
Wi-Fi付きの初代Apple iPadは16,32,64GBから選べます。モデル番号はA1219。修理は複雑な作業はなく、ヒートガンなどは不要です。

20回答 すべてを表示

No Speaker Sound - Headphones Work Fine

Hi All,

The sound on my iPad all of a sudden stopped working. The sound works fine with headphones in and I can change the volume, but when I unplug the headphones I get absolutely no sound from the speaker, and I can't even change the volume.

I originally thought this must have been a software issue so I went through all the settings, checked mute etc.

After that, I tried a reset using the power and home button, and I even restored to factory settings.

I then changed the speaker with a new one, still no luck.

I have now changed the headphone jack as I thought this may have been interfering, but there is still no sound.

Any help would be very much appreciated!!!



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スコア 82
119 件のコメント

that exact thing has happened to me, did you find a solution?


Clean the charging dock. It has dust in it or it is a little corrosion on it. Take a tooth pick and scrape it out a little bit. The iPad thinks it is connected to a speaker dock.


I have that problem also I will try the toothpick thing


wow thank you Wilgus. it helped . i hope for long


OMG!!! I've been sitting here an hour trying to fix this very problem. One toothpick and problem solved. Thanks a lot guys.






I had the same problem yesterday. The headset worked fine but I could get no sound of my speakers on my iPad 3. I searched all over and there are a variety of answers to this from the absurd to the logical. Needless to say I tried them all.

What worked for me was blowing very hard into the power connector just below the speakers. I had tried compressed air in all the openings and the only place where the speakers worked intermittently was when I was pushing air in to the power connector. I happen to have a dog that sheds a lot of very fine hair. My guess is that one or more of those went inside that slot and insulated some connection. By blowing hard inside I seemed to have cleared the problem but not totally. The sound is still a little bit scratchy.


スコア 21

26 件のコメント:

It worked for me! Thank you! I tried removing and inserting different headphones and it didn't seem to work, I also blew in the headphone area but what worked was blowing in the area of the power connector, the sound seems fine for now.


To be honest, I kept trying it and nothing was happening. After 7 goes and a lot of perseverance, it worked! I would definitely say- 'Don't give up!'


I notice that my iPad mini was doing the same thing yesterday, I went to this web site, and read everyone's comments and the that made sense to me was that it thought it was stilled hooked up to the headphones, which it did, I took and blew hard in the connector for the headphone and the next thing you, not even a minute later volume started back working and headphones was gone. Thanks to the person who suggested this.☺️❤️☺️❤️☺️


if you have a can of compressed air. that works too.


I tried this on my iPod and it still won't work what do I do




I had the same problem with my new iPad. I sent it in and they sent me a new one back and guess what? Same problem.

After speaking with tech support again, one guy suggested that I restore as a new iPad rather than restore from my backup, suggesting it was one of my apps.

So I did this and it worked. One of the keys to this being the culprit for me was that the system sounds still worked fine! By system sounds, I mean the basic alerts, mail swoosh, keypad tones, etc.


スコア 9

8 件のコメント:

I went through all the other fixes mentioned before trying the reset. I saw this comment and I was experiencing the same thing, Netflix, Amazon Prime Video and many others were working fine but many apps only had sound through the headphones. I restored as a new iPad and it is finally working after dealing with this issue for months. Now I am downloading apps back one at a time and can hopefully eliminate the culprit. Thank you for this comment! It is the only mention I've seen after scouring many, many help forums so I needed to leave feedback hopefully helping some other frustrated user.


Did you find the Culprit?


None of them are working and I'm so annoyed and frustrated cause I want to watch YouTube and its the same with it keep on saying that there's head phones in but There's not and I have tried everything can someone please help me cause this is my school iPad and it's killing me no joke


Yes! Best method out there! Granted, I was a little dizzy from blowing into both the connectors. It worked! Thank you! Forget the rest and try this-- works the best!


Try putting it in uncooked rice if none of the methods work




I had the same problem. There is a switch that switches the sound to the head phones when the head phones are pluged in. This switch can get stuck in head phone mode. Get a head phone jack (plug) push it in and out till the switch releases.


スコア 7

18 件のコメント:

This just worked for me. Unplug/plug the headphone jack a bunch of times. Thank you!


Tried most of the other things and this was the one that worked! I was ready to give up, but kept doing it out of sheer desperation - finally after like 50 times it worked! Sound is perfect again :)


I just tried this and it worked after only 3 attempts. Thank you!


Hi, I have tried everything, read all these comments and fiddled around on my iPads settings

It keep on saying it has headphones in. It works on settings when changing the ring tone which is really strange and works with headphones. Please help me and give me advice.

Thanks in advance


Thanks a million! Was going to sell my old iPad with this problem - making a difference of over £100!! Now it's fixed, I'm much richer ! Did the in and out jack thing, coupled with a good hard blow




Clean the charging dock. It has dust in it or it is a little corrosion on it. Take a tooth pick and scrape it out a little bit. The iPad thinks it is connected to a speaker dock.


スコア 5

5 件のコメント:

This work for me keep trying and will work


Check the dock connector for damage or corrosion. Any damage there might cause the iPad think it's connected to a speaker dock.


Thanks. See above comment


Same problem! I cleaned out the charging port and it worked (cleaned carefully with a pin, then blew on it 5 times hard). Thanks!!


Thanks so much! It worked!



This happens to my iPad 4th Gen. Try turning off the iPad, wait 10 seconds, then turn it back on.


スコア 4

5 件のコメント:

Thanks for the response unfortunately that didn't work either :-(


Make sure Bluetooth is turned off. That was my problem.


Bluetooth was my problem too, thanks!


Thank you so much. It worked for me


blue tooth on was my problem, many thanks to whoever suggested that x



The same thing happened to me. When I plugged in headphones, the sound was fine and when I unplugged them, it still kept showing headphones in the volume bar.

I tried mute \ screen rotation switch. Restarted ipad.

Then I launched Skype on ipad and made a video call without the headphones plugged in and it was back to volume (instead of headphones ringer), I opened youtube and the videos were playing with sound.


スコア 2

3 件のコメント:

This seems like a bizarre fix but I was desperate and weirdly enough this actually worked!!


Nothing else was working but for some reason this did!!!! THANK YOU!!!


So grateful; only your workaround helped !,



Try to clean the speaker or apply little bit air pressure


スコア 2

What worked for me was using the toothpick method to push up on the bottom of the dock connector (ipad laying down with screen facing up) something must have been bent out of place when trying to charge or dock the iPad. Be careful not to break the connector. Apply enough pressure to see the connector physically move up.


スコア 2

7 件のコメント:

Your welcome!


After doing most of these suggestions, finally the one that worked was cleaning with a cotton swab moistened with rubbing alcohol on the charging port. Yeah!!!!!


I had the same problem on an iphone 4

-no sound from music, but ringing tone working.

-no volume control in the music app

-in the airplay menu it had only one option; dock connector

After cleaning the dock connector firmly, dry and with rubbing alcohol,

the problem still existed.

I replaced the dock connector accordingly to the Ifixit repair manual, and it worked again.


Its your dock. Mine was doing the exact same thing and i just cleaned it out and blowed it out and it works fine.


What's the charging dock??




Mine started after IOS8 upgrade(related?) started having wifi and no sounds intermittent issues. Just happened again after a few months of no issues. Rebooting didn't fix it. I then shut down all wifi and other option bits and then rebooted. Sound is working now, turned wifi back on and it's working now too.


スコア 1


My solution was the Air-Play had changed to another device, i switched back to ipad and hey presto.


スコア 1

You could take help from this blog - iPad Sound & Speaker Not Working in Games & Apps: Fixed . It is really helpful


スコア 0

I plugged my ipad into speakers... let it play, pulled the cord out while playing, sound stopped then came back on thru ipad speakers!!!

I had tried EVERYTHING else suggested before this!


スコア 0

For some odd reason, I had a combination of bugs, so when I had the same problem, I have switched the system sounds bar up and down (move it from side to side), then, after that only fixed the system sounds, I turned Bluetooth on and off and voilà!


スコア 0

Just completed reset, also used some compressed air to blow out headphone port and docking station, and now sound works again!


スコア 0


I had the same problem today. Sound was only showing option for headphones and not iPad. I had iPad outside listening to it with my earbuds while I was watering hanging ferns and accidentally sprayed water on iPad. Dried it off with no problems. However, a little while later no sound from iPad speakers only from earbuds. So I blow dried the holes with hair dryer for a few seconds and let it sit for a few hours and later had sound return to iPad speakers. Aaahhh



Hi. I couldnt get sound yesterday on my ipad without putting my earphones in. Finally got it to work today. On the right hand edge, above the volume buttons on i pad there is a little switch. if u have a red button its on mute. switch off here and hopefully youll get your sound back. Hope this helps.


スコア 0

I had the same problem. The only "Sound" that worked without headpnones was "Ringtone". With headphones plugged in everything worked fine. After sweeping up from the bottom of my iPad to check the volume setting, I happened to click on the "Airplay" icon and found that it was playing to a set of remote speakers when the headphones were not plugged in. I do not know how Airplay got set to the remote speakers, but that was my problem.


スコア 0

First of all, this is a good reference thread...lots of good trouble shooting options.

This "no sound" problem was going on for about a week on my iPad Air. I finally started trouble shooting it today.

I had the same problem as many others here...no sound from speakers, but did have sound from headphones.

I switch off between Bose wired headphones and a pair of Logitech bluetooth headphones. All of a sudden no sound when not using the headphones.

After trying the reboots, dusty charge slot, etc, I went into settings/bluetooth and first disconnected all the bluetooth devices and then played music from iTunes to test...No sound. I turned bluetooth off, tada!, Sound!

Just seemed like Bluetooth got hung-up blocking sound to speakers.

iPad sound works great again!


スコア 0


I went to turn bluetooth back on on my iPad Air and after about 1-2 minutes the sound cut out. Silence again! Turn Bluetooth back off and speaker sound returned. Not sure what's wrong but Bluetooth and speaker sound are not getting along.



I have this problem, too. I have Bluetooth off and I don't use a charging dock, but I will try cleaning out the ipod charging cord and space. 'Till then, I'm just using headphones and turning the volume all the way up (I don't like to wear them).


スコア 0

Same exact problem. I tried a ton of fixes, none of them worked.

I found that all I had to do was just do a simple restart. To do this, hold down both the home button AND the power button at the same time for 5 seconds (don't worry, it doesn't delete anything.)

This worked perfectly and it was all back to normal :)


スコア 0

I tried all these things and until I plugged my IPad into a powered jack with a movie playing that's when the sound came back!


スコア 0


thank youuu this worked!



1.go to settings and then to sound

2.turn off lock sounds and keyboard sounds.

3.turn them back on

Really worked for me


スコア 0

You can follow this step-by-step trouble-shooting from Apple:



スコア 0

2 件のコメント:

My phone have a same problem but with a very very low sound


Same here! I have sound on speaker but it's very low and sometimes also muffled. Using earphones sounds perfect. I have tried all the ideas above and none worked.



Try connect with the charger again, it works for me.


スコア 0

I will be the first in this thread to say.. I actually had to replace the speaker module on my iPad 3. It was very hard as it required taking out the digitizer, LCD, battery, charging port to replace the speaker which I took from another iPad 3.


スコア 0


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