
13インチアルミ製Unibody, 2.0 or 2.4 GHz Core 2 デュオプロセッサモデルです。

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Airport Card

After being dropped this macbook has no wireless or bluetooth connectivity. Ethernet internet access is fine. Can you please give some advice on how to access the airport (wireless) card ( is it in the hinge area?) so that I can check any connections.

PS Your step by step guides are fantastic! After the drop the DVD drive would not accept any discs. So I used your guide to remove the drive and found the little arm that prevents another disc being inserted when there is already one loaded had been dislodged. I was able to reposition the arm and it is now working well. Thanks again

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7 件のコメント


Have you had any luck finding the part and replacing your airport card?


Yes I have rechecked both ends of the ribbon cable and the connections seem to be good. I am having trouble locating a new card. The part no is 607-4147-A but google searches I have tried show no results that help. I am hoping someone can point me in the right direction for a new part. Thanks again for the help so far.


Thanks for the reply. I have now accessed the antenna and airport card but after re-assembly there is still no sign of any wireless/bluetooth functionality. Perhaps I need to install new components? Can anyone advise if it is more likely to be the card or the antenna please?


'Did you check both ends of the cables? Where the ribbon cable for the card connects to the logic board?



I purchased a new Airport card from AppleComponents.com and installed it but there was still no wireless function. The next day I thought I'd try reinstalling the card and making very sure all connections were good - voila up came Airport but still no Bluetooth. After a little while the trackpad failed (cursor wouldn't move). Restarting the computer fixed this but only for a few minutes before the cursor would freeze again however now Airport wasn't available!. Searching on the internet suggested that the cursor freeze might be a problem with the trackpad ribbon cable. The Airport/Bluetooth cable and the trackpad ribbon attach to the logic board in the same area - I now think that the logic board might have suffered some damage when the computer was dropped so I have given up! ( Applecomponents were good enough to accept a return of the new card). I intend to sell some components via ebay (DVD drive, Hard drive, LCD screen and the battery). Overall a very interesting exercise but in the end it was not worth pouring more money into. Thanks for all the helpful replies.






To access the card, which is under the display clutch cover (why you can't "see" it) you have to Remove:

* Access door

* Battery

* Bottom case

* Camera cable guide

* LVDS cable guide

* Display assembly

* Display clutch cover

just in order to see if the antennas or the ribbon cable have been disconnected in the sudden stop.

Good Luck,



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Tried to include a diagram but I guess it was too big, even though I cropped it.




The Antenna is the least likely problem. Its most likely the cable or the card.


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have that same problem with the CD / ROOM, but I found the way I always read the CD / ROOM, ..... Try this: Reset your system and while it is resetting, try inserting the CD or DVD to the drive accept CD / ROOM, note that the system will recognize the CD or DVD. Get the CD or DVD inserted you will use.

PS: Preferably always keep a CD or DVD into your CD / ROOM., not to return to reset your computer.


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