Fitbit Not Connecting To Mobile Device
Smartwatch is not connecting to Bluetooth device, in this case most likely your smartphone. Blaze is attempting to connect to mobile device but results in a failed connection.
Bluetooth Disabled/Damaged On Smartphone
Before connecting your smartwatch to your smartphone double check that Bluetooth setting is "ON". Go to phone settings, Bluetooth menu, enable/scan for devices. Select Blaze from available devices to connect.
Note: Some smartphones disable their Bluetooth in order to save battery life or after a shutdown. Enable Bluetooth at all times to prevent disconnection from Blaze. If it fails to connect then perform a connection test with a different device to test phone's Bluetooth functionality.
Bluetooth Disabled On Blaze
Make sure that the initial configuration and setup of the smartwatch has been completed. Go to settings and double check that the Bluetooth setting is set "ON".
Faulty Bluetooth Adapter
Before taking further action perform a restart on your smartwatch. Find the Back and Select buttons on your Fitbit Blaze (left and bottom right). Press and hold the Back and Select buttons for about 10 seconds, until you see the Fitbit logo appear. Release the buttons.
Note: If Bluetooth connectivity issues continue, please refer to our motherboard replacement guide here Motherboard Replacement
Random Vibrations
Vibrations occurring randomly without notifications of a call, text and other functions.
Tracker Not Syncing
Restart your smartwatch. Find the Back and Select buttons on your Fitbit Blaze (left and bottom right). Press and hold the Back and Select buttons for about 10 seconds, until you see the Fitbit logo appear. Release the buttons.
Note : Resetting the tracker may fix the following problems:
- Tracker is not responding to button presses, taps, or swipes.
- Tracker is charged but doesn't turn on.
- Tracker isn't tracking your steps or other stats.
Vibration Motor
The vibration motor is damaged and needs replacement. Please follow our replacement guide here Vibration Motor Replacement
Screen Unresponsive
Experiencing unresponsive screen symptoms, these can include lag between swipes, screen not responding to button functions, screen frozen on logo startup.
Defective Boot-up
The software may have a startup issue in which a system restart may fix the unresponsive screen. Perform a restart on your smartwatch. Find the Back and Select buttons on your Fitbit Blaze (left and bottom right). Press and hold the Back and Select buttons for about 10 seconds, until you see the Fitbit logo appear. Release the buttons.
System Update
Your tracker may be using outdated firmware, perform a system update to get the latest issue-free system version from Fitbit. In order to update your firmware from the Fitbit app, verify if the latest firmware version is currently installed on your device. Make sure your device is fully charged to prevent issues during installation. Tap or click Select Account. Then tap or click the Update Tracker button. This option will only be available if Fitbit has released a new update. Follow the on-screen prompts and keep your tracker close to your smartphone during the update to prevent disconnection. Note: If update is slow, do not disconnect your tracker from your account. Tracker will restart when the latest firmware is installed after update.
Damaged Screen
If a system restart did not fix the unresponsive screen, the screen may need to be replaced.
Poor Battery Life
Device will not charge properly or battery is suddenly draining quickly.
Cleaning contacts
Check the contacts on the tracker where the charger plugs in. Over time, dirt can collect on the contacts and prevent a proper charge. Use a cotton swab soaked in rubbing alcohol to lightly dab the contacts clean.
Note: The clean contacts should appear gold in color.
Using a different USB port
Try plugging your charger into a different USB port, or a new outlet altogether. One of those may be defective and is preventing your device from charging.
Disabling features
Disabling some unused features on your device will help conserve battery life. These settings can be switched on and off in the settings menu on your device.
- Heart Rate data collection
- Lower brightness
- All-Day sync
- Quick View
- Notifications
Bad Battery
If these methods do not improve your battery life, your battery may need to be replaced. Please follow our replacement guide here Battery Replacement
Heart Beat Monitor Not Working
There are two different ways your heart beat monitor will fail. The first way is that the heart beat monitor stops giving a reading and the second is that the lights in the back of the smartwatch stop working.
Heart Beat Monitor Stopped Giving a Reading
If the heart beat monitor is not tracking your heart beats, Go to the settings option and go to Heart Rate Tracking. Turn the setting on to AUTO, Make sure the band is tight around wrist. If it is not tight enough the heart rate monitor can not read your heart rate. Try moving the band around your hand with higher or lower variations in the arm. If it is still not working try switching the setting to ON. This will enable the green light on the back of the tracker even when you're not wearing it. Note: If it is still not working, restart your tracker using our How Do I Restart My Tracker above.
Green Lights Not Working
If the lights are not working, check your profile settings to make sure if heart rate setting is set to auto or on.
Faulty Heart Rate Monitor
If none of the above fixes the issue then you have a faulty heart rate monitor. Contact Fitbit customer support in order to request a replacement.
88 件のコメント
having seizures
dawn.donovan - 返信
this afternoon I looked down at my fitbit and it was blinking back and forth rapidly. Just shut it down in between the blinks now seems to be ok...... what happened?
Has this been an issue for others?
dawn.donovan - 返信
Yes, My fitbit started acting in similar manner since yesterday. Dunno what to do.
Vishal Rao -
My doing the same thing. Vibrating rapidly for no reason and I can’t stop it.
theleespot -
This is the problem that brought me here.
Holly & Nathaniel Olsen -
Resetting it worked to fix this. Took me a while and a YouTube viewing to really understand how to reset, but once I did it was fine.
Holly & Nathaniel Olsen -
My fitbit blaze doesn't show correct time after recharging.
marija.derikuca1 - 返信
Why is my blaze showing the wrong time? I’ve unsynced and resynced but it is still half an hour off.
tari.johnson71 -
What is the solution to the wrong time display? And short battery life on the blaze?
tari.johnson71 -
Doesn't Show orrect time and date after charging
Joe Shirley -
Notifications- call button turns to off on its own. And Fitbit won't sync
Jazro Jazro - 返信
Fitbit won't sync. And call button turns out for notifications.
Jazro Jazro - 返信
My Fitbit Blaze Smart bought through Amazon.com LLC gets hotter and hotter while charging. There was also no display on the screen. We tried to bring it to Hong Kong repair center located at 16 Fui Yiu Kok St. for troubleshooting and repair but it was rejected because the unit was not purchased in Hong Kong. Please advise what is wrong and where to repair the unit. Thanks
tanpiakhua - 返信
My Blaze has been losing time after charging
Karen Graham - 返信
Fitbit blaze
Having issue with my main screen not coming up that shows me the time,. Hit the left button and it does nothing. Screen stuck on recap of steps, heart rate, calories, etc.
Victoria Phillips - 返信
Fitbit blaze
I cannot get my main screen up that shows time. It is like the left button on the side is not watching however when I press the left and lower right it reboots. This tells me the left button is working? Suggestions
Victoria Phillips - 返信
My fitbit is only showing a warningsign ⚠ like this one? how do I clear this and get it working again ??
Lozzy - 返信
My fitbit is only showing a warning sign like this one ⚠how do I clear this and get itworking again ?
Lozzy - 返信
My Fitbit Blaze is adding additional steps when I’m not in motion. I woke up this morning, after it charged all night, and there was 50,000 steps on it. I tried resetting it and that isn’t working. Any thoughts???
stsajn - 返信
green ligths on back blink when is off my waist. Is this normal?
wayne gartrell - 返信
I can’t tell time because it is locked on activities so I do a restart, which I’ve done since I received watch, to get a firmware; the battery only holds a charge for maybe 1 1/2 to two days so I’m to clean the contacts & use different different ports as well as eliminate features; plus reports that have me on a bike when I was in a different country riding in a bus. Really???? Can you say lemon??? I’m frustrated & I want to know what time it is. Do I actually expect to get help on this? Not really. Hasn’t worked since I rec’vd as a Christmas gift. I should have a new one……
Diana Maharry - 返信
My fitbit Blaze won't display my text messages. It only reads “new message”, even after I tap it to display full message. How do I get it to display the message?
Murriel Hays - 返信
My Fitbit Blaze will not charge. When I plug it in to a USB port a symbol of a thermometer in a triangle appears on the screen. Any ideas what the problem might be ? The watch is now 2 years old.
Paul - 返信
how to clear activity Data
Sachin Verma - 返信
My screen doesn't work, totally blank.
ellamatta - 返信
I have a Blaze 101. It stopped charging in the cradle. I noticed one of the pins on the back of the watch looks like it is recessed. The end one on the right. But, maybe its dirty. Cotton swab when I get home. I wear it as my wrist feels naked without it. Lol.
Mark E Williams - 返信
Hi i have a fitbite blaze i love it but the calorie cout is way out debra grundy
debbie.grundy4 - 返信
The calorie count is wrong. i have 822 steps, but the calorie count is 979.
Druscilla Jones - 返信
my battery ran completly down, I charged it but I can’t get the watch to work all I get on the screen is:
Clock Error
Go to Fitbit mobile
app and try another
I have tried all of the other clocks and nothing works what should I do?
lholt7815 - 返信
My Fitbit blaze is dead no turn on doesn’t turn on when you put it on charge
fitbit app is saying it’s charged it’s not
now I put it on charge and it’s just showing the battery at 1 red bar and that’s all you see
i thought a Fitbit 3 years old would be still working
I have cleaned it and there is also no lights flashing at the back of my Fitbit
eliali21 - 返信
My fitbit blaze back heart rate light is on steady and wont shut off. i went to setting and hear rate is set to off. Does anyone know how to fix this please.
Candelle L - 返信
My Blaze Fitbit has not recorded my sleep for six days, it tracks my steps but not my sleep what do I do
Marsha San Paolo - 返信
My Blaze screen started showing a blue and red line screen last Sunday, May 12, 2019. I've held the left button and right button down for 12 seconds to restart but no luck. It still shows the blue and red lines on the screen. I love my blaze but…please help!
Jolene Tate - 返信
My fitbit blaze the green sensor light on the left has stopped working. . Can u pls advice how to fix it
Anne Kavanagh - 返信
My Fitbit is blinking back n forth constantly…what should I do???? Help
j.hoade - 返信
My fitbit blaze battery only working for a few hours after been fully charged and only one green light flashing on the back are the two faults related.
Robert Curtis - 返信
Its saying tracker not found when trying to sync I've been taken steps and they're showing the steps but it won't sync
rachelb_1222 - 返信
My Fitbit Blaze will no longer charge. Where would I go to get the battery changed?
pajewel - 返信
My Fitbit blaze screen is turned blank, what should I do ?? It's out of warranty period as well now
Ashutosh - 返信
I have a fitbit Blaze and it charges and functions well except that the display does not turn off and the battery goes dead after 12 hours. I have tried turning off and on the quick view function. Having to charge it twice a day has caused me to stop wearing it. Any suggestions ?
joebooty@comcast.net - 返信
My Fitbit blaze keeps restarting itself which is draining it's battery. Also it keeps counting steps that I'm not taking. I've tried turning it off and on again. I've tried restarting it. Nothing is working
Kari Romano - 返信
I’m doing correct way to reset, but I can’t reset my Fitbit blaze.
Screen stays same and fitbit logo doesn’t show up,
norichero Vaccaro - 返信
My Fitbit blaze is blinking the logo for several days and then it said clock error. I rebooted it and now its blinking the logo again…helpppp
Amanda Galluccio - 返信
My fitbit blaze is no longer showing my text messages, it only now says “view messages” on my watch so I have to go to my phone to ready text messages. How do I fix that?
Michelle Nash - 返信
My Fitbit isn’t counting me floors & keeps saying battery low when it isn’t! Help needed please I’ve reset it but nothing.
Stacey - 返信
Hi I have a fit bit blaze love it but I am having trouble with it when I go it to setting alarm i can not get back into main sceen
Thanking you Debra Grundy
debbie.grundy4 - 返信
Hey all, my fit bit blaze has stopped working and i have no idea what’s happened. It is pretty much completely dead. I’ve tried to reset it by pressing the back and bottom right button together but it hasn’t had any effect. I’ve also charged it over night but it didn’t charge at all. Does anyone know any way i could fix it? Thanks!
Ryan Wicksteed - 返信
Where can i get the strap of my Fitbit Blaze replaced or repaired
Patrick Beisty - 返信
Blaze powering on only when connected to power
Sudhir Uppala - 返信
Hi, my name is EmmaI got my fit bit wet and now it won't hold a charge please help
halie0326 - 返信
The buttons on my Fitbit blaze do not work, the screen goes from the time screen to the blue diamond screen it has been buzzing me for three days that I have a phone call from my son, most times when the blue diamond screen shows I cannot swipe or anything to change the screen and when I finally get to the activities screen it wont go back to the time screen and last but not least it will never charge 100%. I need some help with this thing and don’t say to reset it because the %#*@ buttons don’t work.
tommybetts - 返信
my fitbit blaze wont restart or cut on (unless its on the charge). how can I fix this without buying a new one?
heather - 返信
I have an error display - it’s of a triangle and a thermometer… It’s been this way for a day. I don’t know what it means. The device is and has been in room temperature settings for 2 days.
wdcnyker - 返信
my fitbit was paired with wife’s phone in error… repaired to my phone and I’m still getting all her text notifications when in proximity?
michaelwmoser - 返信
All the 3 little rubber ‘buttons’ have come out of Fitbit blaze. Can I get replacements?
Diana Morris - 返信
Mine started flickering now won't go off the fit bit emblem only thing that shows. Any idea why?
Tee Miller - 返信
Hi, I'm having problems with the buttons as not working correctly I can swipe my fitbit to setting and shut down and it will restart by pressing the back button this is the only time the button works Any advice would be good Thankyou..
b.nevison - 返信
My versa won’t turn on. Battery shows full, green light on the back not flashing. Held the left and bottom right buttons but nothing happens. Only time the face lights up is when it’s plugged into the charger. Any advice?
Beverly Rentsch - 返信
After Shutdown, fitbit blaze is not restarting. Tried pressing buttons for 30-40 seconds, also tried to press together back button on left and right bottom button; but no luck. Now, the green backlights also stopped working.
Appreciate, your quick help.
madan kawle - 返信
My fitbit blaze wouldn’t start. Tried pressing the left and right bottom button to no avail. I received it a couple of years back but un-boxed it recently. Any help would be highly appreciated.
Subha - 返信
Tried restarting fitbit blaze but nothing working, except the two green lights on the back.
Screen is blank
Pressing the two buttons, as per restarting instructions, results in a short vibration, but nothing else.
Have tried attaching to both the fitbit blaze charger that I have, but still nothing working.
Tried different sockets and different USB ports. Nothing is working, except the two green blinking lights on the back of the fitbit blaze.
Any suggestions? Help please?
gmacayr - 返信
My Fitbit Blaze just went completely dead this morning. When I woke up it was working normally but wouldn’t sync. Then suddenly the screen went black, no flashing lights at the back - zilch. The battery was charged.
Any suggestions gratefully received
Philippa Coslett - 返信
Back button left hand side not working reset is not possible because this back button is instrumental in that process
Donna Sanders - 返信
I can't get mine to shutdown. Its blinking rapidly tried hitting the buttons and it won't work.
anjali.f.holz - 返信
can not set correct time my Fitbit blaze is 4 hours fast how do I correct this problem?
Thomas Jordan - 返信
My Blaze is dead. It will not chrge or reset. Any hope?
bolduc_martin - 返信
My fit bit blaze is not working I am trying to many options but its not working
Anil Gaikwad - 返信
Hi , battery showin full but screen is not responding
pulpetdevi2 - 返信
My Fitbit screen is blank. Tried resetting and screen showed a very dim light, then when back to black. I feel like it’s dying!
Paul Copeland - 返信
Time is wrong after battery run down and no longer syncing
ann W-Fitz - 返信
Notifications button on bottom right is stuck and constantly showing “no notifications” until the battery drains.
Jeremy Curran - 返信
Hi, my fitbit blaze buttons are not working inspite of pressing the back and down right for 10 sec . What to do ? Please guide .
Divya Dhamija - 返信
My blaze is on a blank screen, reset process never get to fitbit logo, hr sensor seem to flashing, and bluetooth still scyn, but screen remain blank
Kalvin Lo - 返信
My Fitbit just seems to have died although the green lights still flash. No other action seems to work. Tried recharging but will not charge. Help
d.corke43 - 返信
Hi anyone getting a black screen , tried hard reboot , bought nee charger and still nothing at all happening
jaycemayce - 返信
My fitbit blaze watch will not light up as far as the screen. This blaze watch does not have a reset button on the back. It was working fine yesterday
Steve Boka - 返信
I put on charge but it made a loud buzzing & continual vibration Even after I unplugged charger it continued vibration. I removed watch face from charger & it continued vibration. After a minute it finally stopped. Did not try to charge again. What’s up?
Daphne Margeotes - 返信
The green lights in the back of my fitbit blaze is working but nothing else!! Even when I put it in the charger nothing changes.. What shall I do?? thanks
Jorge - 返信
My green lights have turned on permanently and I’ve tried resets, turning off completely and leaving for ten minutes. Is there a way to reset the please
chris_vincentuk - 返信
Need a txt from a supper rep please for a Fitbit blaze Thank you.
Joan Warren - 返信
My home screen was having a "seizure". I followed the "Defective Bootup" instructions for an unresponsive screen and it took care of the problem.
David Olberding - 返信
The green light on my fitbit wasn't working and I couldn't work out why. Heart rate settings were all switched on, both app and device. I then found a setting showing it was set to on clip rather than on wrist and scrolled down to hit the tick button to turn back to on wrist and they came back on! My device had reset itself somehow (time zone, date and other settings) after a long period of no use. Highly recommend trying this if you are having similar issues. Explains why my sleep tracking also wasn't working even after 14+ days of consistent use. Hope this helps someone.
Melissa Smith - 返信
My Blaze won't sync to samsung all of a sudden...again. This does happen quite often, "app in needed to use this device" error.
Rebooted phone, bluetooth off/on 10 times. fitbit is charged.
Mike W - 返信
Display time and calendar date are wrong. How to reset to make time and day correct.
Christopher G. Kind - 返信
Hi my fitbit blaze just has the logo showing on the screen I tried to reboot but it still won't switch on any help please.
Clinton Barros - 返信
Why wont left button on Fitbit blaze connect to watch to open screen
Marcia Zeltner - 返信
Button on left hand is not connecting with button on watch from can it be fixed
Marcia Zeltner - 返信
Thanks - working now
Kaushik Kumar - 返信