
2017年8月に発表されたGalaxy Note8は、バッテリー騒動でリコールとなったGalaxy Note7の後継機種です。 Note 8は、2017年の9月に発売されました。

20回答 すべてを表示

Note 8 Stylus is too sensitive

I've tried to get Samsung on this, and I've received nothing but run arounds. I'm finding that my Galaxy Note 8's stylus is too sensitive. It will keep registering that it is touching the screen after moving it away. Does anyone know of a software setting that could be causing the issue?

TL;DR: Samsung held my stylus hostage and told me the problem is all in my head.

この質問に回答する 同じ問題があります


スコア 1

Thank you all for those who have posted answers!





The issue is moisture.

I had the same problem, the pen got wet while I was taking a photo in a pool.

The phone was fine the pen though got some moisture in it and started doing exactly as you describe.

I took the pen tip out and left the pen in a hot area (110f) for about 3 hours so the moisture evaporated, put the tip back in and problem solved.

Unfortunately Samsung sell waterproof phones with non.waterproof accessories!

Thankfully it's a quick and easy fix!


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In the box you have a tip remover the problem is caused by crap in the tip which causes the s pen pressure switch to become sticky I pulled the tip out then in a few times to clear the sticking switch issue mine was caused by a cup of coffee not a good combo but now it's fine as I say remove and insert the tip of the s pen till it feels a little less sticky



the Square is supposed to show up when it is about 1/4" - 1/2" away from the screen. if this is the case, itis normal.

however, it should not be writing on your notepad if you arent touching it.

if it is writing on your notepad, there is a calibration setting in the sensitivity menu.


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I had similar issue. I couldn't fin S pen calibration but helped put Air actions off



Just tap your tip on something solid a few times and it should clear up the problem ,if it doesn't work the first time repeat this !


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3 件のコメント:

Omg thank you so much!!! NO SETTING CAN FIX THIS. It was driving me absolutely crazy cause I couldn't even use my keyboard with my pen if you type random letters!! I'm so happy I found this so thank you!!!


Amazing. Such a simple fix. Thank you.


I had similar issue. I couldn't fin S pen calibration but helped put Air actions off



Launch Bixby, say "Sensitivity Settings".


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That is definitely not it! What comes up is the home button sensitivity settings



my stylus is working great not sure what your issue is. make sure to clean the screen first i bought one at sfelectronics and it works great


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Hi, I definitely have this stylus problem but mine is not quite that sensitive. When I am trying to write certain words, it always added letters in the middle of my sentence...like "the" would be like "t he i ll". It sometimes finishes my sentence by splitting words up, then adding odd letters in between so it becomes impossible to decifer.

I have not contacted Samsung about it directly based on prior experiences.

I just looked in my settings and you should too....I believe somehow my Keyboard Gestures changed and I changed it to None. I have tried to attach the screenshots I took to assist in the matter but cannot and can't decifer why.

Thanks for your time!



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UPDATE: Making those changes really made a difference for me using my S-Pen / stylus and it having a mind of its own! Go into your settings and make sure GESTURE SWIPING is off! Best of luck...hope this helps (could not post screenshots!



Go to a local uBreakiFix and have them run a GD OQC on the device to fix the issue.


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I know the answer to this problem. I removed apps, restarted a bunch of times and after speaking to Samsung support, who told me to do a factory reset, which I did :( The answer is…change your S Pen stylus tip. I went ahead and changed the tip and all of a sudden, the problem has completely gone away. Hope this helps you. I love my stylus and it not working was driving me crazy. Now everything is great on my Note…as usual.


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3 件のコメント:

Thank you for writing in. I'm glad that fixed your problems.

There is no way I am doing a factory reset on my cell phone. That is their answer to everything. I may try and change the tip of the stylus but my previous actions pretty much fixed my problem.


The answer is: change your Stylus tip. It was fixed after that.


Thanks that worked for me! Glad i kept my box and tips



It was water in the stylus.

Dried it in the keep warm (not hot ) oven and it stopped glitching, the phone may be water resistant but the pen not so much.



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Hi Paul! Sounds like a good explanation but it is not the answer to my problem. Glad it is working now!



Hey bud, not sure if you found a solution to this problem as I just ran into myself. I remember when I first bought my note 8 and I had the same problem with my pen. I thought it was just me trying to adjust to new tech! After awhile the issue went away and I realized, now that my pen just broke and I had to get a new one, that the issue is the tip. It needs to be adjusted through wear and tear for the stylus to be less sensitive when you’re trying to write something. I’m playing around with it now and it seems to be working.


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Hit It!

Tap the tip of the pen straight down several times on a table or countertop!

The 1st time improved performance. The 2nd time completely fixed the problem.

Perhaps the tip was stuck or something had gotten magnetized?


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This worked for me. Just take iut tip ( I used fingernail clippers, didnt have tweezers), put back in, works! Back to normal hope this helps..


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Same problem i just pulled the tip out a little bit and it fixes it, it always has happend when i tap the screen to hard with the pen and the tip gets wedged in there


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Im having the same problem, the Spen was working very well, i have the note 20 ultra, last weekend i went to the pool and taking pictures with my s pen, but when i tried to make a note, the line was been creating on the phone even with not touching the spen with my phone, then i read this comments about the tip, i made this steps to have a solution, the 90% of the times is good, but this morning it starts again, put the spen to charge in the phone and then it works again well, this kind of things drive me crazy but in my country there is no warranty so i asumed that i have to live like this


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I had similar issue. I couldn't fin S pen calibration but helped put Air actions off


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But finally it continued and borrowed Spen showed that tip of Spen is broken. Helped for while to press it at phone screen but new one seems to be best solution ;) Jura




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