
2013年11月22日に発売されたMicrosoftの第三世代のXbox ゲームコンソールです。

20回答 すべてを表示

Xbox Powers on and immediately powers off

Has anyone figured out exactly what is causing the problem with Xbox Ones that power on, and immediately power off. The power brick is lit orange which instantaneously turns white once the Xbox is turned on directly from the console, but immediately powers off.

This is a very common problem that Microsoft will not discuss.

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スコア 57
62 件のコメント

Have this same issue, powers on for a few seconds then turns off

tried replacing power supply (x2 times) tried replacing power cord (x3 times)

Tried Factory reseting

Tried offline update

Tried repairing partions on HDD

Tried removing fan and cleaning and also cleaning and reapplying thermo paste

Tried cleaning motherboard with alcohol (91% and 100%)

Tried power cycling

Tried new HDD and SDD

and yet I have NOT had any luck. I didn’t want to give up on her, but it looks like that’s the only option at this point!

If you guys have any other suggestions I’m all ears ........


Get a hair dryer, put it on hottest setting, put it on high, blow out the vents... Didn't believe people that said it worked until I tried it. It worked for me. Thinking maybe was just a dust buildup?


I am Convinced there is some sort of Temperature Switch that Microsoft put in there that if you spill a little liquid or drink or anything into the Xbox One then it triggers this problem... The Xbox One will Power on for a SECOND then Immediately cut off.. To Fix the problem.. You take a Hair Dryer and blow HOT AIR into the Xbox One's Vents.. This Instantly FIXES the Problem Somehow... I worked for me.. I could Not Believe it but my Xbox One Now Powers on Perfectly, Just like before.. This is some BS that Microsoft Engendered into the Xbox One to make us have to send it in for Service and pay more $$$$ No Lie.. Has to be... Just my 2 cents.. if it's That easy to fix.. Something is UP with this.. How can Hot Air Fix it? But It Does... ;)


Take it apart no joke mine was doing this and I took all of the main screws out and it works completely without them but if I put one screw back in it will $@$* off and stop working


Had the same exact issue. Powered Xbox on, stayed on for a few seconds and powered off. Power brick went white to orange. Opened it up, blew it out, got a heat gun and heated the area fan/heat sync for about 4-5 minutes. Flipped it over and tightened the 4 heat sync screws at the bottom of the system. Powered it up and problem solved. I did blow out the power brick fan as well. Easy Fix!






Actually 4 years later I found the answer, it's a bold accusation but it's accurate if you’re a techie.

Microsoft makes faulty power bricks, that way at a max of 5 years they die out, or rather the electrical glue (unscrew the power brick to find white stuff all over because in most they don't care to use small amounts to hide it) basically over time your brick heats up slowly melting the glue to block off circuits, if you send it in for repairs normally they just fine you a ridiculous amount of money and either replace it, or just heat up and remove some of the glue so it'll happen again, so they have people needing more fixes, ironically you can say also the problem comes from shoddy soldering and the glue can block off parts that are soldered shut, so basically it blocks off the electrical current and to fix it either heat it up or send it in, the fact noones sued them yet is surprising because people should be able to turn these in to get full refunds, but even if yours is GameStop warranteed that ends once the brick is opened up to be sure that's the problem, so long story short get a new brick or get it repaired

iFixit also has a Xbox One Turns Itself Off wiki and it does mention that the power bricks can go bad.


スコア 9

20 件のコメント:

new brick didnt solve it


New brick didn't solve my same issue


Just keep turning it on after it turns off give it like 5 tries work for me Everytime


What I did was tilt my xbox up leaning on something so the powerbutton is facing upwards. Youd have to do this because of dust and bits in your console and it makes it all go off as it covers electric currents from going through if it's thick dust. Thank me later (if it works haha)


mine does the same thing. The light on the xbox one is white, the brick goes from orange to white once the xbox is turned on. I decided to try a new brick and that did not solve the problem. It's also something other than heat related because I opened it up and blew all the dust out of it.




So my friend had the same problem and he put a hair dryer up to the vents and blew out all the dust and turned it on and it worked


スコア 24

45 件のコメント:

I thought this way of fixing it was BS but after I tried it it worked I was amazed and grateful thank you Jacob


This was the only option that worked for me ! I told my self if this worked i'd personally create an account and reply with a thanks ! So thank you Jacob Armstrong very much ! I highly recommend anyone that is going through this issue to try this before wasting money just to get it sent back and have Microsoft say its perfectly fine???

it is 10/08/18 and im going to play some bf4 now. ;) Goodbye and have a nice day!!


I had the Same Problem with my Xbox One S!! I have to Admit This Fix WORKED!!! I could not believe it but I took a Hairdryer on the Highest Setting and blew Hot Air into the Top Air Vent where the fan is and IT WORKED!!! Now Xbox One Powers On just like before... I have no idea what this does but it works. Fixed the Problem!!


this worked omg, i thought no way this would fix the problem but it did thanks so so much


A little more info... So I spilled a Very Small Amount of Liquid into my Xbox One s... I'm talking a few drops but I knocked a drink over and a few drops got into the Xbox One's Vent that was on top.. Well Sure enough the next time I try to power it on, this problem occurs where it turns on for about 1 Second then Powers off... So I do some research, arrive HERE... Find the solution is to blow Hot Air From a Hair Dryer into the Vents.. Sure Enough.. Problem Solved... WTF?? So There is some sort of Temperature Related Switch in the Xbox One S that blowing HOT AIR into it causes it to Reset and Function Normally again... Hot Air Fixes this problem?? Seems Fishy to me... Like someone at Microsoft Engendered this Temperature Switch into the Xbox One to make it Not Work until you send it in for service = More $$$$$$$ to be made, you simply take a Hair Dryer and blow Hot Air on it and that Fixes the Problem?? At least now WE KNOW how to fix it ourselves... ;)




Hi, Andre. Try a different power supply (brick and cable), these commonly have capacitors fail on them. If the problem persists even with a known-good power supply, the problem is internal. I’ve seen the internal power supply unit itself, the “southbridge” IC, the APU, and one or more of the MOSFETs and other components on the voltage rail be at fault. Here’s a standby voltage diagram to help you narrow it down to the correct component. Hope this helps, good luck!



スコア 3


Still can’t believe this worked! I teared down every internal part, tried to replace the HD, tested the other components, nothing worked. After reading this, just blew hot air into the console and it just worked! Thank you so much!


Block Image

if nothing above fixes your issue, I fixed it by cleaning out the little vents in the power brick with a toothpick and now it’s turning on. I tried this after I cleaned my console and nothing happened. This is how much dust was in one of the vents.. lol Hope this helps!


スコア 3


Oh wow! I’ll check that out now, thank you! We did the blow out with the hair dryer and it blew out a lot of dust and it works better now, but it’s still shutting off on occasion so I will definitely do what you said right now!



If system turns on for a second and than off it could possibly be a bad wi-fi card, that would be best case scenario, worst case is Motherboard needs to be replaced. If the system goes into the user interface and than shuts off check to see if your fan is operational and if it is than replace your rf module and front panel.


スコア 1

2 件のコメント:

Try to replace HDMI cable.


This sounds like my issue. I disassembled it, disconnected the wifi card, plugged up the system and powered it on. Everything ran just fine from initializing the system. The second I connected the wifi card to the motherboard connector, it powered off. Not sure if that's the card itself or the motherboard.



Had this problem.

One of the power cable ports had a bent pin causing it to not contact correctly into the console.


スコア 1

2 件のコメント:

Got a new power cable and transformer and Xbox one is back and working fine,

Sometimes it's the little things.


Amazing! I wonder how many threw theirs out? For the money they cost this should have a fix by Xbox thank you!



Maybe it’s the thermal past on the heat sync. When it wears away, the heat is directed to the chip.

Or one of the components on the inside which controls the voltage has blown.


スコア 1

I would check the power cable and make sure it isnt getting hot. I would then make sure the power supply fan is turning that way you know its on and not going to overheat. that should diagnose the power supply and the temperature. anything farther will probably require opening it up.


スコア 1

I faced same problem in xbox 360 , power brick fan stopped working so 360 console wont power up more then 5 seconds , replace new fan and enjoy , yur power is ok and problem gone .


スコア 1

I think it's simply a safety feature where if the fan doesn't engage it cuts off … all the debris and dust probably is the cause. Great reason to get that computer duster stuff …


スコア 1

The problem with the original Xbox one consoles that had a problem like that was the main filter capacitor in the power supply brick. I have replaced many of those to successfully repair the problem. On the One S consoles it is either the main filter capacitor in the power supply box inside the unit or the three filter caps on the main board right where the power supply box connects to the motherboard. Simple fixes for anyone with some soldering experience.


スコア 1

Its a heat distribution problem. Most likely the fan and other cooling components on the console are not working. If its not that then its definitely the motherboard/logic board that has an issue. I have heard it is relatively common for the Xbox One S fan to break though...

Update: After testing a device that ran into this issue I concluded it was a issue with the console overheating. By removing the casing and putting an external fan up to the Xbox it fixed the issue.


スコア 0

I just had hat problem and i just took the power cords apart( spearated them from the brick) for about a minute then put them back together and it started working again.


スコア 0

This fix works 100% for me: unplug your power brick and look towards the male plug. Next *carefully* widen the space between the two male plug to make a tighter & more snug fit when you plug the power cord female end in again. I discovered this , as noticed that if I listened carefully, I could hear arcing (snaps) as the cord was moved even sightly and the problem would manifest itself (aka power down). When I performed the above-mentioned fix, it is good-to-go! Good luck and again, be careful not to break those male plugs on the input of your power brick.


スコア 0

I have this issue with two Xbox ones and both times it was a bent HDMI port . Pretty easy to fix , just need to be gentle . Hope this helps.


スコア 0

2 件のコメント:

OMG I thought y'all were bsing me. I did use a hair dryer on the acdc adapter and it didn't work at first. So I flipped the Xbox one over on it's top. You see years ago (I don't wanna say how many LoL) I worked at a computer store we carried game systems. I can't recall whether it was the PS1 or PS2 would act crazy, so we flipped them upside down and boom fire right back up. Same worked for the Xbox one. Between heating the AC adapter and flipping the Xbox over it fired up. Then I flipped it back over and I am back to State of Decay 2. THANKS SO MUCH FOR THE KNOWLEDGE!!!!!


I think it's the fan not engaging. It must have a safety feature where if that fan doesn't spin it cuts off power.



i took it apart and the hard drive was not plugged in

so i plugged it in and now it works!

Update (02/14/2019)

i took mine apart and the hard drive was not plugged in.

when i plugged it back in it worked perfectly!


スコア 0

I had this similar issue but I got a used broken xbox one off of ebay for cheap thinking it was a cheap fix. I ultimately had to buy the used motherboard and blue ray drive combo kit for 99 from ifixit in order to get this to work. There was a bad capacitor broken off the motherboard from the ebay xbox one. After I replaced the board I of course had to do the offline update which was the 4g ntfs fix. Basically reinstalling the os manually from a thumb drive. I basically wanted to fix it knowing that I can fix it since it was fighting with me.

For the hair dryer method that seems all wrong in many ways and it shouldn’t work. If you blow hot air into the back of the xbox that is and can cause more damage. I would almost think the board gets too hot and the caps heat up and leak or get damaged due to a bad design or bad parts. My board from ifixit had different parts on it and looked newer or refurbished from the other board that was bad but I did resoldering those parts on and it did work but due to the xbox one probably being knocked off a shelf in rage the board was just bad.

The board swap was pretty easy and just takes some time. The sharp aluminum edges almost sliced my hand open a few times but I got all done without issues. The screw replacement kit was also a good idea but didn't come with hard drive screws.  Will be buying more stuff from ifixit again and again. Thanks


スコア 0

Try taking out your power switch and then turning console on if you need to plug the wire into the controller and into the console and power on after I removed the power switch is stop shutting off and stopped beeping on me


スコア 0

My xbox turns on makes a disc eject noise abd turns off at the startup screen


スコア 0


Sounds like an alignment issue. You will need to have the disc drive diagnosed. If the disc drive alignment is off it will tell the system there is a problem and it will in turn shut down the console.



My xbox one original turns on for a second and turns off immediately the light on the brick turns white and goes back to orange I tried everything (hairdryer, vacuum) nothing seems to work. I tried the power brick on my friends xbox and it works fine. Sometimes the Xbox works like nothing happened to it and then it doesn’t work. I’ve also taken the case off to make sure it doesn’t overheat and nothing.


スコア 0


Try cleaning out the power supply brick with a toothpick.. worked for me.



So I’d gone outside and left my xbox on and when I’d come back it’s was turned off so I tried to turn back on and it’s made the power up sound and just won’t turn on, the light on the Xbox turns white and the power brick goes from red to white back to red. I’ve tried cleaning out my xbox and the power brick but nothing seems to work . It turns on and then after about one second turns back off. Anyone got any ideas why


スコア 0

4 件のコメント:

Red means its faulty or its overheated. So the brick is no use. Try buying a new power brick on ebay or amazon.


&&^& that can't u see the answer up top hair dryer


Does a vacuum worm on the Xbox? because I don’t have a blow dryer


Use Blow Dryer!



Use Blow Dryer! A Blow Dryer Might Work


スコア 0

For me the solution was chagning the thermal paste of the transistors.

Just open the brick, unscrew the transistors, remove the old thermal paste (used small pliers) and applied new thermal paste. Screwed things back on and SOLVED!


スコア 0

My Xbox immediately turns off after powering on I used my personal power cord from my working Xbox and I still won't work I know my cord works because it was working for my perfectly fine Xbox I blew hot air to the Xbox using a hair dryer

and it will still not work what do I do ? I need Help!


スコア 0

Hi, my x-box 1s does not turn on no more,just for 1 or 2 seconds the white light turns on in front then turns off,please help me with this issue,ive previously opened it to clean it and nothing took it 2 a repair shop they said it was bad motherboard & they could not repair it,so can i get any advice please.


スコア 0


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