
Cobra 29 LTD Classic. 2-way 40 channel CB radio. Features antenna warning indicator, SWR calibration, instant Channel 9, PA capability, dimmer control, switchable noise blanker and RF gain.

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Why do fuses keep blowing on cb

Im trying to hook up my cb in my 2014 International. Having to hard wire seeing the connecter dosent match one in truck. Im using a 3 amp in line fuse but it keeps blowing. What am i doing wrong? Thanks

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スコア 2
2 件のコメント

It would help us diagnose this if you could share a photo or a wiring diagram of what you're trying.


I hook up my cobra 29 classic with a 3 prong in line fuse to my Volvo semi truck and it keeps blowing fuses the diode is just fine



1 件の回答


Usually cause the power surge protect diode has been destroyed. That's it's job. Sometimes the reverse power problem will travel beyond the diode and burn up a trace on the solder side of the board.

Solder a bit of wire to bridge the burnt spot. Rosin core solder. Replace the diode using a suitable size / make of diode. Make a drawing of the location of the silver band on the diode. Called the cathode side. Usually on the board drawn as line, l next to a triangle -l< Scrap electronics should have some you can use. Diode is close to where the power is entering the radio by a largish capicator.


スコア 4


Thanks for the helpful info @rrmanning06!




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