Is it possible to dissassemble the LCD Panel?
I have a box full of maybe 15 or so old LCD's (A1278 2012) Models, some are with the vinegar effect, some broken connections etc.... Am wondering if I can rescue some of them by tearing them down and swapping over the good inner parts. Example being the vinegar effected ones with the likely clean backlight sheets from the cracked or broken ones. But they are sealed up quite well, has anyone attempted to do this before and if so how to open them up & securely put them together again?
Upon inspection it turns out that the 'vinegar syndrome' is an issue with the rear of the actual LCD glass and not with the reflective sheets and mold.... The rear of the LCD glass is visibly tainted with what looks like creases and scratches in the silver shinny backing, this was evident in 2 vinegar's that I checked.... drat.
8 件のコメント
The only salvageable parts if you have the ones with the backlight sheets and LED light bar are recovering them if they are still good. The LCD it’s self if it’s still good won’t be of much use without having good backlight sheets and LED light bar.
While not easy they can be opened.
Dan さんによる
@livfe how far are your LCDs already disassembled. Where are you i the process? You got the glass removed and are at the panel? Post some pictures of the sides as well as of he back of those panels.
oldturkey03 さんによる
@oldturkey03 The panels are taken out of the casing. In a box, still in one piece...... as like the picture above. I guess peel back the very sticky tape and they pop apart?
livfe さんによる
@livfe definitely a good start. Pull the tape and lets see what is hidden under it :-)
oldturkey03 さんによる
@oldturkey03 Have you ever done this before?
livfe さんによる