MacBook stuck on white screen after update.
Hey good day, My Mac Book Pro is stuck on a white screen with a question mark after i tried to update it. Any idea what could be this issue?
Hey good day, My Mac Book Pro is stuck on a white screen with a question mark after i tried to update it. Any idea what could be this issue?
Your likely hitting the classic case of a bad HD SATA cable. I do recommend you replace it before doing anything more as the more you access the drive the more likely you’ll corrupt it to the point it won’t be recoverable. Then you’ll end up needing a new drive as well.
Here is the part you’ll need MacBook Pro 13" Unibody (Mid 2012) Hard Drive Cable and here’s the IFIXIT guide you’ll need to follow: MacBook Pro 13" Unibody Mid 2012ハードドライブケーブルの交換
The question mark folder means that the computer can’t find an operating system to boot too. Sounds like either the update failed and corrupted your installation or your hard drive died during the update. You can try holding command r while booting to boot to recovery and see if you can use disk utility to repair your disk. If that is unsuccessful, you can try erasing your drive and reinstalling macOS if your drive is still good. If you have data you need to recover, you can boot the Mac into target disk mode by holding t (Before you wipe the drive) and using a firewire or thunderbolt cable to connect it to another Mac and copy off the data.
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