Issues with keyboard, trackpad and display after keyboard repair
I have got an silver A2681 that got water damaged and the keyboard and trackpad were not working anymore. I tried solving the problem by cleaning everything possible with some 99.9% Iso. The trackpad came back to live, but the keyboard didn't so I ordered a topcase replacement including the keyboard (same layout, but in blue because looks cool). However after switching everything I powered the MacBook on and the display didn't turn on. After pressing the touch ID it did briefly show the lockscreen before turning black again.
Keyboard light up at startup but turns off again and neither keyboard nor trackpad seem to work. Any recommendations as of what it might be? Anything I could check?
I appreciate any help!
Did you clean the bottom side of the logic board? sounds like there’s still some liquid damage.
Dan さんによる
@danj I did clean it, however I cleaned it again. Now I do not have any issues with the display or the trackpad, but the keyboard is still not working. Since it is a complete replacement, I would guess the damage lies with the daughter board. Is that safe to assume? Can I test something else to make sure?
JSE さんによる