Hi all, a couple weeks ago my fiance washed my pants with my phone in the pocket. We realized the error an hour before I had to leave on a business trip. So I put the phone in a zip lock bag with a gun safe dehumidifier for a few days. Unfortunately, it seems the phone is done. Doesn't do anything when I plug it in, doesn't respond when I hold the power button. Since I get no reaction at all from the phone I was hoping the problem was a dead battery, so I bought a new battery and replaced it. Unfortunately still nothing. I don't see any corrosion on contact points but I did try brushing them off with alcohol anyways. Still no luck. So at this point I figure some vital part must be completely shot.
Evidently I'm pretty stupid because I did not have the Verizon cloud taking backups. Also, I didn't have the sync turned on for my gmail account. So my question is, does anyone have any ideas how I could get my data (contacts etc) off the dead phone? I was thinking of trying to get a used one off ebay and swapping out some parts or something. I assume the data is all saved somewhere on the motherboard?