

20回答 すべてを表示

headphone plug tip broke off in jack

The headphone plug has a little tip on it that can break off in the jack. Well, I know this because it has happened to my 5th gen nano and now I have no sound and I can't get it out or plug another jack in.

HELP...how do I get it out? Will Apple fix this or just call this misuse? They seem to call everything misuse.

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スコア 4
2 件のコメント

Genious bar at Apple store looked up my record and say that I was still under warranty and replaced with a new one. I lost some data that was on the IPOD, but they gave me a new one. Thanks


WTAF???? If there had been any other serious option I would NEVER have bothered with this but you guys are my go to for fixit solutions for LIFE after this! I didnt even wait overnight... This is NOT a hack; this is what Qtips were made to do! As a tool Jobs fair blew it: these things are EVERYWHERE! A broken off Qtip cannot be improved up for this job. Its concave end, the diameter just enough smaller than the ipod opening so it CAN clear the sides and tidy absorbency helping keep the glue away from the contacts... it easily stands up.....wait for it.......Voila! the broken tip pops out like they were made for eachother! And here I was using them to clean my ears and weed pipe all this time! I am humbled, iFixit!!! Truly amazed and humbled! Thank you!





First try taking it to an authorized Apple repair center (either at an official Apple store or 3rd party retailer), that way if they damage the headphone jack trying to get the stuck piece out they will have to pay for further repairs or replacements. If an official repair tech can't/doesn't know how to get it out then try the following: 1) take a small nail and put a tiny (less than a pea size) of Krazy brand glue on the tip. 2) stick it into the headphone jack until you make contact with the broken plug piece. Hold it for 30 seconds then let go of the nail and let the glue cure for 3-5 minutes. 3) then gently pull on the nail and it should bring out the broken plug with it.

A couple of warnings: Make sure you don't use gorilla glue, or another type of glue that expands or don't use too much Krazy glue otherwise the glue could stick to the sides of the headphone jack and the process won't work.


スコア 3


+ let gravity help you. turn your iPod upside down ;-)



I fixed this problem by glueing the shaft of a q-tip to the exposed end of the earphone jack with super glue and letting it dry overnight. The Apple Store said I would have to buy a new iPad, but this did the trick. This works with iPhones/iPads/iPods and any other kind of earphone jack.

Take a q-tip and break it off several times until you get a bit of a concave shape at the end of the Q-tip. It will give more surface for the plug to attach to if it's concave. (The tube from the inside of a Bic pen can work too.) Wet the end of the Q-tip just a little with Superglue (cyanoacrylate glue). Wipe off any excess glue on the side of the Q-tip. Too much and you'll glue the plug in there forever. Be very careful pushing the end of the Q-tip to the exposed end of the plug. Don't let it touch the inside wall of the iPod/iPhone/iPad jack. Press and hold it on the end of the exposed plug for 30 seconds. Carefully set it somewhere that the Q-tip will get some support while drying. Let it dry overnight and pull it out in the morning. Works like a charm!

(Note: I tried this the first time using a paper clip and it didn't work. The glue sticks to the Q-tip much better.)

Also, if you're product is still under warranty I'd recommend taking it in for service. If you try this trick and it fails you will likely void your warranty. If it's out of warranty you don't have much to lose.


スコア 4

2 件のコメント:

I have heard nail polish remover can be used as a solvent in case the glue comes in contact with the inside wall of the jack, but have not had to try it yet.


The Q-Tip method WORKED!!!! Genius! I did it exactly the way you described and it worked! I pulled the broken off headphone jack right out! Saved my beloved 2005 iPod which still works perfectly! Thanks for the (Q)tip!



the only way to get it out is to disassemble the ipod and push the tip out with a needle or something like that.

you can use the teardown as a guide - but be aware, it's possible that there are steps missing in the teardown - so it would be good to use the logic board guide from the 4th generation as a second reference

iPod Nano 5th Generationの画像


iPod Nano 第5世代の分解



iPod Nano 4th Generation ロジックボードアセンブリの画像


第4世代 iPod Nanoのロジックボードアセンブリの交換




スコア 1

it´s true there are missing steps in the teardown. the missing step is how to seperate the logicboeard from the metalframe. so it´s necessary when you want do change the headphonejack/ holdswitch asm.

first you have to remove the little screw that holds the logicboard to the frame. then unsolder the battery and carefully slide out the board.


スコア 0

You can replace the part it doesnt cost alot on eBay.


スコア 0


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