procéder au remontage.

Richard Mnh - 返信



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