このガイドを使用して、ロジクール Logitech G Pro マウスのバッテリーを交換してください。
G PROワイヤレスマウスのバッテリーを交換するには、マウスのフットを取り外さなければなりません。マウスフットを再利用する場合は、熱を加えて接着剤を緩め、最小限の曲げで取り外す必要があります。マウスフットが曲がっていたり、破れている場合は、交換が必要になる場合があります。
可能であれば、電池の残量が***25%**以下になった後、このガイドに従ってください。MX Masterの電池は比較的小さいですが、充電された電池は、誤って曲げたり穴を開けたりすると、安全上の問題が生じる可能性があります。
修理がうまく進みませんか?ベーシックなトラブルシューティングを試してみるか、ロジクール G Proのアンサーコミュニティを参照してください。
修理がうまく進みませんか?ベーシックなトラブルシューティングを試してみるか、ロジクール G Proのアンサーコミュニティを参照してください。
12 の人々がこのガイドを完成させました。
Midori Doiさんは世界中で修理する私たちを助けてくれています! あなたも貢献してみませんか?
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6 件のコメント
Worked entirely fine for me. Since I bought replacement sliders/feet as well, I just skipped the warming up steps. The glue still separated very easily and overall took me like 10 seconds to remove all feet
Regarding the battery/flex-cable step, I personally removed the flex cable first as it’s much more fragile and less replaceable than the battery cable
I also removed the logic board to clean the area below, it’s pretty straight-forward. The only thing one has to remember is where the on/off switch colors go again during re-assembly. Answer: the blue side is at the bottom (when the PRO Wireless label is readable and NOT upside-down), you can find a photo in step 10
The symptoms I had before the repair were a bit weird, which is why I initially wasn’t sure if it’s the battery or not. Basically, my mouse wouldn’t charge a lot, but also wouldn’t work for a long time while connected via cable. Both of these appear to be fixed now (I’ll try to remember to update this comment if it turns out to be broken)
For a replacement battery, I managed to find an original battery on eBay that was disassembled from a returned mouse. That way I could be sure I’m not going to receive some potentially dangerous knock-off version, which I didn’t want to risk.
The locking flap on the input cable ZIF connector just broke in half when I tried this teardown. Would you happen to know where I can buy a replacement, if there's any?
Anybody know of a good battery to use as a replacement? I searched a while back and couldn't find a source I was confident in.
Jason Tran - 返信
Note to all - I'm assuming the battery must run in series with the power/data cable. So if you are having battery issues (battery not charging) and waiting for the replacement to arrive, you can remove battery re-assemble and use the mouse plugged in/switched off as if it were wired in the interim!