
モデル番号A1502 / 2.4, 2.6, 2.8 GHz デュアルコアIntelプロセッサ/ 2013年10月発売

552回答 すべてを表示

Black screen, External Monitor + Camera working

Hi everyone,

I've got a Late 2013 Macbook 13" Retina and the screen just suddenly stopped working without any apparent reason. There is no light coming from the screen, but plugging an external monitor works well and the camera of screen works as well.

I've tried SMC and PRAM resets, unplugging and plugging the screen cable from the logic board, but all of this didn't fix it.

Would you have an idea of where this problem is coming from?

Thanks a a lot!

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1 件の回答


I think you've proved the issue is within the display, but to be sure place a lit flashlight shining through the lids Apple logo do you see the faint image of your desktop and it's icons?

If you do the issue is really within the logic board backlight power circuit and you may have an issue within the display its self as well. I've often seen people who spray a cleaner onto the display don't consider where the drips go at the bottom. This is where the display cable connects to and gets corroded and might even be shorting out!

Follow this guide to take the display off MacBook Pro 13インチ Retina Display Late 2013 のディスプレイアセンブリの交換 so you can take the clutch cover off and inspect the display side connector. Using a Ohm/Volt meter you'll need to check the circuit out.

MacBook Pro 13" Retina (Late 2013-Mid 2014) Display Assembly

MacBook Pro 13" Retina (Late 2013-Mid 2014) Display Assemblyの画像


MacBook Pro 13" Retina (Late 2013-Mid 2014) Display Assembly



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4 件のコメント:


Thanks a lot for your answer! Yeah, you were right when pointing a flashlight on the apple logo I can see a faint desktop

So if I understand well, there is no easy fix (like plugging/unplugging a cable), taking the display out will only help me to know if it's the cable or the display that is malfunctioning?


@robertmbp - Taking the display off allows you to inspect the displays cable connection point and you can then see if a replacement cable solves your problem.

Otherwise, its time to pull out the meter to measure the voltages on the logic board to see if its a fuse or the backlight power logic that needs repairs as well as check the display for a short on the backlight lines.

I'm suspecting this might be more than you are able to do, time to find someone who has the deeper skills, tools and lastly, the schematics!


I don't know how but the screen suddenly came back from the deads today and is working again. Not sure what triggered that (maybe when it moves a bit when I was biking with it in my backpack) and how it informs us on the cause of the problem.


@robertmbp - Well you're on borrowed time for now. You'll need to wait until it fails to then bring it into a shop to fix. This issue is still the same a bad connection to the display or the display its self is bad.




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