
Released 2014, October; Android 0S, v4.4.4, up to v5.1; 32/64GB storage and exclusive to Verizon Wireless.

20回答 すべてを表示

Extracting data from a dead phone

Hi all, a couple weeks ago my fiance washed my pants with my phone in the pocket. We realized the error an hour before I had to leave on a business trip. So I put the phone in a zip lock bag with a gun safe dehumidifier for a few days. Unfortunately, it seems the phone is done. Doesn't do anything when I plug it in, doesn't respond when I hold the power button. Since I get no reaction at all from the phone I was hoping the problem was a dead battery, so I bought a new battery and replaced it. Unfortunately still nothing. I don't see any corrosion on contact points but I did try brushing them off with alcohol anyways. Still no luck. So at this point I figure some vital part must be completely shot.

Evidently I'm pretty stupid because I did not have the Verizon cloud taking backups. Also, I didn't have the sync turned on for my gmail account. So my question is, does anyone have any ideas how I could get my data (contacts etc) off the dead phone? I was thinking of trying to get a used one off ebay and swapping out some parts or something. I assume the data is all saved somewhere on the motherboard?

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スコア 3
4 件のコメント

Your things should automatically backup to google. Tell me what you need and I will provide a link to the google websites that it is backuped to.


Contacts is the big thing, photos and app data would be nice too.


What is the google website to go to, to retrieve contacts ?


Absolutely you can't get back the data.. there is no other way..





Did you clean the entire board with alcohol, or just contact point? You need to clean the entire board.


スコア 4

7 件のコメント:

I did, but I did it with a toothbrush and with 70% alcohol. From looking around it looks like I need to use 99% and really coat it? I saw a youtube video that said to take the battery out and put the whole phone in an alcohol bath for a few hours. Is that actually safe?


@bw3699 yes it is. that's the way to do it.


Ok thanks. I'll give that a shot.


Looks like the alcohol bath didn't help. Still no signs of life.


So I tried soaking and brushing the mother board again tonight and it actually worked. The phone turns on now but the screen doesn't appear to work. Anyone know if it's possible to fix a screen with alcohol or some other trick?




Google automatically backup your phone just like how apple does with icloud backup. So your data maybe safe but still try to get your phone working an ultrasonic cleaner might work but I recommend bringing it to a shop since a ultrasonic cleaner might cost more than what a shop would charge to repair it.


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