
Appleの第5世代スマートウォッチです。オプションでGPS + Cellularモデル機能があります。2019年9月20日発売。

20回答 すべてを表示

What screwdriver size do I need?

I’m trying to swap out my Apple Watch Series 5 Screen after I broke it but can’t find the right screwdriver size to remove the screws holding down the Force Touch gasket (also broken and needs replacing). I’ve bought a screwdriver i thought was right (Tri-Point y-00) but it doesn’t fit. Can anyone please help me find which one I need? Thank you in advance!

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1 件の回答


The Series 5 nolonger uses a ForceTouch gasket. Review this guide [無効なガイドリンク]

Do you have a Series 4 watch? That is the last model which used it Apple Watch Series 4 Force Touch ガスケットの交換


スコア 1

2 件のコメント:

No it's certainly an Apple 5. It does have a force touch gasket, it's referred to at around 3:20 in the video you shared. It's the screws at around 4:10 I'm having trouble finding the size for. I think it is the 6 or 7 they stopped the force touch gasket


@jamie bonney - Your right it’s the 6 that dropped it.

Here’s the guide as it’s the same as the 4 Apple Watch Series 4 Force Touch ガスケットの交換

I gave up fixing them as my fingers are to stiff.




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