
2020年11月発売。MacBook Pro 13インチモデルは、8コアのCPUと8コアのGPUを搭載したAppleのArmベースのM1 SoC。(モデルA2338 / EMC 3578、Thunderbolt 3ポート2基搭載)

20回答 すべてを表示

FlexGate issue on MacBook Pro M1 2020 (A2338)?

I thought Apple fixed the backlight issue aka flexgate back in 2018, but the same flexgate issue happened on my MacBook Pro 2020 model which only 2 Years old and is lightly used.

Do you know anyway to prevent this issue and what is the major cause of this flexgate?

Also is there anyway to report this matter to Apple? It is so annoying that Apple not providing a service program for the same and they are simply quoting me $550 for screen replacement.

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スコア 2
2 件のコメント

When I spoke to support people, they really didn't have any interest in looking to "solve" the problem with my computer being out of warranty. Lesson learned was to get the Apple care with my new machine. It will likely take years if they do something about it like the previous MBP with this issue. Much later to make this a feasible option if you use it everyday like myself. Good luck. (Trade in I think for me was around 600-650, That is why the support person said to trade it in now)



It's a pretty strange method, but I literally just now fixed it by–and I kid you not—"knee-ing" it...with my knee. I was quite frustrated when this issue started happening earlier today during school, so I, like I normally do, tried to see if hitting it would do any good (which it usually doesn't). And to my surprise, hitting it against my knee did, in fact, work. And now my flexgate issue is fixed entirely. I guess the impact shifted something back into place? I did feel something on impact.

now, I'm NOT saying that you should hit your laptop in an attempt to fix it; in fact, you SHOULDN'T. Just sharing the strange method that fixed my issue.





I have had 2 episodes of the display dimming and the "curtain" on the bottom of the screen on my MBP m1 13 in 2020. Both times I rebooted and the issue went away. I spoke to apple support who said it would be costly to fix (Im out of warranty) and to just trade it in. Bummer! I'm tempted to go to Apple Store when it returns and see if they will do anything for free. :). I know its apple nothing is free!!

Update (06/11/23)

I've been traveling. Here are the pics. Again its an M1 MBP 13 in.

Block Image
Block Image



Update (08/20/23)

I spoke to Apple support. Mine was out of warranty. They recommended to trade it in so I upgraded to the m2 MacBook Air 15 in. I love it. Now I have Apple care so hopefully no recurrence on the new design.


スコア 1

6 件のコメント:

@mjwheaton - So FlexGate returns! What your images show is what we saw with the short cables in the first 2016/17 models!

So does the angle of the display alter things? Or if it stays this way at any angle?

So while the symptom is the same it could be a deeper issue within the display or main logic boards backlight logic.


I also have one of these MacBooks and I haven't experienced any issues _yet_. I'm a pretty demanding user. I take my MacBook everyday with me to Uni and I've even got the aluminium polished from being in a backpack.

If you change the angle of the display, does the screen flicker?

Is your Mac still under warranty? You can try check with Apple.


Unfortunately it is not under warranty. I primarily use it for work everyday. The screen does not flicker and seems to occur only intermittently without warning. I usually shut down and reboot and it goes away.


So you need Apple Care, because Apple cannot produce laptops that cost 3K, but won't last for at least 3 years? In Europe we have non-conformity laws that force companies to fix it with a discount. But Apple doesn't comply. We don't have class-action lawsuits, so you'll have to fight Apple as a consumer. That's undoable. They should ban Apple from all EU stores if they don't comply, but they don't...

I have owned three MBPs and they all died way too soon. The first one had GPU issues (first MBP with leadfree soldering). The recall came very late and I had already sold mine with a bad GPU (so a huge loss). The next one had battery issues and caused the trackpad to go bad. This one fails because of a bad flex-cable or display. The MBP are only used for lightweight use and all die.

I also own Dell laptops (Precision models) that are used 40-60hurs/wk and are the real workhorses. Only had an issue once and was repaired under warrenty (someone came to my house). Apple looks premium, but only the esthetics and software.

I need a MBP to do iOS/Safari testing, but that works fine with an external monitor. I won't buy another MBP and give them my money, because they keep delivering bad products. This laptop will become yet another headless MBP. Maybe there will be a recall again (llike with the 2018 models).


I have it too!

We need to report it to Apple so they arrange some program to repair these FlexGate issues!




Can you post some pics and a vid so we get a better idea what you are encountering.

The original FlexGate issue was a tight cable where Apple went too short the 2018 system had a longer cable. People with older 2016/17 systems got a replacement display.

The newer M Series systems so far have not encountered a ribbon cable like what the older systems did. That’s not to say something new is afoot!

Let’s figure it out!


スコア 1

I have the same issue on my MBP 13” 2020 M1. It’s also visible during boot. Video here: https://youtu.be/UhDTWX-wGwg. Laptop is 2.5 years old and only used at home (light use, mostly browsing).


スコア 0

2 件のコメント:

@ramondeklein - Sorry this is a different issue! the bars at the bottom are a scanning issue. Than can be a damaged display or the T-CON board is messed up which is also part of the display.


I have used Apple's self-repair program, but it still did set me back €487,46 in total (incl. VAT). Cost for a new screen was €585,16, but Apple returned €97,70 when I sent back the old display. If you have time and have the proper tools, you can do it yourself. Be careful, because you can easily break something.

This was my problem: https://youtu.be/UhDTWX-wGwg?si=BfnbKm4d...

Replacing the display fixed the issue, so it was a problem with the display. I used Apple's official program to ensure I got a correct display and TrueTone will still work. If it gets refunded later (also happened with flexgate), then repair via Apple will probably be refunded...



I am in France and I have the same problem on my A2338 2,5 years old. I went to Apple Store and the ask for 669€ to change the screen. I decided to go 2 another place and they are both said than it's not the screen but a motherboard issue (I found 2 video on YouTube explain how to fix it with a change of a resistor). Now I am trying to find somebody who can fixed the motherboard (because the remplacement of the motherboard is around 1000€).

i am not happy at all with the way Apple is gooing down with quality and tey don't take their responsability.
For sure in 2 years when the amount of case will grow they will have no choice to fix it freely but I can not wait for 2 years...


スコア 0


So did you resolve the issue?



HI I hace Macbook air M1, with the same problem, anyone has the problem fixed with apple?


スコア 0


See my answer above. I've fixed it with replacing the screen. Please check my video to check if you have an identical problem.



2019 2-port MacBook Pro M1 - Has classic symptoms of the old Flexgate problem. Boots to black screen, all good on external monitor. Close display for a moment, slowly open it and screen lights up until display reaches 90-degrees - then it goes black. Deja vu all over again....


スコア 0


Sadly, the flex ribbon cables are sensitive to sharp grit which sandpapers the surface of the cables causing them to fail. The backlight cable is effected mostly as it’s the cable which carries the most current.




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