
2013年11月22日に発売されたMicrosoftの第三世代のXbox ゲームコンソールです。

20回答 すべてを表示

Xbox One E200 Error

Had a customer bring in a X One with the E200 error. Doesn't seem to be much documentation out there on a fix. Anyone fix this error yet?

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スコア 11
9 件のコメント

guys, i'm putting this in capitals because there is another fix rather than the offline diagnostic. do a full factory reset. it worked for me and when you sign into your account again, you have to download games again but it's better than sending it away for ages. :) i did this yesterday 20th june 2016


Jessica does it clear your progress on games?


my pad freezes up so i sometimes cant even get into reset the %#*@ thing, any help on this matter?


@lilminer9, Try the second answer listed then try the first. That will do it.


Mine &&^&^$^ turns off every 5 seconds






Very simple fix to the E-200.

Try plugging the Drive into a Windows 8.1 PC through USB.

You'll need a USB to SATA connector from an external HDD Kit available everywhere.

A message will show up saying the drive has errors on it.

Wait a moment then go to File Explorer. It will show up as 5 different drives.

Mouse over each of the 5 partitions, right click and click repair on all 5 partitions.

Windows should repair them.

This has worked on all drives I have worked on with the E-200.

Plug it back in to the Xbox and you're done.

Hope this helps, it's worked 100% of the time for us.

Kevin @ kcxboxrepair.com


スコア 3

14 件のコメント:

Does it need to be Windows 8.1? I'm running 7, will it still work?


I'll try this with a Windows 10 PC and let you know... I'm having this exact same problem.


I haven't tried on win 10 or 7 yet, only 8.1 as that is the OS I have on my PC at the shop. Please let me know what happens. Thanks


Update ran into a few drives Windows couldn't repair. Had to get new drives, partition them and load Xbox OS.


Hi @kcxbox

How many consoles have you performed this on? Must I re-install xbox OS after I repair each partition?




the best i can do is forward you to this page, Link

but the E200 error has been reported as not fixable but some people have said that the Offline System Update Diagnostic Tool does work.

its a hit or miss.


スコア 3

10 件のコメント:

Just finished our third attempt at using the Offline System tool to repair this error. Now shipping onto MSFT.


Multiple attempts at using the Offline System tool to do a reset, with no success. Shipped console to MSFT. We went through years of this with our 360 and now the same is beginning with the One. Of course, it happens right after the warranty expires. Is it MSFT's way to get more money from us?? I am disgusted.


Hi there, I tried the offline system tool and mine didn't work. However, I was told by Xbox that if that didn't work, that I'd need to send it in for repair. This was not the case, I did a factory reset and made sure it wiped all my stuff off, and that fixed it, ok so yes, you got to reinstall the games from your account but I prefer doing that than having to send it away to Germany to get fixed and waiting for a month for it's return, and also possibly having to pay a charge if the warrantee is up.



Factory reset worked for me. Woke up with the error this morning. Also I did the option where you can keep the games on the system downloaded and it still worked.


happy to see you fixed it with a simple factory reset




If it is the E200 error with an EF in the second set of numbers I just fixed this this morning. I unplugged my Xbox One at work this morning without powering it down. When I arrived home it had the error message when I turned it on. Its going to sound bad but the easiest way to resolve for me was to just bite the bullet and do the factory reset option in the offline system update diagnostic tool. Cross your fingers and hope you have been connected to the server recently and you don't have any digital only games installed (I had one half installed so I was not worried) I sincerely hope this helps anyone out there experiencing this error message. If it does not then I heartily apologize


スコア 1

3 件のコメント:

I will give that a try. I'm up for anything at this point.....


Little help.....

I am trying the factory reset and was wondering, will I hear the "power up" tone trice like is reported? I am unplugging, waiting 30+ seconds, reconnecting, inserting my flash drive, holding sync and eject, pressing and releasing power and waiting upwards to 1 minute with no tone whatsoever.


You have to hold power in as well, it is a little tricky. You have to get the timing just right to get it to pick up the usb drive. Had one that this fixed the issue & another one that it didn't. Like Steve said, depends on what files are missing or corrupted.



This is the link that the MSFT online chat folks are sending folks to as of 1/9/2016 - http://support.xbox.com/en-IE/xbox-one/s...


スコア 0


I cannot get to where I can copy my drive or whatever. When I turn on my xbox it just goes straight to the error code. I have a flash drive but it has nothing on it. I have no idea how I'm supposed to get the installation on it if I can't even go to my home screen.



Como se soluciona error 200


スコア 0

Go to Microsoft site & download the offline tool, make sure you get the version that covers all versions for factory reset. Copy that file to flashdrive. Insert in USB port of console with the XBOX off. Next step could take a few tries, press & hold sync button, while still holding sync button press & hold eject button, while still pressing sync & eject press & hold power until it beeps a few times. That tells you that it detects USB stick & the file on it. If it doesn't beep 3 times (I think its 3) you didn't do the button presses quick enough. Doesn't always fix but worth a shot. FYI the restore takes a while so don't be worried if you don't see anything on the screen for a bit. Don't power off while it is restoring, be patient.


スコア 0


Just had one that had E200 error, had to install a new hard drive. You can search that procedure here on ifixit. Pretty easy to swap. I bought a used hard drive on eBay that was pulled from a working xbox. Just had to put update on USB stick & press sync & eject(keep pressing these buttons) then power. Keep pressing the sync & eject until you hear the third chime. Works great now. Customer is happy.



i've tried many possibilites and nothiing will work restart or anything apon process so i will send mines in to get fixed microsoft does not know what the issue is and people are starting to get angry i wish i knew what cause this isssue but until then i wont be able to play my xbox for the time being


スコア 0

6 件のコメント:

the hard resets wont work and unplugging it doesn't i dont have a USB flash drive to download the update but even then people say that doesn't work either so shipping it in willl most likely be my best bet.


Smh I feel your pain has this happen to me last night. Did all the trouble shooting and finally I did the offline tool on flash drive, it started to work while the system would download it would shut off and come back on. Went to Microsoft and my console did the same thing it was officially a brick, had to purchase a replacement for $135 cause my Xbox was no longer in warranty. This will be my last Xbox console purchase had this happen on my 360 and now the one. My PS3 still works and my ps4 still works with no problem. Hope everyone gets their problem solved.


please can someone tell me what this means system error E200 000000EF 00000000


guys, i'm putting this in capitals because there is another fix rather than the offline diagnostic. do a full factory reset. it worked for me and when you sign into your account again, you have to download games again but it's better than sending it away for ages. :) i did this yesterday 20th june 2016


@matic1 ur lucky my $@$* died aswll




I am experiencing the same E200 issue. Did the OSU with no luck. Called Xbox and got into a bit of a argument with them about it. There is no reason that mandatory updates or faulty XB1s should be the customer's fault. They are supposed to call back today and continue discussions. Still going to take the stance that this is Microsoft's fault and try to get them to take care of it. Truly David vs. Gilioth here but I'm gonna try it. Wish me luck!


スコア 0


guys, i'm putting this in capitals because there is another fix rather than the offline diagnostic. do a full factory reset. it worked for me and when you sign into your account again, you have to download games again but it's better than sending it away for ages. :) i did this yesterday 20th june 2016



Was able to restore my son's Xbox One to factory settings by pressing "down-A-down-A-A" after a e200 error really quick. Then selecting "Restore to factory settings". First there was a e102 error message, but a hard reset handled that. After restoring the Xbox works just fine. Only the saved files on the harddrive and all account settings were gone, but easily brought back.


スコア 0

3 件のコメント:

What do you mean easily brought back?


Was game progress wiped? If so, how did you get it back?


Where did you press "down-A-Down-A-A-A"?

Please explain your process elzo69




Guys, i'm putting this in capitals because there is another fix rather than the offline diagnostic. do a full factory reset. it worked for me and when you sign into your account again, you have to download games again but it's better than sending it away for ages. :) i did this yesterday 20th june 2016.


スコア 0


We sent ours to MSFT on 5/4/16 and received the replacement on 5/16/16. They sent a refurb with 3mos warranty. It looked like brand new and worked perfectly.



I did a factory reset from USB a few times, it got me to the point where the OS would load but we're super sluggish, basically still unusable.

So from the Home screen I painstakingly got to the settings and did a factory reset from there, I guess it was a more stable reset process as it worked fine for a month (with digital games only) until I decided to install a game from a disc, once I tried to play the game it locked up and I cannot even get the brick to do a reset from USB now grrrrrrrrr

Piece of crap, it has got to be a bad HDD problem based on what I've experienced.

Very costly for M$ to replace drives and also will damage their rep even more especially when they are on the back foot against their competition, Sony.

Unless people take them to court I don't think they will accept and roll out a recall like they did with the RROD's unfortunatly.

There are also people suffering in silence who do not even realise it, with their disc based games taking 24hrs to install, this is also the HDD fault in play.

The problem is found far and wide across a lot of the machines, it really is the RROD all over again.


スコア 0

Update. I finally fixed my Xbox... It was stuck in a never ending E200, E203 loop. Everytime I rebooted it, reset it, etc I always recieved an error code of some sort. I had a feeling that the on board NAND was getting stuck in some kind of error state, so here is what I did. I booted the Xbox into troubleshoot mode using the bind, eject, and power button. I chose reset this xbox, and delete everything. As soon as the Xbox powered off I pulled the plug. I waited a minute, plugged it back in, and booted directly using to the USB drive by holding the bind and eject buttons while hitting the power button. The Xbox installed the OS from the flash drive, applied the update, rebooted to the "preparing console" screen. At this point it would usually stop and display an e200 error code, but this time it completed and booted into the initial setup. I setup up my wireless network, time zone, etc signed into my live account and viola! Everything working perfectly now. So if anyone is having problems getting the USB update to successfully install try that method. Boot into recovery menu, choose reset this xbox, delete everything. When console powers off pull the plug, let it sit for a minute, abd then boot directly from USB and install the osu1. Hope this helps someone!


スコア 0

For those who are experiencing this same issue. Kindly try following these steps:

Press the Xbox button to open the guide.

Select Settings.

Select All Settings.

Select System.

Select Console info & updates.

Select Reset console.

On the Reset your console? screen, you'll see three options: choose Reset and keep my games & apps.

Hope this will help :)


スコア 0

It all depends if there are files missing or damaged that the tool can't replace what ya need is a working Xbox one drive clone it then install new drive and the update it does on itself I'll make the drive it's own


スコア -1


how do i clone it, sorry trying to help my son




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